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Malaysian History

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1511 - 1641


1824-1942 1945-1957















Mainly in Malacca.


1511-1641(130 years).
Was opposed by Malay Aid of Acheh





To conquer the spices trade in East.

To control the maritime trade in east

Food Preserve

Make food more tastey


To warm up body

Black papper, cinnamon

To spread Christianity.

To destroy Islamic Empires in East.

To continue Cross War

Encouragement by Prince Henry thats make :

Diaz had reach Harapans Island (1488)

Vasco da Gama had reach India (1498) Lopez de Sequeira had reach Malacca(1509)

15o9 1510

Lopez and his navy reach Malacca To have diplomatic relation and trade Tun Muhathir discover the true about Portuguese Portuguese army get caught.

Alfonso de Alburquerque and his navy reach Malacca To demand the release of prisoner request damaged Permission to build bunker

Portuguese had attack Malacca. Portuguese conquer Malacca.


Mainly in Malacca.


1641- 1824(183 years).

Was opposed by Malay Received help from Bugis


Dutch have good relationship with Portuguese.

Main customer of spices and other material from east with the Portuguese.

Portugal joined the countries of Spain under the reign of King Philip II,

Dutch went to east to eliminate domination of the Portuguese trade in spices

Portuguese having several attempts to prevent the entry of Dutch ships into East Asia but fail

Allied Dutch East India Company established to consolidate all the Dutch companies in Asia


Captured the Portuguese fort in Ambon and make the island as the first colony in the Malay Archipelago

1640 1641

Dutch have made a treaty with Sultan Johor to Conquer Malacca Dutch-Malay coalition attacks had failed and Malacca remained under Portuguese colony for the next 35 years.

Dutch and the Malays had surrounded the city of Malacca and prevent the entry of food supplies. People from Johor to control the river and the villages around the city Dutch to control access from the sea

Dutch conquer Malacca. The centre of Dutch activity in Batvia (Jakarta) in island of Jawa. Dutch only intrested in the tin ore in the malay peninsula.


Colonized the whole Peninsula Malaysia. 1824-1942 1945-1957(130 years). Was strongly opposed by the countrys population



The Chronology of British Colinization

1786 Penang Island Was founded by Francis Light Singapore was founded by Stamford Raffles


The Dutch handed over Malacca to the British as result of the Anglo-Dutch Treaty 1824 Penang island, Malacca and Singapore were combined into Straits Settlement 1826


British intervention in Perak through The Pangkor Agreement. British intervention in Sungai Ujung.


British intervention in Pahang


Perak, Selangor, N. Sembilan & Pahang Were united into Federated Malay States.


Siam handed over Kedah, Perlis, Kelantan & Terengganu to The British due to Bangkok Treaty. This called Unfederated Malay States.


Johor accepted a British advisor

The British Military Administration (BMA) was established. 1945 The Malayan union was established on peninsula Malaya 1946 The federation of Malaya was established to replace Malayan Union 1948

Malaya Achieved Independence


Colonized the entire country.


1942-1945 (3 1/2 years).

Was opposed by the whole country


The entire country were defeated in only 70 days.

Attack from 2 direction: East & West

Main Aim: To establish a New Great East Asia government.

12 December 1941 Jitra was captured followed by Penang Island & Slim River.

From Kota Bharu to kuantan and lastly to Mersing

Jan 1942: Japanese enter Kuala Lumpur.

Delay in military aid from London and India.

Two British ships were sunk by the Japanese that the Prince of Wales and Repulse.

Success factor Of Capturing Tanah Melayu

The British are not ready.

Japanese troops are trained and very disciplined


Whose Involved ?

British And Dutch

Main Aim

Ending all rivalry between British & Dutch

Why Happen

Dutch not happy with the British Occupation Singapore Dutch were indebted to the British : Napoleonic War

Content of Treaty

Dutch handed over Malacca to The British in exchange Of Bangkahulu Area of south of Singapore continued to belong to the Dutch British Control North Agreed to work together to eradicate pirate activities

Malay Archipelago was split into 2 sphere of Dutch & British influence

Johor-Riau Empire ended as Johor now belonged to British &Island Riau belong to the Dutch.

To Malaysia, the split of two region effects the 2 different culture remain even until today

Dutch and British trade rivalry continued to grow in Intensity.


Whose Involved ?

Between Raja Abdullah and Sir Andrew Clarke British

Main Aim

To start the British intervention In Perak And to save their trade in perak

Why Happen

To end the struggle for the throne. Chaos broke out with the Larut War( the clamour for control of the tin mines) that involved Chinese Secret socities Gee Hin and Haisan

Content of Treaty

Raja Abdullah was acknowledged as the legitimate Sultan to replace Sultan Ismail who would be given a title and a pension of 1000 Mexican pesos a month. The Sultan would receive a British Resident whose advice had to be sought and adhered to in all matters except those pertaining to the religion and customs of the Malays. All collections and control of taxes as well as the administration of the state would be done in the name of the Sultan, but the Sultan was to govern according to the advice and consent of the Resident. The Minister of Larut would continue to be in control but would no longer be recognized as a liberated leader. Instead, a British officer, who would have vast authority in administering the district, would be appointed in Larut. The Sultan, and not the British government, would pay the salary of the Resident. Perak ceded Dinding and Pangkor Island to the United Kingdom

British have stop the fighting between the triad

Perak Received First Resident : J.W.W Birch

British Control the Ore tin In Perak

Sultan & Local Official lose his power.


Whose Involved ?

