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English For International Business Communication

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English for

International Business
Unit One

Establishing Business Relations

I. Teaching aims and requirements:

• where to get the information about foreign

• the steps in establishing business
• how to write letters about establishing
business relations
• useful words and expressions in
establishing business relations
II. Resources/Materials:

• 戚云方,《新编外经贸英语函电与谈判》浙
江大学出版社, 2007
• 戚云方,《新编外经贸英语写作与套语》浙
江大学出版社, 2007
• 诸葛霖,《外贸英文书信》(第三版)对外
经贸大学出版社, 2007
• PPT slide shows: Establishing Business
III. Study of the Background Knowledge:

1. Why do foreign trade firms need a lot of

business connections?
2. From what sources can we obtain
information about foreign firms?
3. What are the steps in establishing business
4. How to write a “First Enquiry”?
5. Replies to the first enquiry
1. Why do foreign trade firms need a lot of business

Because they should maintain or

expand their business activities, foreign
trade firms need a lot of business
2. From what sources can we obtain information
about foreign firms?

– Banks
– Chambers of Commerce in foreign
– Trade Directory
– Chinese Commercial Counsellor’s office in
foreign countries
– Business Houses of the same trade
– Advertisements, exhibitions or fairs
– The internet
3. What are the steps in establishing business

• Firstly, get the names and addresses of the

firms you want to do business with;

• Secondly, make “Status Enquiries” by writing

to your bank or any chambers of commerce
or enquiry agencies;

• Finally, send a letter (which is usually called

“First Enquiry”) or a circular to the firm
concerned to build trade relations with.
4. How to write a “First Enquiry”?

– Begin by telling the recipient how you got

their names and addresses or simply make
a self-introduction;
– State your intentions of doing business
with them;
– Give some chief information about the lines
of your business;
– At times the reference as to your financial
position and integrity is also added;
– Hope for an early reply.
5. Replies to the first enquiry:

They must be prompt, courteous and

complete so as to create goodwill and
leave a good impression on the reader
----the firm you will do business with.
IV. Study of the Specimen Letters :
• Please go over Letter One and then
answer the following questions:

• 1. In what letter style is this letter written?

• 2. Who wrote it? The Buyer or the Seller? Why

• ?
• 3. What’s the main idea of this letter?
IV. Study of the Specimen Letters :
A. Useful Words and Expressions:
• 1. with reference to: referring to 关于
• 2. to enter into / build up / establish
trade/business relations/relationships with sb.
与某人建立贸易 / 业务关系
• 3. line n. (释义及用法见后)
• 4. in compliance with: in accordance with 按照,
符合, 与…相一致
• 5. in compliance with your request: 按照你方要

A. Useful Words and Expressions:
• 同义短语: as requested
• at your request
• as per your request
• 6. for sb.’ reference 供某人参考(用法见后)
• 7. to meet sb.’s interest 使某人感兴趣
• 8. specific enquiry 具体询价
• 9. to furnish sb. with sth. 向某人提供某物
• 10. the conclusion of business/a deal/ a
dealing/ a transaction 成交
B. Study of professional words:

• line n.
• 1. 行业,业务
• I’m in the textile line. It’s my desire to have a share in
your trade.
• Their line of business is light industrial products.
• We have been in business since 1935, and therefore
have wide experience in all the lines we handle.
• 自从 1935 年我们就开始经商了,因此我们在经营的所有行当方面具有
• What’s his line?
• 2. (货品)种类,系列
• We are going to present the full line of shoe samples
at the Paris Shoe Show opening on February 1.
• 我方将于 2 月 1 日开幕的巴黎靴鞋展览会上展出各类靴鞋样品。
B. Study of professional words:

• 3. 货品
• We have considered your proposal to receive a trial
delivery of our raincoats on consignment and are
sending you a representative selection of our most
popular lines.
• 我方已考虑贵方关于用寄售的方式销售我方雨衣的建议,现

