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CW 1-2

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Rule #1

Be on time in attending
the online class.
Online Students
Attendance will be checked by Subject Teachers
Class Advisers during online class

Offline Students
Punctuality of submission of answered ESSDLA
during submission date will be credited to attendance .
Rule #2

Dress decently in attending

online classes.
Dress Code
Wear appropriate clothing during virtual classes:

Offline Students
Punctuality of submission of answered ESSDLA
during submission date will be credited to attendance .
Rule #3

Avoid plagiarism instead

write and include reference
in the activity sheets
that you submit.
Rule #4

Cheating is prohibited; will

entail lower than the passing
score/grade or failure
in the subject.
Rule #5

Oral communications and

messages on the chat box
must be free of vulgar,
belittling or offensive
Rule #6

Please value respect.

Rule #7

Parents must coordinate with

the class adviser pertaining
to missed Virtual sessions.
Are writers
born W
or created?
Imagine a world without words, and chances are, the way you
imagine it, you will still be using words. Language and reality are
dependent on each other and there is no way one can experience life
without the use of words. Since we started learning to coo, and then
form words such as ma and pa, we have engaged in our environment
using verbal communication. Later on, the basics of reading and writing
have allowed us to form more complex thoughts, and in doing so,
enrich our experiences.

Without being overly conscious about it, we have become literary

enthusiasts, too. We learned the structure of narrative through Disney
fairy tales and cartoon shows. Imagery and metaphor become natural
parts of everyday conversations-”raining cats and dogs,” “tall order,” and “
burning the midnight oil” are examples of these. We recognize satire and
irony through numerous memes and jokes that circulate online.
Being immersed in this world of creativity has turned us into creative or
imaginative writers, as well. When asked to describe the first day in class and
to evoke the five senses, we transform an ordinary moment to one that is
vivid-one that the reader may actually also experience. When we post a
“punny” social status on Facebook or provide a witty caption on Instagram, it
can be argued that we are writing creatively. Even writing love letters and
finding original ways of professing affection have made the “poets” out of all of

But what does it mean to be creative writer? And if we are all

writers, why some are more successful than the others? As with any
skill, writing imaginatively must be practiced and the only way to
improve this skill will come from hours of not only writing, but also
reading obsessively and mindfully texts that are part of the literary
Creative Writing:
An Introduction
Key Concepts:
• Writing involves putting words on paper via a computer, pen, pencil or
• When you write, you COMMUNICATE a message the reader.
• The MESSAGE of writing is its content. You can present your message
in a variety of ways.
• Forms of writing are divided into narration, description, exposition,
and persuasion.
• Creative writing is writing from the heart. It’s the real stuff that
doesn’t rely on high school tricks and complex sentences structure; it
relies on you!
• Creative writing is an expression of who you are. If you are closed off
from yourself, if you hide the person that you are for fifteen to twenty-
four hours per day, and if you have locked yourself into a dream that is
no longer yours, you will be hard pressed to write creatively.
Activity 1: Creativ
e writing Definitio
Take a look at the n: Find Me!
following definitio
Writing. Which on ns of Creative
e do you agree wit
definition on your h? Write the best

Creative writing is…

• An income tax return
• A grocery list
• A high-impact polymer used in food storage system
• A losing lotto ticket
• “Productive and imaginative”
• “Characterized by expressiveness and originality”
• A writing which uses language imaginatively.

Other definitions of Creative Writing:

“Creative Writing is considered to be any writing, fiction, poetry, or non-

fiction that goes outside the bounds at normal professional, journalistic,
academic, and technical forms of literature. Works which fall into this
•Writing of any sort is category include novels, epics, short stories, and poems. Writing for the
hard, but rewarding screen and stage, screenwriting and playwriting respectively, typically
work- you’ll gain a huge have their own programs of study, but fit under the creative writing
category as well.” -Wikipedia
amount of satisfaction “Creative Writing is writing that expresses the writer’s thoughts and
from a finished piece. feelings in an imaginative often unique, and poetic way.”
Being creative can also be
difficult and challenging
at times, but immensely
The World of Creative Writing

It is quite wasteful to wait for inspiration to come.