British and Siamese Government

Main Aim

To restrict the expansion of Siamese power to other Malay states. Protected British interest in Malaya.

Why Happen

To eliminate the Bangkok Treaty on 1826

Content of Treaty

Siamese handed over Perlis, Kedah, Kelantan, and Terengganu to British Siamese repeal the privileges of British territories and Britain had to give up the right to judge the British people in Siam Siamese agree not to rent any territory to the other powers. Federated Malay States Government agrees to bear all the associated debt of the four states that are acquired and loaned money of 4 million pounds to the Siamese . Terminated the Bangkok Treaty 1826.

The agreement made it difficult to other western power to penetrates malay states.

Facilitated the process of expansion of British Power in Malaya.

Established the border between Malaya and Siam

Further British Adviser appointed to serve in Perlis, Kelantan and Kedah. City receives British Adviser in 1919.

Malay states Involve

Selangor, Perak, Pahang & N. Sembilan. Through Federation Agreement in 1896 Resident-General. Frank Swettenham

How they Form ?


To address Pahang's Financial problems

For the purpose of efficiency and uniformity in administration

To check the resident power

For security.

Role : to advice on all aspects of government except on issues related to Islam and Malay customs

Had power over matters relating to finance & the primary sources income Control the administrative power In K. Lumpur

Establishment of federal department

Led to the employment more British Officers Gradual loss of powers of the ruler in their own state Malay Ruler grew uneasy with this situation

Aim : to increase the power of the rulers and the residents in the states concerned but weakening sultans power
High commissioner

Resident- General

4 sultan

4 resident

4 unofficial members (3 Europeans 1 chinese)

Malay states Involve

Johor, Terengganu, Kelantan, Kedah & Perlis

How they Form ?

Through Burney Treaty 1909


No Leader Only British Advisor were sent to each states to help sultan manage their states

To prevent the Malay states from communicates with other western power.

Conquer the 5 Malay states.

New rule by British have weakened the power of sultan in each states.

Gorge Maxwell try to introduce west culture in kedah.

Meadowe Frost tried to strengthen the power to legislate and introducing a new department in Perlis

The British also control of some important departments such as the High Court In Kelantan

Malay states Involve

Singapore, Malacca & Penang


First capital state with Governor as head. ( Pulau Pinang) Administration was transferred Calcutta in India to the colonial office in London.

After the Anglo-Dutch Treaty 1824, Penang, is administered by the Lieutenant Governor.

Malacca and Singapore administered by the Resident.

In 1826, the three states combined to form the Straits Settlements

The consolidation is intended to streamline and save on administration.

Transfer of administration to London in 1867 was because the East India Company (SHTI) in India are not concerned with the welfare of the Straits Settlements Pressure from the merchant that not satisfied with the policy of the British Colonial Office in India and the East India Company proposed to remove the threat to Singapore's free port status of commercial development in the Straits Settlements. uncontrolled Immigrants from China, had caused chaos and local people against the British Colonial Office in India that has made Singapore as a place of exile of prisoners from India. This situation had accelerate the transfer of administrative centre in London.

All the people in each country start to fight against the British.

Each country have their own leader such as Tok Janggut in Kelantan, Dol said in Naning and many more.

Many people willing to fight for their states ( increase in nationalism spirit)

People start realize to fight for their independence. Many organization was established such as KMM, UMNO, MCA , AWAS and many more.
They also start use mass media to struggle for independence

Aim : To combine Federated Malay & Non Federated Malay.

Individuals voiced their opposition through Mass Media such as Utusan Melayu and Majlis.

Various Parties opposed the setting up of Malayan Union especially from Malays.

The granting of citizenship to the nonMalays

Erosion Of Malay rulers power and Soveregnty

McMichael's threats in getting the rulers to sign agreement.

The entry of Chinese and Indian labor has resulted in racial segregation by economic activity

The natives continued to separate from economic development

Their lifestyle, language and religion differ.

Construction of railways

Construction of roads has facilitated the relationship between large cities and small towns

Communication syste ms such as telephone, radio, postal and telegr aph facilitates communication.

The emergence of a new city in the early settlements and mining areas

For example, Taiping, Ipoh, Kuala Lumpur and Seremban.

Form of secular education to the children of farmers and fishermen.

No secondary schools in Malay. Malay students to remain as farmers and fishermen.

This school graduates taking office the police, teachers and low positions in government departments.

Chinese School financed by the Chinese.

Grow without control of the British.

Syllabus, teachers and textbooks brought directly from China.

Constructed by individuals and society of India.

Located in the rubber estate. Syllabus, teachers and textbooks brought from India. Supervisor or Kangani also serve as teachers.

British Colonial Period

Prior to British colonization, traditional economic activities was carried out.

Gardening Fishing Rearing animals Mining Gathering of forest products

Chinese use more modern methods.

British intervention include many Chinese labor ers.

Chinese miners in the mining replaces the role of Malay.

Slow process because they had no knowledge of the rubber

Demand for rubber increased

Prices fell because plan ting is not planned

The use of currency Gold, silver, tin, gold mussels, Spanish silver coins, paper money of the Straits Settlements.

Establishment of the bank.

Loan facility.

European banks.

Local banks.

Bank in Sarawak.

Focus on macro economic de velopment

Eradicate poverty among the poor

Prosperity for all as the core of national developme nt

The expansion of information technology infrastructure

Entrepreneurs develop specific programs

The main goal (RMK 8)

To improve the living standards of all walks of life.

Programs to improve productivity and efficiency

Health programs that contribute to social development.

Educational programs contribute to human resource development


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