• 4. (航运,航空)公司
• The shipping line lost considerably by it.
• 该航运公司由此受到相当大的损失。
B. Study of professional words:
• in compliance with your request 按照你方要求
• 同义短语: as requested
• at your request
• as per your request
• In compliance with your request, we enclose
our latest catalogue and pricelist.
• As requested, we have covered the goods
against All Risks.
• At your request, we now make you our offer as
• As per your request, the goods are stenciled
with “Handle With Care”.
• catalogue a printed list or booklet of goods with necessary
descriptions 商品目录本
• 在商务英语中,卖方常用来介绍自己产品的宣传资料有:
• leaflet n. a single sheet or printed paper, sometimes folded to form
several pages, containing matter either advertizing a product or giving
directions on how to use it (散页 / 折叠)活页说 明书,传单
• prospectus n. a leaflet or a printed paper giving information about a
product 说明书
• booklet n. (纸面)
• brochure n. a small book consisting of a few pages in a paper cover;
advertizing material in this form (纸面)小册子
• pamphlet n. brochure, booklet 小册子
• catalogue n. a list, usually in the form of a book, of goods for sale with
or without prices or pictures 商品目录本
e.g. illustrated catalogue; catalogue with illustrations
• literature (大本)
B. Study of professional words:
• for your reference 供你方参考
• We are enclosing a complete set of our catalogues for
your reference.
• Similar expressions :
• for your perusal 供你方细阅
• for your study 供你方研究
• for your inspection 供你方检查
• for your information 奉告
• We are forwarding you by airmail one catalogue and a
few sample books for your perusal .
• 现向你方航邮奉上我方目录和一些样本,供你方参考。
• For your information we completed shipment of your
order on S.S. Daqing on 3rd May.
• 奉告,我们已于 5 月 3 日将你方订货装上“大庆”轮。
IV. Study of the Specimen Letters :
• Please go over Letter Two and then
answer the following questions:

• 1. Who wrote the letter? The Buyer or the

• 2. What’s the main idea of this letter?
• 3. Does the writer say what he is doing to
make the recipient familiar with his products?
• 4. Does the writer mention the conditions on
which business will be concluded?
A. Useful Words and Expressions:

• 1.specialize vi. vt. 专门从事 ; 使…专门从事(用法见后)

• (specialize in; be specialized in)
• 2. to give sb. a general idea of sth.
• to acquaint sb. with sth. 使某人了解 / 熟悉某事
• 3. enclose vt. 随函附上(用法见后)
• 4. handle vt. 经营(用法见后)
• 5. specification n. 规格(常用复数)
• 6. quotation n. 报价,报盘
• 7. sample n. 样品(用法见后)
• 8. on/upon (the) receipt of 一俟收到
• 9. to conclude business 成交
• 10. inspection (商品)检验
B. Study of professional words:

• specialize vi. vt. deal exclusively in

• 专门从事 ; 使…专门从事
• (specialize in; be specialized in)

• We are pleased to inform you that we specialize in

• 我们专门经营陶瓷器。

• Being specialized in the export of Chinese Art and Craft

goods, we express our desire to trade with you in this
• 我们专门出口中国工艺品,愿与贵方开展这方面业务。
B. Study of professional words:

• enclose v. 随函附上
• We enclose (are enclosing) a price list for our
available items.
• 随函附上我方可供货的商品价目表。
• Enclosed is(are) our catalogue(s).
• Please see the enclosed photo.
• Enclosed please find one copy each of our pricelist
and catalogue.
• 随函附上我方价目表及商品目录本各一份,请查收。

• We enclose (herein) (herewith) our revised quotation,

subject to our final confirmation.
• 随函附上修订后的价格单,以我方最后确认为有效。
• enclose v. attach 随函附上

• Cf. to send sth. under separate cover

• to send sth. by separate post/mail/airmail
• 另封,另邮
• We are sending you under separate cover by airmail a
copy of our latest catalog.
• 兹另封航邮我方最新目录本一份。
• To comply with your request, we are mailing you a
sample cup by separate post.
• 按照你方要求,现向你另邮杯具样品一份。
B. Study of professional words:

• handle v.
• 1. deal in (sth.) 经营
• We are pleased to inform you that we handle/deal in the goods you

• Cf. We deal in Chemical Products with ABC Co.

