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Drugs Therapeutic Drug Monitoring

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Therapeutic Drug Monitoring

and Pharmacogenetics


Learning Objectives
• Describe the general guidelines for TDM testing
• Discuss the basic components of
pharmacokinetics and pharmacogenetics
• Identify commonly monitored drugs
• List important consideration for TDM
• Explain barriers to implementation of PGx
• Recognize clinical areas where implementation
of TDM or PGx may have a positive impact on
patient care

General Criteria for TDM
• Narrow therapeutic index
• Defined therapeutic range and toxic threshold
• Good relationship between [blood] and clinical/toxic
• Poor relationship between drug dose and [blood]
• Significant inter-individual variation
• Serious consequences for under- or over-dosing
• Subject to drug-drug interactions
• Knowledge of the drug level influences management
• When toxicity mimics indication for which drug is
Therapeutic Window
Steady-state and therapeutic index
Dose response Relationship

ED50 = the dose of drug in which 50% of treated individuals will experience benefit
TD50 = the dose of drug in which 50% of individuals will experience toxic adverse effects
LD50 = the dose of drug in which 50% of individuals will result in morbidity
Image from
Factors that influence TDM Results
Factors that influence TDM Results
Drug Formulation
Route of administration
Dose regimen
Pharmacokinetics (Vd, half-life, metabolites)
Patient Age (pediatric, geriatric)
Body composition
Renal function
Hepatic function
Protein status
Disease / Malignacies
Factors that influence TDM Results
Factors that influence TDM Results
Specimen Collection tube, preservatives
Time collected relative to dose
Sampling methods
Analytical method Preanalytical processing (extraction)
Matrix effects
Other Concominant medications
Clerical errors
Factors that influence TDM Results

Different Routes of Administration Different Liberation processes

I.– fast-dissolving tablet

II.– slower dissolving tablet
III – sustained-release tablet
Clinical Chemistry: Theory, Analysis, Correlation, 5th ed. IV – tablet with poor bioavailability
Factors that influence TDM Results
Influence of Metabolism Process Influence of Elimination Process

Clinical Chemistry: Theory, Analysis, Correlation, 5th ed.

General Guidelines for TDM
• Preferred specimen is serum or plasma at steady state
– Whole blood is needed for immunosuppressant monitoring
– For some tests, plasma is not acceptable due to interferences
from anticoagulant
• Trough levels are collected shortly before the next dose
• TDM is indicated after changes in the dose or timing of
• It is critical to wait until to do testing until a new equilibrium has
been established after a change in dosing
• TDM is indicated when patient is experiencing signs and
symptoms that suggest therapeutic failure or toxicity
• Specific guidelines depend on the drug, the approach to drug
delivery, the clinical scenario and the needs of the patient
General Guidelines for TDM
• Establish baseline concentrations whenever possible
• Evaluate potential causes for lack of efficacy
• Differential metabolizers (fast, slow, altered)
• Noncompliance
• Drug-drug interactions
• Evaluate potential causes for toxicity
• Altered drug utilization due to physiological
conditions (adolescence, geriatrics)
• Altered drug utilization due to
pathological conditions (renal or liver
• Differential metabolizers (fast, slow,
Testing Methodologies

Testing Methods Abbreviation

Point-of-care assays POC
Radio immunoassay RIA
Enzyme linked immunosorbent assay ELISA
Enzyme-multiplied immunoassay technique EMIT
Cloned enzyme donor immunoassay CEDIA
Fluorescence polarization immunoassay FPIA
Liquid chromatography with ultraviolet detection HPLC-UV
Gas chromatography mass spectrometry GC-MS
Liquid chromatography tandem mass spectrometry LC-MS/MS
Liquid chromatography time-of-flight mass spectrometry LC-TOF
Liquid chromatography high resolution mass spectrometry LC-HRMS
Pharmacokinetics: CLADME

Compliance - is the patient taking the drug

Liberation - release of the drug from
Absorption the pharmaceutical
Distribution preparation

ADME - Absorption
“The transfer of a drug or other xenobiotic from its
site of administration to the bloodstream”
• Drug Partitioning
• drugs can be characterized by “partition coefficients”
• ratio of solubility in an aqueous, polar solvent vs. a
lipophilic, non-polar solvent
• lipophilic drugs are rapidly absorbed
• variables:
• body composition
• pH (blood and urine)
• ionization – function of pKa (markedly reduces
ADME - Absorption – Drug Transport
• Passive diffusion - transport driven by conc.
gradient (95% of all drugs)
• Active transport – transport against the conc.
gradient requires energy, can be receptor mediated
• Facilitated transport – follows the conc.
gradient, requires energy, can be receptor
• Convection transport – transport through water
filled pores
• Pinocytosis – cell engulfs the drug
ADME - Distribution
“Movement of a drug or xenobiotic from the bloodstream to
the site of action”
1) Drug remains in blood
2) Drug enters extravascular fluids
3) Drug migrates into various tissues/organs

