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Metal Reactions

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Metals and Reactions 15/05/23

WHAT: To learn how to display chemical reactions

CORE: What might you see to know CHALLENGE: What is a

a chemical reaction is happening? chemical reaction?

KILLER: Can you think of any examples of chemical reaction?

Metals and Reactions 15/05/23

Answer the following questions whilst watching the video.

CORE: What observations

might show a chemical reaction?

CHALLENGE: What is a
chemical reaction?

KILLER: Which of the diagrams below show a chemical reaction and why?.

• Colour change
CORE: What observations • Temperature change
might show a chemical reaction? • Fizzing/gas given off
• Light

CHALLENGE: What is a
chemical reaction? Key Point:
A chemical reaction involves
the atoms of reactants being
rearranged to form NEW
Hook Feedback
Atom 1 Atom 2

+ → +
Key Point:
The+law of conversation
→ of +
mass says that no atoms can
be created or destroyed.
+ → +
+ → +
Worked Example
Learning Outcomes

• To name simple compounds from reactions between metals

and non-metals.

• Write word equations between metals and non-metals.

Metals and Reactions

Core: Complete the live worksheet posted on the Team.

After completing the worksheet can you write any rules for
naming compounds?

Extension: Can you

name any of these

H2 O
Naming Compounds
To name simple compounds of metals and non-metals:

1. Write down the name of the metal.

2. Write down the name of the non-metal,
changing the ending of the word to “-ide”.

What is the name of the compound made when the

following elements combine?

 magnesium and oxygen

magnesium oxide
 sodium and chlorine
sodium chloride
 oxygen and iron
iron oxide
Naming Compounds
What is the name of each compound formed by these
metal and non-metal elements?
Element 1 Element2 Name of compound
iron sulphur iron sulphide
magnesium nitrogen magnesium nitride
sodium chlorine sodium chloride
tin oxygen tin oxide
aluminium bromine aluminium bromide
nickel iodine nickel iodide
zinc sulphur zinc sulphide
lithium nitrogen lithium nitride
Extension: What is the difference between iron sulphate and iron sulphide?
Naming Compounds
Many compounds contain more than two elements.
For compounds containing two elements plus oxygen,
the ending of the other non-metal usually changes to “-
Element 1 Element 2 Element 3 Name of compound
nickel sulphur oxygen nickel sulphate
magnesium nitrogen oxygen magnesium nitrate
sodium nitrogen oxygen sodium nitrate
copper sulphur oxygen copper sulphate
aluminium bromine oxygen aluminium bromate
Making Metal Compounds

You are now going to heat

some magnesium and copper
ribbon using some tongs
over a roaring flame.

1. Predict what compounds you are going to

2. Predict what you might see.
3. What safety precautions must we take?
Worksheet - Making Compounds Summary
Magnesium reaction:
When we heated themagnesium
________ using the bunsen burner it
reacted with _______
oxygen in the air to form magnesium
oxide. bright
The reaction produced a _______ glow as compound
the elements
reacted and then they turned to an ash like _______
(magnesium oxide).
Copper reaction:
When we heated the _______ using the Copper oxide
bunsen burner it
reactive in the air to form ________
reacted with oxygen
_______. black
Copper isn’t as _________ as magnesium so it just glows
red andoxide
then producesmagnesium reactive
_______ copper oxide. oxygen
Naming Compounds
Write the following sentences as word equations.
Example: Sodium reacts with chlorine to make a salt.
Sodium + Chlorine  Sodium Chloride

Silver + Oxygen –> Silver Oxide

Sodium + Oxygen  Sodium Oxide

Iron + Sulphur  Iron Sulphide

Magnesium + Chlorine  Sodium Chloride

• You have 30 seconds to write down 6 of the options below.
• I will then read clues out and if the answer is a word you have written
down you can cross it off!
• Shout BINGO when you have crossed off all 6!

Sodium Chloride
Iron Sulphide
Magnesium Nitride
Lead Oxide
Aluminium Bromide
Lithium Nitride
Sheets :

Developing: Complete worksheet 8Ga5 Metals and properties

Securing: Complete worksheet 8Ga6 Useful properties
Exceeding: Complete worksheet 8Ga4 Metals Reacting

Textbook pages 102

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