• 我们同 ABC 公司一道经营化工品。

• We wish to introduce ourselves to you as a state-operated

corporation dealing exclusively in light industrial goods.
• 我们是专营轻工产品的国营公司。

• Specializing (Being specialized) in the export of Chinese Art and

Craft Goods, we express our desire to trade with you in this line.
• 我们专门出口中国工艺品,愿与贵方开展这方面业务。

• We have appointed an agent to handle our export trade with your
• 我方已委派一家代理商经营我方对贵国的出口贸易。
• handle v.
• 2. 处理
• We hope you will handle this matter with the
utmost care.
• 希望贵方谨慎处理此事。

• 3. 搬运,装卸
• Handle With Care.
• (运输包装上的装运指示用语)小心轻放(小心装
B. Study of professional words:

• sample n. specimen; sth. taken from a lot to show what the rest
is like 样品
• Quotations and samples will be sent to you upon receipt of your
specific enquiries.
• 一俟收到你们的具体询价,我们当即寄样、报价。
• Please send us the representative samples.
• 请寄来有代表性的样品。
• In practice, representative samples, or called original samples, or
type samples, are usually sent by the seller to the buyer, and at
the same time, duplicate samples or keep samples are always
kept by the seller for later reference. (Sale by Seller’s Sample)
• 实际上,通常是由卖方将代表样品,或称原样、标准样寄给买方,同时,
• Quality is about equal to the sample.
• 品质与样品大致相同。
• Quality is similar to the sample.
• 品质与样品近似。
• Question: What does Return Sample or Counter Sample mean?
to conclude business/a deal 达成交易,成交
to come to terms
to come to business
to close a bargain
to close a deal
to finalize business
e.g. A lot of business will materialize/be concluded.
We are glad that we have come to terms/ come
to business/ closed a deal / closed a bargain /
finalized business.
IV. Study of the Specimen Letters :
• Please go over Letter Three and then
answer the following questions:

• 1. In what letter style is this letter written?

• 2. Who wrote it? The Buyer or the Seller? Why

• ?
• 3. Which country does this letter come from?
• 4. What’s the buyer’s purpose of writing the
A. Useful Words and Expressions:

• 1. This is to introduce ourselves as 兹介绍,(本公司) 是…

• 2. in the line of business 在这行当
• 3. regular supply 长期供应
• 4. take the liberty of 冒昧地(陈旧)
• 5. make (sb.) an offer for sth. 向某人报某商品的价格(用法见后)
• 6. trade terms and conditions 贸易条件
• 7. for your information 奉告(也可不译)(用法见后)
• 8. specific enquiry 具体询价
• 9. refer sb. to … 要某人向…咨询(用法见后)
• 10. to furnish sb. with sth. 向某人提供某物
• 11. business/financial/credit status/standing/position 业务 / 资信
• 12. be only too glad to do… 十分高兴做…
B. Study of professional words:

• make (sb.) an offer for sth. 向某人报某商品的价格

• We are pleased to give/send/make/fax you our best

offer CIF Largos for 20 M/T White Crystal Sugar.
• 现向你方报我方 20 公吨白砂糖 CIF 拉各斯最优价。
• As requested, we make you our offer as follows:
• 按照要求,现向你方报盘如下:
• Please note that our offer is made on FOB Shanghai
• 请注意,我们的报盘是以 FOB 上海为基础 / 条件。
B. Study of professional words:
• for your information

• (1) for your reference 供你方参考

• e.g. we are enclosing a copy of our latest catalogue
for your information/reference.
• 随函寄上我方最新商品目录本一份,供你方参考。
• (2) 奉告
• e.g. For your information, the covering goods have
been shipped on board S.S. Dongfeng scheduled to
sail on September 12.
• 奉告,有关货物已装定于 9 月 12 日启航的“东风”轮。
• (3) ( 可不翻译 )
• e.g. For your information, now we are specially
interested in importing Man-made Leather Bags from
your country.
B. Study of professional words:
• refer sb. to … 要某人向…咨询

• As to our credit status, we may refer you to the Bank

of China, Chengdu Branch.
• 至于我们的资信状况,你们可向中国银行成都分行咨询。

• We referred them to our pricelist for further

• 关于详细情况,我们要他们查询价目表。
V. Associative Thinking
• (1) Associative Words & Phrases
• (goods) to be of … quality
• to do business with sb.
• to trade with sb.
• to conclude business/a transaction/deal/dealing with sb.
• to avail oneself of this opportunity to do sth.
• to be given to understand that…
• to have a good/keen/brisk/heavy/large/great demand for
• (goods) to be popular
• to enjoy fast sales
• to enjoy (great) popularity
• to sell fast
• to win a high reputation
• a ready seller; a quick seller; quick-selling goods
• captioned/subject goods/firm
• (goods) to be excellent in quality and reasonable in price (货
V. Associative Thinking
• (2) Associative Expressions
• 1. Self-introduction
• 1) We are… 我们(我方、我公司)为……
• We are a state-operated corporation, handling the
export of animal by-products.
• 我方(我们、我公司)为经营畜牧产品出口的国营公司。

