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Universal Precutions

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Unit 18

Fundamental of Nursing


K.T.Dilrukshi (NT, RN, REN)

Dip in Nsg
Dip in EM Nsg (Merit)
BSc in Nsg
Dip in Counseling
Cert in Midwifery
PB Dip in Teaching and
Reading for MSc in Nsg
Standard Precautions
(Universal Precautions)
Standard Precautions
• Design to reduce the risk of transmission of blood borne and
other pathogens from both recognized and unrecognized
sources to a susceptible host.
• A set of guidelines should be followed to reduce the
transmission of HAI in hospitals.

• Should be used by ALL health care workers at ALL times

when attending to ALL patients, regardless of their diagnosis
or presumed infectious status.
Under Standard Precaution…..

• Blood and certain body fluids of all patients are considered

potentially infectious for HIV, Hepatitis B & C Virus and
other blood borne pathogens.
Standard/Universal precaution apply to..
• Blood
• Body fluids
Vaginal secretions
Cerebrospinal fluid
Pleural fluid
Peritoneal fluid
Pericardial fluid
Standard/Universal precautions do not apply to

• Urine
• Feces
• Saliva
• Tears
• Nasal secretion
• Vomitus
Unless they contain visible blood
Standard/Universal precaution measures
1. Protective clothing
• Gloves – Direct contact with blood and body fluids, non
intact skin or mucous membrane.
• Gown & Apron– If likelihood of spillage of large volume
of blood or body fluids.
• Protective eye wears and Mask – there is a risk of blood
or body fluid splashing into face
2. Hand washing
3. Broken skin care
If possible should not work or covered with waterproof
dressing or wear gloves.
4. Single room isolation - For high risk patient
5. Disposal of sharps
6. Disposal blood and blood stained body fluids
7. Routing cleaning of patient unit
8. Disposal of human tissues – incineration
Sharps are…..
• Objects or devices having acute rigid corners, edges or point
• Capable of cutting or penetrating the skin
Assignment 1:
• Find out the difference types of sharps used in your clinical
Sharp injury is possible…..
• During procedures
• When cleaning used instrument
• During disposal
• Inappropriate disposal
• When handling after procedure
Precautions should be taken
• Do not recap, bend or break used needles
• Place disposable “sharps” in puncture resistant container
• Place reusable “sharps” in puncture resistant metal or plastic
container until re- processing.
• When washing reusable sharps wear protective attire – Heavy
duty gloves and eye protection
• Careful handling
• Awareness program should be given for all health workers
Assignment 2:
• What are the qualities
should have the sharp
Assignment 3:
• When you were working in medical ward you were
accidentally met a needle stick injury.
• Find out the needle stick policy in your hospital and
precautions you should have to take to avoid needle stick
Hospital Waste Management
• Hazardous hospital waste are unique forms of solid and
liquid waste generated in the diagnosis, treatment, and
research of human and animal disease.
Types of Hospital Waste

• Hospital waste may be classified into two types:

A. Hazardous waste.
B. General or non-hazardous waste
Categories of Hazardous waste.

1. Infectious
2. Pathological
3. Sharps
4. Chemical
5. Pharmaceutical
6. Radioactive waste.
Categories of Hazardous waste.

Type of Waste Examples Colour Code Treatment

Infectious blood and blood yellow Buried or
products, serum or incinerated
plasma, waste of
highly infectious
patients, expired
Type of Waste Examples Colour Code Treatment

Pathological Human tissues, organs, Yellow Buried or

body parts, fetuses, and incinerate
other similar waste
from surgery, biopsies,
autopsies; animal
carcasses, organs
Sharps Needles, syringes, Sharp bin Incinerate
scalpel blades, razors, Yellow
infusion sets, colour
contaminated broken
Type of Waste Examples Colour Treatment
Chemical Solid, liquid or Brown Manufactur
gaseous chemicals es’ advice
Pharmaceutical Expired Brown Return to
medications, the
cytotoxic, genotoxic, dispensary
mutagenic, Mix with
teratogenic, or cement &
carcinogenic lime before
medications burying in a
lined pit
Type of Waste Examples Colour Treatment
Radioactive Solid, liquid, or Silver Sent to the
pathological waste Manufacturer
contaminated with
radioactive isotopes
Segregation of medical waste
• Segregation on the basis of the category of waste is the
key of effective waste management.
• Different COLOR CODE is used for sorting the waste for
easy identification and it help to safe handling, transportation
and waste treatment.

• The color code varies from country to country, due to

socioeconomic status, literacy rate, availability of local
resources, countries classification of waste etc.
Segregation of Waste

Assignment 4:
• Find out your hospital policy and complete the following
Segregation of Waste
Type of Waste Colour Code Treatment
Thank You

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