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Cry of Revolution

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History of Cry of Revolution

• Cavite Mutiny (1872) • La Liga Filipina (July 3, 1892)

• GomBurZa Execution (Feb. • Rizal's Exile in Dapitan (1892-

17,1872) 1896)

• Francisco Zaldua • La Liga Filipina-KKK, until it was

discovered on August 19, 1896
• "Treason and Sedition" which led to..

• El Filibusterismo (September 18, • Cry of Revolution (1896)

1891) "The Reign of Greed“
   "CRY OF
What is First Cry?

• The term "Cry" is translated from
the Spanish "El Grito De
Rebellion" which means "Cry for
Rebellion/ Revolution"

"The First Cry"

• The "First Cry" is generally signified as the 'first call

for rebellion'. It is marked as the beginning of
Philippine Revolution  or seeking of independence for
the Philippines from Spanish colonial rule with the use
of violence and arms. 
The 8 Provinces that
Represent the 8 Rays of the
Sun in the Philippine Flag

• Manila • Laguna
• Bulacan • Tarlac
• Pampanga • Nueva Ecija
• Cavite
• Batangas
With the initiative of Andress Bonifacio and his colleagues, they
founded a Philippine revolutionary organization commonly known as
Katipunan or KKK with its primary goal to gain independence from
Spain through a revolution

The Katipunan was a secret organization until it was discovered in

1896 which led to the start the Philippine Revolution, which is now
called as the "first cry"
The main purpose was to escape the tyranny
at the hands of the Spaniards. This was
Andress Bonifacio's goal to lead the
katipuneros into a battle for the nation's
independency, the exile of Rizal in Dapitan
and the avenge of GomBurZa execution.


-Tearing up of community tax certificates or

cedula (cedulas personales) symbolizes the
termination of Katipunero's loyalty to Spanish

-Patriotic shout such as "Viva la

independecia Filipina" or "Long Live
Philippine Indepence!" Was to express the goal
of their secret society.
Pio Valenzuela
Former Governor of Bulacan

• Filipino Physician and

Revolutionary Leader

Surrendered to General Ramon Bianco

after he returned to Manila on
September 3, 1896. A month after the
said cry, which started the revolution. He
stated in an investigation led by
Francisco Olive, that the cry of
Balintawak was the first staging point of
the Philippine revolution and happened
on the 26th of August 1896 on a
Source: Pio Valenzuela. "Cry of Pugadlawin" in Gregorio Zaide and Sonia
Zaide, Documentary Sources of Philippine History, Volume 8 (Manila:
National Book Store, 1990), 301-302

First Five

•      Andress Bonifacio 
•      Emilio Aguinaldo
•      Procopio Bonifacio
•      Teodora Plata
•      Aguedo del Rosario
•      Pio Valenzuela

500 katipuneros met on the place

of Apolonio Samson.
1000 katipuneros met on August
23,1896 in the yardof Juan Ramos.
Santiago Alvarez 
Revolutionary general and a founder and honorary
president of the first directorate of the Nacionalista
• July 25,1872- October
30,1930 -Son of Mariano
Alvarez  and relative of
Gregoria de Jesus, he was
prominent Katipunan
warlord of Cavite.
•  Known as Kidlat ng Apoy -
Wrote his own version of
the "Cry of Balintawak"
which he called it "Cry of
Bahay-Toro -According to
him the first cry happened
on August 24 1896 
10 o'clock in the morning ,
12 o clock noon, the meeting
katipuneros arrived at the barn of
was adjourned, katipuneros
Melchora Aquino to join Andress
shouting "Long Live the Sons
Bonifacio and his men
of the Country!"
Gregoria de Jesús 
Former Vice President of the Tagalog
• May 9, 1857- March

• Also known as Aling

Oriang -Wife of  Supremo
Andress Bonifacio

• Lakambini ng Katipunan
Gregoria de Jesús 
Former Vice President of the Tagalog

• She was the one who kept

the important documents,
seal and weapons of the
Katipunan which have
constantly endangered her
life just to be able to keep
them safe.
Gregoria de Jesús 
Former Vice President of the Tagalog
• Right after the outbreak of the
revolution, she went to her
parents in Caloocan while
Bonifacio continued with the war.
When she was informed that the
Spanish authorities were going to
arrest her, she went to Manila and
later on joined Bonifacio in the
fight against the Spanish
- When theywas
-Gregoria werewith
about to parents
her get
arrested, Andress Bonifacio and the -She found out that the people in the
and learned from her parents -She
-At returned
11 o clock in Manila
at night, when she
Gregoria was
-When memberstown
katipuneros left wereand
arrested, they
that was houses she visited were punished,
that the Spanish were going to driven
went away by
though La people,
Loma reason
to was they
when the Firstreturned to Caloocan 
Cry began on August seized, some were exiled, including her
arrest her. were afraid of her
25, 1896 uncle
Captain Olegario Diaz 