• We are China National Textiles Import and Export

Corporation, with its headquarters in Beijing.
• 我们(我公司、我方)为(是)中国纺织品进出口总公
(2) Associative Expressions

• 2) This is to introduce…as… 兹介绍……为……

• This is to introduce ourselves as one of the leading exporters of
garments in China.
• 兹介绍,本公司为中国最大的服装出口商之一。

• This is to introduce the Pacific Corporation as exporters of light

industrial products having business relations with more than 70
countries in the world.
• 兹介绍,太平洋公司出口工业产品,和世界上 70 多个国家有业务关系。

• 3) to write to introduce 写信介绍

• We write to introduce ourselves as large dealers in foodstuffs
with good connections in the country.
• 现函告,我方为食品大经销商,在国内拥有大批客户。

• We write to introduce ourselves as exporters of fresh water pearls

having many years’ experience in this particular line of business.
• 现函告,我方为淡水珍珠出口商,在此行业已有多年经验。
• 4) to take the opportunity to introduce 利用机会介绍
• We take this opportunity to introduce ourselves as large
importers of fertilizers in our country.
• 乘此机会,兹介绍,我公司为国内化肥大进口商。

• We take the opportunity to introduce our company as exporters

dealing exclusively in leather goods.
• 我方借此机介绍,我公司为专门经营皮革制品的出口商。

• 5) to inform sb. that… 告知某人

• We wish to inform you that we are specialized in the export of
arts and crafts.
• 现奉告,我方专门经营工艺品出口。

• We are pleased to inform you that we handle a wide range of

electric fans.
• 特此奉告,我方经营的电扇品种齐全。
• 6) to take the liberty of doing sth. 冒昧地作自我介绍(陈旧)
• We take the liberty of introducing ourselves.
• 现冒昧地作自我介绍。

• We take the liberty to write to you with a view to doing business with
• 现冒昧去函,以谋求同贵方进行贸易。

• 7) to have sb.’s name and address from … 从……处得知某人名和地

• We have your name and address from China Council for the
Promotion of International Trade. 我们从中国国际贸易促进会得悉贵公

• We are glad to have your name and address from “The Journal of
• 我们高兴地从《商业日报》获悉贵公司名称和地址。
• 8) to owe sb.’s name and address to… 承蒙……告
• We owe your name and address to Italian Commercial
Bank who has informed us that you are in the market
for ball-bearing.
• 承蒙意大利商业银行告知贵公司名称和地址,并告知贵方欲

• We owe your name and address to Messrs. Collins &

Co., through whom we have learnt you are importers
of table-cloth.
• 9) to be transferred (forwarded) to…for attention 转交……处理
• Your letter of Sept.8 has been transferred to us for attention from
our Head Office in Beijing.
• 贵方 9 月 8 日函已由我们在北京的总部转交我方处理。

• Your inquiry has been forwarded to us for attention from the

Commercial Counsellor’s Office of the Chinese Embassy in
• 贵方询盘已由中国驻罗马大使馆商务参赞处转交我方处理。

• 10) Through the courtesy of… 由于……的好意

• Through the courtesy of the Paris Chamber of Commerce, we
have your name as a firm who is interested in doing business
with us. 经由巴黎商会,我们得悉贵公司有兴趣与我方进行贸易。
• Through the courtesy of Mr. White, we are given to
understand that you are one of the leading importers of
silk in your area.
• 经由怀特先生我方得悉贵公司为所在地区中最大的丝绸进口

• 11) on the recommendation of 由……推荐(介绍)

• On the recommendation of Messrs. Harvey & Co. , we
have learned with pleasure the name of your firm.
• 由哈维公司介绍,我方高兴地得知贵公司的名称。
• 2. 初步的意向和要求( Initial Intentions and

• 1) to establish business relations with… 和……建立贸易

• We avail ourselves of this opportunity to write to you
and see if we can establish business relations with you.
• 我们借此机会致函贵方以了解可否与贵方建立贸易关系。

