Azmina Shafi (2019-BM-013), Rafia Umoodi (2019-BM-014), Lamia Bint e Shaheen (2019-BM-022), Ayesha Farhan (2019-BM-041)
Azmina Shafi (2019-BM-013), Rafia Umoodi (2019-BM-014), Lamia Bint e Shaheen (2019-BM-022), Ayesha Farhan (2019-BM-041)
Azmina Shafi (2019-BM-013), Rafia Umoodi (2019-BM-014), Lamia Bint e Shaheen (2019-BM-022), Ayesha Farhan (2019-BM-041)
• System is designed to serve the purpose of
helping people to monitor their vital
parameters. Heart rate is calculated as BPM
(beats per minute) using a Pulse Oximeter
and Heart Rate sensor. Motion tracking
sensor is also used. Esp8266 is used as a
controller.OLED is used for display. References
• For coding Arduino IDE is used and for app
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