Protein Binding – reduces the volume of distribution

• acidic drugs – albumin
• basic drugs – αlpha 1 – acid glycoprotein and lipoproteins
• free drug is sometimes measured - bound drug >90
• free drug is the biologically active form of the drug
ADME - Distribution
Vd = dose/[plasma]

Vd > 3L (outside plasma) – plasma volume of avg. adult ~3L

- does not estimate actual sites of distribution
- does not account for individual differences
- requires drug distribution to be complete = Css

Applications of Vd:
1) Loading dose = Vd x [drug]ss
2) Dose adjustments = Vd ([drug]desired –
ADME - Metabolism

Phase 1 – Oxidation, Reduction, Methylation, Hydroxylation, Deamination

Phase 2 – Conjugation (D-glucuronidation, O-sulfation, N-acetylation, O-, N-, S-
methylation, glutathione, amino acid conjugation)
Genetic Polymorphisms: Drug Concentration and Drug Effect
Treatment Modifications and Patient Genotypes
ADME - Excretion/Elimination
Primary Organs – liver, lungs and kidneys

Sum of clearance by all body pathways:

Cltotal = Clrenal + Clhepatic + Clpulmonary +…..

Factors that influence Excretion:

1) BMI
2) Cardiac output (bloodflow)
3) Hepatic and renal fx
4) Protein status
ADME - Excretion/Elimination
First-order kinetics – rate of elimination is proportional to the amount of
drug present
Zero-order kinetics – rate of elimination is constant regardless of the
amount of drug present in the system (ethanol, phenytoin, salicylates)
Capacity-limited kinetics – occurs when the rate of elimination shifts
from first-order to zero-order based on the saturation of the elimination
processes (overdoses)

Reaction Order [ ] vs. time plot Rate of Reaction Half-life

Zero Linear Constant Proportional to [ ]

First Exponential Proportional to [ ] Constant

Commonly Monitored Drugs
• Cardioactive drugs: digoxin, procainamide
• Antiepileptic drugs: valproic acid, phenobarbital, phenytoin,
• Antibiotics: amikacin, gentamicin, vancomycin, tobramycin
• Immunosuppressants: cyclosporine, tacrolimus, sirolimus
• Antidepressants: nortriptyline, desipramine, lithium
• Bronchodilators: theophylline
• Others: methotrexate, busulfan, antifungal, HIV,
Antiepileptic Drugs (AEDs)

• AEDs – valproic acid, phenytoin, carbamezepine,


• Newer AEDs (lamotrigine, gabapentin, topiramate,

levetiracetam, oxcarbazepine) are not widely

• There is a defined relationship between blood

concentration and seizure control

• CYP450 metabolized, patients on multiple

• Most antibiotics (B-lactams, macrolides, quinolones)
have a wide therapeutic index and do not require

• Aminoglycosides (gentamicin, amikacin, streptomycin

and tobramycin) and vancomycin have a narrow
therapeutic index and toxicity may be severe or
irreversible (nephrotoxic)

• Aminoglycoside kinetics display great variation

dependent on disease state

• Infections are associated with altered hydration and

membrane permeability
Personalised medicine

Defined as

'a medical model using characterisation of individuals’

phenotypes and genotypes (e.g. molecular profiling, medical
imaging, lifestyle data)----- for tailoring the right therapeutic
strategy for the right person at the right time, and------ to
determine the predisposition to disease and/or to deliver timely
and targeted prevention.
Personalized medicine address the challenges of; 

•common medicines not being effective in treating large numbers
of patients

•rising healthcare costs due to more prevalent chronic diseases

and an ageing population

Hence tailor-made prevention and treatment strategies for

individuals or groups ----------- receive specific therapies that
work best for them, hence save finances
Personalized Medicine: Pharmacogenetics
Top 10 PGx tests in clinical laboratories (2005)



Specificity of Common PGx Biomarkers
PGx Case : Opiate Metabolism
Pharmacogenetics of morphine poisoning in a breastfed neonate of a codeine-
prescribed mother. Lancet 368:704, 2006
Day 1 – full-term healthy male infant delivered, mother on 30 mg
codeine/500 mg APAP for pain
Day 7 – difficulty breastfeeding and lethargy
Day 11 – well-baby visit, baby had regained birthweight
Day 12 – grey skin and milk intake decreased
Day 13 – infant found dead
Postmortem – morphine blood concentration = 70
(normal in neonates breastfed by mothers on codeine
0-2.2 ng/mL)

Genotype analysis of CYP2D6 – mother heterozygous for CYP2D6*2A allele with

CYP2D6*2x2 gene duplication – ultra-rapid metabolizer
Neonates invariably have impared capacity to metabolize and eliminate

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