• Spanish Commander of the • Stated that the cry happened

Guardia Civil Veterana in on August 25,1896
Manila has also included the
date of the First Cry in his • Investigated the discovery of
official report findings. the Katipunan
• Bonifacio and his men fled to a nearby town of • Supreme council called a meeting on
Caloocan August 25 1896
• 23rd of August 1896, Bonifacio went to •  Discussion on their next move, which was
Balintawak followed by his 200 men to surrender and Bonifacio opposed.
Guillermo Masangkay 
One of the first members of the Katipunan

• A member of Katipunan

• Guillermo Masangkay, a friend

and adviser of Andres Bonifacio,
was born on June 25, 1867
in Tondo, Manila. Masangkay, one
of the first members of the

• Stated that the first rally occurred

on a barrio at Balintawak, near
Manila on August 26, 1896
Source: Guillermo Masangkay, "Cry of Balintawak" in Gregorio Zaide
and Sonia Zaide, Documentary Sources of Philippine History,
Volume 8 (Manila: National Book Store, 1990) 307-309 • Nine o clock in the morning when the meeting
happened, Bonifacio's leadership and Emilio
• A meeting was held in the house of Apolonio Samson Jacinto acting as secretary 
on August 26, 1896 • Teodoro Plata, B, Pantas, and P. Valenzuela
• Attendees were Bonifacio, Emilio Jacinto, Aguedo del opposed the plan as they said they that it would
Rosario, Tomas Remegio, Briccio Pantas, Teodoro only harm them in the end if preparations are
Plata, and Pio Valenzuela who were the leaders of inadequate.
Katipunan and board of directors of the organization • Plata stated that starting the revolution early could
go wrong without weapons and food.
• Masangkay stated that when Andress
Bonifacio felt that he would lose the
argument, he left the meeting and
talked to the people.

• Bonifacio told them that the leaders

were discussing about the starting of
Revolution early. He appealed in the
fiery speech, persuading the people to
revolt and fight with him.
• People started shouting as one 

• Bonifacio asked the people to

their cedulas as a sign of their
promised to revolt, since it was
the symbol of their

• The tearing of cedulas was

their declaration of severance
from the Spanish government 
• As they destroy their cedulas, it also
meant that they could no longer back
• The Spanish government will
persecute them if they were seen
without their cedulas.
• Since people who had no cedulas
were severely, punished by the
• He stated that there is no other
choice now, as they have already
destroyed their cedulas.
• Majority of the people in the
meeting voted for the revolution 
-The Katipuneros were divided in strategic positions for the
attack of civil guards. Masangkay was with the group stationed
in the bank of a small creek, guarding the places where the
Spaniards might pass 
-Civil Guards fired which resulted to a huge firestorm
-Masangkay remembers
Bonifacio when he appeared
that day 
-A cultured man even though
he was just warehouseman
with an earning of 25 pesos
-Wore coats, ties, and hats
with an umbrella on his side 
-At the meeting on 26th,
Bonifacio removed his coat,
leaving him with his collared
shirt with tie.
-The Katipuneros were
divided in strategic
positions for the attack of
the civil guards 
-Masangkay was with the
group stationed in the
bank of a small creek ,
guarding the places
where the Spaniards
might pass 
-Civil guards fired which
resulted to a huge
               Don Vicente Samson 
• An eye-witnessed of the "Cry of
Balintawak" in 1896 and the first
encounter between
Katipuneros and Spaniards
• Cousin of Apolonio Samson who
was part of the revolution 
• Verified the statement of
Masangakay's version of the first
• Own and manage the well known
Samson Gravel and Sand Company
• Undefeated barrio lieutenant of
Balinggasay District
• Don Samson insists that the first Cry happened on August 26, 1896, as he had noted the
date himself
• He was 12 years old when it happened, along with his father and brother
• Participated in the ceremonies and war
-Simplicio Acabo, a neighbor of Samson's who had sacrificed his life in the
desire to capture an enemey's riffles ; first to die in revolution
• Don Vicente strongly believes
that the First Cry happened in
Dr. Borromeo Buehler
• Agrees Guillermo Masangkay, who claimed to be
of the secret Chamber of Katipunan
On the night of 24th and 25th of August 1896, possibly without the
katipunan authorization, a group of malhechores raided Chinese dry
goods stores in Balintawak, drawing fire from the Civil Guard. But
this incidents preceded the encounter in the following day when the
Civil Gurad clashed with the Katipuneros , this according to Dr.
Borromeo Buehler, was the start of the Philippine Revolution of

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