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Public Relations: Ph.D. Lecturer Mara Gabriela Ploeșteanu

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Ph.D. Lecturer Mara Gabriela Ploeșteanu

• Ph.D. lecturer Mara Gabriela Ploeșteanu (PR course and
seminar professor)
• Graduate Faculty of Commerce, Marketing specialization,
Bucharest University of Economic Studies (2003), Business
Administration Master Program (2005), Ph.D. (2012)
• Worked at the Faculty of Marketing since 2009
• Teaches: Marketing, Marketing Communication, Public
• Keywords: marketing, people, responsibility, sports, adventure
• Very proud of: ‘my family and my students’.
• Awards: Bologna Teacher (2019) – ‘another thing that I am
very proud of and grateful for’
• Latest professional achievement: Career-oriented mentor in the
‘Future Stars’ project
• Motto: ‘Enjoy life and learn as much as you can from it’
• E-mail address:
• Purpose: to get a little familiar with the field of public relations and the
role they play in the marketing activity of an organization.

• Main topics: concept of public relations, methods, techniques, and tools

used by practitioners in the field. More specifically, we will discuss media
relations, crisis management, ethics, and social responsibility. We will also
discuss how we can plan and implement a public relations campaign.

• Seminar: the main skills we will practice are related to research, analysis,
writing, presentation, and teamwork.
Teamwork system and Citation system
During the seminar, you will work in teams (3-5 people). As an exception, individual homework can be
done, but the assigned workload is related to a team of at least 3 people. The teams are established from
the beginning of the semester, and their composition cannot be changed.
Citation system
For writing your seminar papers, you will use a series of references. I am referring here not only to
traditional books and scientific articles in databases, but also to websites, images, music, videos, etc.
When the information you refer to in your text does not belong to you, please specify the source. The way
you do this is called citation. Regarding the citation, I can tell you that there are several citation systems
known all over the world, but in this seminar, as well as in your bachelor's thesis, you will use Harvard
Style. I invite you to use this citation system; more details can be found at It is important to use a citation system from
now on.
Outcomes Assessment

• Final Exam: 50% of the final grade.

• Exam: written exam on campus (multiple choice test).
• Seminar: 50% of the final grade.
• PR Final grade = seminar score + exam score ( to pass Public
Relations, you must obtain grade 5).
Public Relations Tasks
1. Colleague Profile Article (individual task):
• Each student will write an article about a colleague they choose. The articles will be
uploaded on, in the section opened for this topic.
• Seminar: PowerPoint presentation.
• Date of presentation: Seminars 4 and 5
• Final grade: 1-10 (10%)
• 60% content, 40% presentation
2. A speech presentation (individual task):
• The speech will be made considering one of the following topics, at your choice:
graduation ceremony/bachelor thesis topic/interview for a potential job (if you
have other topic proposals for your speech, please let me know).
• Seminar: presentation format at the student’s choice
• Date of presentation : Seminars 6 and 7
• Final grade: 1-10 (10%)  
• 60% content, 40% presentation
3. An article on a mobile app or web platform (team task):
• Each team will choose a mobile application or a web platform
considered useful for public relations and/or marketing (tool). The
articles will be uploaded on, in the section opened for
this topic. For the seminar: PowerPoint presentation.
• Date of presentation : Seminars 8 and 9
• Final grade: 1-10 (10%)
• 60% content, 40% presentation
4. PR campaign (team task):
• Project topic: a PR campaign.
• PPT presentation for both and the seminar
• You will have to follow the major steps of a PR campaign plan.
• Date of presentation : Seminars 11 and 12
• Final grade: 1-10 (10%)
• 60% content, 40% presentation
5. Case study (team task):
• Date of presentation : Seminar 13
• Final grade: 1-10 (10%)
• Only students who will attend the seminar and present the
case study will receive a grade for this topic.
PR course structure:

1. Introduction in PR
2. Short history of PR and PR definitions
3. PR programs
4. Communication in PR
5. PR and crisis management
6. Techniques used in PR
7. Ethics in PR

PR ppt. (cumpulsory)
Wilcox, D.L., Cameron, G.T., Public Relations Strategies and Tactics, Tenth
Edition, Pearson Education, 2012 (optional)

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