Generally, ideas flow once you begin writing. If the ideas you
have initially written about are not good enough, you could
always go back and rewrite your false start. It may be
necessary to start writing about the things you already know
very well. But even if they are about things, you are familiar
with, make sure to plan ahead. If you are planning to write
short, story, you should fairly have an idea of the theme of
the story. You are already aware of the conflict that your
characters will have to face. You already have an imagination
of some of the descriptive details and scenery that you will
utilize in your story.
What is?
Technical Writing
Technical writing deals with
science topic or a technical subject.
Its main purpose is to educate the
audience with the factual
information and is presented in a
logical manner.
What is?
Literary Writing

Literary writing is defined as creating

new creative work such as poems
or novels, and compilations or volumes of
creative work. Composing is an example
of literary writing.
Technical Writing versus Literary Writing
Technical writing differs from other types of writing, particularly literary writing. The
difference between technical writing and literary writing are shown in the table below:

Point of Contrast Technical Writing Literary Writing

1. subject Scientific/technical Non-scientific/non-technical
2. readership specific general
3. purpose Informative/ persuasive entertaining
4. language literal/denotative figurative/denotating
5. style impersonal personal
6. tone heavy/serious light/amusing
7. point of view usually third person, sometimes first person or third person,
second person rarely second person
8. emotionality unemotional emotional
9. objectivity objective/neutral subjective
10. form/format formal informal
What is?
Journalism, on the other hand, relies
heavily on the truth, facts, current events,
and knowledge. In this kind of writing,
the writers must gather credible sources
to write information truth behind current
What is?
Academic Writing
Academic Writing is strictly organized and
• Expository and Persuasive Writing
• Descriptive and Narrative Writing
• Writing Different Kinds of Essay
• Writing Books Report
• Writing Literary Analysis
• Writing Research Paper
What is?
Scientific Writing

Scientific writing is a technical form of

writing that is designed to com-
municate scientific information to
other scientists.
Activity 2: Creative Writing Distinction: Figure Out!

A. Can you distinguish any other differences between these two types of
 Characteristics Creative Writing Technical Writing
Definition often defined as the writing of  is a type of writing where the
fiction where the author author is writing about a
creates events, scenes and particular subject that requires
character even a world direction, instruction, or

Purpose entertain and share human  entertaining

experience, like love or loss.
B. Venn Diagram (CW vs. Journalism)
Creative Writing VS. Journalism

Can you further differentiate creative writing from journalism? Use the Venn
diagram provided below to tell apart two forms of writing. 

Different Different
-refers to the activity of -is an activity in which the
writing on events that take writer has free reign to be
place in the world which
-used creative elements in creative and produce an
entails all forms of news original piece of writing
and other information. writing story
-describes news stories and
-used when we are writing real events
C. Table (CW vs. AW)
Creative Writing VS. Academic Writing

Can you further distinguish any other differences between these two types of
writing ?Use the spaces below to differentiate creative writing and academic
Creative Writing Academic Writing
factual fictional, imaginative
informative, instructional, or entertaining, provocative and
persuasive captivating
clear, precise and straightforward artistic, figurative, symbolic or even
specialized vocabulary generalized vocabulary
objective subjective
C. Table (CW vs. SW)
Creative Writing VS Scientific Writing (Research on these)
Can you further fill in some differences between creative writing and scientific writing according
to Goldbort in Writing for Science (2006):
Characteristics Creative Writing Scientific Writing
 Writers vs. Subject  
Form vs. Content
Reader interest
Accuracy and clarity
Passive Voice
Source of Material

• What is writing?
• Forms of writing?
• Genres of Creative Writing
What is Writing?

Writing is viewed by many young

writers as a complicated process. This is made
true by the fact that writing involves expressing
the writer’s innermost thoughts, feelings, and
Forms of Writing:
Traditionally, the forms of writing are divided into narration, description,
exposition, and persuasion. Let’s look at each writing form in more detail.

This writing that tells a story. Narration that tells about real events includes
biographies and autobiographies. Narrations that deal with fictional events
include short stories, myths, narrative poems, and novels.