• We have come to know the name of your corporation

and are pleased to write to you in the hope of
establishing business relations with you.
• 我们得悉贵公司名称,特此致函希望与贵方建立贸易关系。
• 2) to enter into business relations with… 和……建立贸
• We are willing to enter into business relations with
you on the basis of equality and mutual benefit.
• 我们愿意在平等互利的基础上与贵方建立贸易关系。

• Your company has been introduced to us by Smith &

Co. Ltd. as prospective buyers of Chinese table-
cloths. As we deal in the items, we shall be pleased to
enter into direct business relations with you.
• 史密斯公司向我们介绍贵公司是中国台布的未来买主。由于
• 3) to fall (come, lie) within the scope of 属……的范围
• As the item falls within the scope of our business, we
shall be pleased to enter into direct business relations
with you.
• 由于该商品属于我们的业务范围,我们将很高兴地与贵方直

• As the article lies within the scope of business of our

branch in Nanjing, we have forwarded your letter to
them for attention.
• 由于此商品属于我们在南京的分公司的业务范围,我们已将
C. Reminders for Writing such a Letter:

• State simply, clearly and concisely what you

can sell or what you expect to buy.
• Write in polite and appreciative terms.
• A letter of acknowledgment and thanks is
sent when the information is received.
VI. Key Points and Difficult Points

1. How to write a letter to establish business


2. Key words and expressions in establishing

business relations
VII. Exercises :
• Exercises in Class:
1. Answer the following questions:

1) Why do foreign trade firms need a lot of business

2) Through what channels can the names and addresses of
the firms to be dealt with be obtained?
3) What are the steps in establishing business relations?
4) What is a circular and what is a “First Enquiry”?
5) What should be included in the “First Enquiry”?
6) How can a correspondent create goodwill and leave a
good impression on the reader when handling letters?
2. Multiple Choice:
1) With _______ to your letter of December 2, 19… we are glad to learn
that you wish to enter into trade relations with us.
A. referring B. reference C. refer D. refer to
2) We specialize ______ both industrial and pharmaceutical chemicals.
A. at B. of C. on D. in
3) Necessary certificates_______ the quality and quantity of the
shipment will be provided.
A. at regard to B. with regard to
C. in regard to D. with regard about
4) This is to introduce ourselves ______ confectioners and bakers
having many years’ experience in this particular line of business.
A. as B. to C. of D. with
5) You are requested to_____ us with the name of your bank prior to the
conclusion of the first transaction between us.
A. tell B. offer C. furnish D. give

6)Please let us have a copy of your Export List so that we may
acquaint ourselves ___ your business lines.
A. to B. for C. with D. in
7)We shall be glad to send you our lowest quotations ___ receipt
of your detailed requirements.
A. with B. on C. when D. as soon as
8) We are a state-operated corporation ___ both the import and
export of textiles.
A. handling in B. trading
C. dealing with D. dealing in
9) Your name and address ___ by ABC Co..
A. are given to us B. are owed
C. have been told D. are indebted to
10) We are desirous ___ business relations with you.
A. to establishing B. for establishing
C. to enter to D. of entering into

3. Translate the following sentences into Chinese:

1) We learn from your letter of April 2 that you are interested in

establishing business relations with us for the purchase of our

2) We are willing to enter into business relations with your firm on

the basis of equality and mutual benefit.

3) We have come to know the name of your corporation and have

the pleasure of writing this letter to you in the hope of establishing
business relations with you.

4) Your desire to establish direct business relations with us

coincides with ours.

5) Specializing in the export of Chinese foodstuffs, we wish to

express our desire to trade with you in this line.
Exercises after class:
1. Translate the following into English:
1) 我们很高兴告诉你 , 你所要的商品属我公司的经营范围。

2 )你地中国银行函告 , 你们是纺织品的进口商。我们专营
纺织品出口业务 , 愿与贵公司建立业务关系。

3 )你方 9 月 5 日来函收到。承告你们对肉类罐头有兴趣 ,

4 )为了使你对我们经营的产品有一个概念 , 兹附上一整套

5 )货物在装运前将由上海商品检验局检验。
2. Writing:

Write a letter to Denman & Sons at 45 Cannon Street,

London, E.C. 4, telling them that you wish to enter into
business relations with them, with the following
a) Introduced by Mr. A.G. Topworth of Swanson &
Bros., of Hamburg;
b) The main line of your business is exporting
c) Ask Denman & Sons to give you the name of their
d) Illustrated catalogue and price-list will be air-mailed
against their specific enquiries.

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