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Rini Ardolah 2123042003
Intan Dika Saputri 2123042004
Table of Contents:
• Abstract

• Introduction

• Literature Review

• Speaking Problems

• Factors Affecting Speaking Skill

• Previous Studies on the Factor’s Affecting Speaking


• Conclusion
1. Abstract
They (students) stop talking
because they face psychological
obstacles or cannot find the
suitable words and expressions.

This paper aims at establishing the

need to focus on the factors affecting
on language learners’ English
speaking skill.

This study can be useful to teachers and

researchers to consider their language
learners’ speaking needs in English
language teaching and learning context.
2. Introduction
Some experts said:
Many learners state that they have spent so
many years studying English language but
cannot speak it appropriately and
understandably (Bueno, Madrid, &
Mclaren, 2006).

Teachers and textbooks use either direct approaches that

concentrate on particular aspects of oral interaction such
as turn-taking and topic management or indirect
approaches which make situations for oral interaction by
group work, task work, and other strategies (Richards

Learners need a lot of practice to learn to speak. Learners can improve

their speaking skill through listening and repeating. Teachers can give
their learners some structures and ask them to repeat. This can remove
their learners’ shyness. Teachers can use short questions and short
dialogues in the classrooms to develop their students’ speaking skill
(Bashir, Azeem, & Dogar, 2011).
3. Literature Review

A. Definition of Speaking

Bygate (1987) defined speaking as the production of auditory

signals to produce different verbal responses in listeners.

It is regarded as combining sounds systematically to form

meaningful sentences. Eckard and Kearny (1981), Florez
(1999), Howarth (2001), and Abd El Fattah Torky (2006)
defined speaking as a two–way process including a true
communication of opinions, information, or emotions. This
top-down view regards the spoken texts as the collaboration
between two or more persons in the shared time and the
shared context.
B. The Importance of Speaking

The significance of speaking is indicated with the

integration of the other language skills. Speaking helps
learners develop their vocabulary and grammar skills and
then better their writing skill. Students can express their
emotions, ideas; say stories; request; talk, discuss, and show
the various functions of language. Speaking is of vital
importance outside the classroom. Therefore, language
speakers have more opportunities to find jobs in different
organizations and companies. These statements have been
supported by Baker and Westrup (2003) who said that
learners who speak English very well can have greater
chance for better education, finding good jobs, and
getting promotion.
C. Characteristics of Speaking Skill

According to Mazouzi (2013), learners’

activities should be designed based on an
equivalence between fluency and accuracy
achievement. Both fluency and accuracy are
important elements of communicative approach.
works appropriately.

The first characteristic of speaking performance

is fluency and it is the main aim of teachers in
teaching speaking skill interest.

The second characteristic of speaking performance is

accuracy. Learners should be fluent in learning a
foreign language. Therefore, teachers should emphasize
accuracy in their teaching process.
4. Speaking Problems

There are some problems for

speaking skill that teachers can come
across in helping students to speak in 1. The first problem that students encounter in class.
the classroom. These are inhibition,
lack of topical knowledge, low 2. The second problem is that learners complain that they
cannot remember anything to say and they do not have
participation, and mother-tongue use any motivation to express themselves
(Tuan & Mai, 2015).
3. The third problem in the speaking class is that the
participation is very low

4. The last problem related to the speaking ability is that

when some learners share the same mother-tongue, they
try to use it in the speaking class because it is very easy
for them.
5. Factors Affecting Speaking Skill

• The first factor is pertinent to performance

• The second factor is related to affective
• The third factor is Listening ability.
• The fourth factor is topical knowledge.
• The fifth factor is related to the feedback
during speaking activities.
6. Previous Studies on the Factors
Affecting Speaking Skill

In this section, some studies pertinent to

the factors influencing speaking skill are
reviewed. According Park and Lee
(2005) investigated the connection
between second language learners’
anxiety, self-confidence, and speaking
performance. One hundred and thirty
two Korean learners participated in this

Eissa, Misbah, and Najat (1988) performed a study towards the

difficulties of using English as a means of instruction and
communication. The results of this study displayed that learners
had many difficulties in using English language as a means of
instruction. A lot of participants stated that their learners have
low English proficiency. The results also indicated that a lot of
learners faced serious difficulties in understanding the lectures’
content without translating or applying L1 to deliver the content
of the lectures.

Boonkit (2010) carried out a study on the factors

increasing the development of learners’ speaking skill.
The results represented that the use of appropriate
activities for speaking skill can be a good strategy to
decrease speakers’ anxiety. The results also revealed
that the freedom of topic choice urged the participants
to feel comfortable, persuaded to speak English, and
increased the speaking confidence among EFL learners.
7. Conclusion
This paper reviewed the factors that affect
students’ English speaking performance.
The mentioned factors in this paper have
an important role in developing learners’
speaking skill. The factors make learners
less self-confident and less comfortable in
their speaking classes. The findings of this
paper indicated that learners with a low
self-esteem, higher anxiety, and low
motivation have serious difficulties in
speaking skill in spite of having acceptable
linguistic skills
Group Result Discussion:


1. This journal is good enough.

2. The language that writers/researchers
use is clear or there is no ambiguity.
3. The structure of the journal is already
mentioned well.
4. There is an item of the structure in this
journal; on the abstract, the method doesn’t
5. There is a slight incompleteness in five factors
of speaking skill.



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