This is a kind of writing that creates a word picture of what something or
someone is like. Description is made up of sensory details that help readers
form pictures in their minds.
Description also use images, words that appeal to one or more of our five
senses: sight, hearing, taste, touch or smell, Imagery can be found in all sorts of
writing (and should be), but it is most common in poetry.
This type of writings explain, shows, tells about a
subject. As a result, it is the most common type of everyday
writing. Exposition includes news articles, memos, business
reports, and notes to the butcher, baker, and candlestick

This is a type of writing that tries to move an audience
to though or action. Newspaper editorials, advertisements,
and letters to the editor are all examples of persuasive.

Creative Writing:
Here are the main types of creative writing.
Journals are often confused for diaries. Technically, a diary is a type
of journal, but a journal is any written log. You could keep a gratitude
journal, a memory journal, a dream journal, or a goals journal.

A diary is a specific kind of journal where you write down the
events of each day, resulting in a chronicle of your life.

Not all essays are creative, but plenty of essays flow creative
thinking. Some examples include personal essays, descriptive essays,
and persuasive essays.
One of the most popular types of creative writing is
fiction. Fiction originally meant anything made up,
crafted, or shaped, but as we understand the word
today, it means a prose story based in the imagination
of an author. The essence of fiction is narration, the
relating or recounting of a sequence of events or
actions. Works of fiction usually focus on one or a few
major characters and undergo some kind of change as
they interact with other characters and deal with
4. Poetry
Another popular but under-appreciated type of writing is poetry, which is
easily the most artistic, creative form of writing. Poetry is more economical
than prose fiction in the use of words, and it relies heavily on imagery,
figurative language, and sound. You can write structured poetry, free-form
poetry, and prose poetry. Or try writing a story in rhyme (perfect for kids).
5. Memoir
Memoir are personal accounts (or stories) with narrow themes and specific
topics. They are usually the length of novels or novellas; shorter works of this
kind would be considered essays. Memoir topic focus on specific experiences
rather than providing a broad life story (which would be a biography).
For example, one might write a travel or food memoir, which is an account
of one’s personal experiences through the lens of travel or food (or both).
6. Vignettes
A vignette is defined as “a brief evocative description, account, or episode.”
Vignettes can be poems, stories, description, personal accounts…anything goes
really. The key is that a vignette is extremely short-just a quick snippet.
7. Letters
Because the ability to communicate effectively is increasingly valuable, letter
writing is a useful skill. There is a longer tradition of publishing letters, so take
extra care with those emails, you’re shooting off to friends, family, and business
associates. In, fact, one way to get published if you don’t have a lot of clips and
credits is to write letters to the editor of a news publication.
8. Scripts
Hit the screen or the stage by writing screenplays, (for film), scripts (for plays),
or teleplays (for TV). You can even write scripts for videos games! As a bonus, script
have the potential to reach a non-reading audience.
9. Song Lyric
Close cousin of poetry, song lyrics are fun and creative way to
merge the craft of writing with the art of music. Writing lyrics is an
excellent path for writers who can play an instrument or who
want to collaborate musicians.
10. Drama
Drama is a literary work which is designed to be performed by
actors. Like fiction, drama may, focus on single character or a small
number of characters, and it presents fictional events as if they
were happening in the present, to be witnessed by an audience.
Dramas can be read as well as acted.
11. Blogging
A blog is nothing more than a publishing platform-a piece of
technology that displays content on the web or an electronic device.
A blog can be just about anything from a diary to a personal platform
to an educational tool. In terms of creative writing, blogs, are wide
open because you can use the to publish any (or all) types of creative
12. Fiction
Fiction that contains imagery situation and characters that are
very similar to real life is called creative nonfiction. It’s just writing
which is true, but which also contains some creativity. It uses literary
styles and techniques to create factually correct narratives.
Activity 3: Creative Writing Challenge: What do you write?
Long bond paper
Ball point pen
1. Make a list of all kinds of writing you regularly do- shopping lists, class notes, whatsoever.
2. In a paragraph or two, write why some writing experiences are productive and satisfying while others
are not.

Process Questions:
1. What do you typically write, and why?
2. What kinds of writing do you most often? Least often?
3. What are your usual reasons for writing?
4. Which of your writing experiences are generally productive and
satisfying? Unproductive and unsatisfying? Why?
“Only in men’s imagination does every truth
find an effective and undeniable existence.
Imagination, not invention, is
the supreme master of art as of life.”
-Joseph Conrad


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