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Mica DM Savvyor Hospitals Casestudy Neha Shah

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Case Study - Savvyor Hospitals

First Name : NEHA

Last Name : SHAH

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12Create a list of
channels in Website : Relevant information regarding the medical services offered across all the Savvyor group of
hospitals across the country. Providing a detailed list of the in-house and visiting doctors, special mention of
order to drive the achievements by the hospital in the medical sector. Testimonials of patient’s, information regarding health
traffic in the insurance etc.

community and PAID MEDIA

a content idea. Social Media Platforms :
• Instagram - Posting images on tips for a healthy lifestyle
• Facebook - Start a community group of Savvyor Hospitals. Articles, blogs and posts on the various health
issues and diseases, and providing solutions and consultation for the same through the online community
• YouTube - Sharing Doctor’s videos providing treatments and remedies regarding various concerns
• E-mail - Providing various offers and discounts and updating consumers regarding new services launched
at the hospital

Press Release : Newsworthy content to be sent out to relevant media houses for publication.
-New-Technology Medical Service Launch
-Partnership / Collaboration with Health Insurance Companies for convenience of patients to get everything
under the same roof.
-Awards and achievements
-Events hosted in public interest
-CSR activities

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2 Create a community
engagement • Directing the patients towards WhatsApp customer support for a closer experience.
• Use WhatsApp business marketing to form an engagement strategy. In this manner, the
brand will be able to answer the patients queries and issues immediately and engage
them more towards the brand

• While ending of the conversations or when the problems are resolvied on WhatsApp,
sharing the link to the hospitals Facebook page and requesting patients to leave a
feedback or follow the page

• Timely discussing trending issues and asking questions on topics of concern to increase
interaction and engagement with the audience

• Building personal relations and interacting with the audience through FB messenger

• Remaining consistent on the channels to build and maintain the engagement of people
and bring in more members to the brand

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3 Develop a moderation
<Enter Your Response - Word Limit: 100-200 words>
plan to keep the sanity
of the community, with Savvyor Hospitals being into healthcare, any good or bad comment will have
only high quality deep impacts and affect the feeling of the community. So, its extremely
responses. important for them to have a pre-moderation strategy on their community
- They cannot afford to have any wrong information, fear, misinformation being fed
to patients, as the brand is involved with its patient’s life
- Its important for every users post, feedback, comment or testimonial to get an
approval through the community managers before getting published, in order to
safeguard the brands image and the sanity of its patients
- It does not provide instant gratification to the community members
- Instead, few standard support messages are drafted in advance which is sent out
to users when they try to get in touch with the community
- If the users expect instant responses, this strategy may result in the participation
going down, but having high control here is essential and cannot be compromised

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4 Identify the
<Enter Your Response - Word Limit: 20-50 words each>
nt of the comment Comment 1 : Positive/Negative/Neutral
and write a response Response:
Thank you for your valuable feedback ! We are glad that you were happy with our
for each of these
Comment 2 : Positive/Negative/Neutral
We are extremely sorry to hear that ! We have curated another remedy suitable for
your situation and hope that this will be beneficial to you. We will be happy to hear
from you again.

Comment 3: Positive/Negative/Neutral
Hi. We are extremely sorry to hear that you feel this way. We really hope we could
change the way you think, when you try our services.

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5 Prepare a crisis
for information The first step here is to “Get If an information leakage occurred, a Once the problem is dealt with,
Prepared” meeting should be held with the make sure to “Follow Up”
leakage crisis Knowing how your organization and crisis management team – top level
situation. public will react to an information executives from legal, public • Show empathy towards the part
leakage is essential and will relations consultant, security, IT etc. affected and provide deals or
expedite the company’s response. benefits for the inconvenience
So having a well-thought pre- • Determine what data was caused
decided solution to common issues compromised, who were affected, • Continue to communicate
should be prepared for – how they should be handled regularly and provide updates
• Make a public statement about whenever possible
• How will the public, staff and the incident – on the website, • Have a script prepared that
stakeholders be informed? social platform and to media answers the questions asked
• What other key steps need to • Answer any potential questions even after the issue is resolved
take place immediately after the that are asked on any social • The brand should find out how
leakage? platform and why the information was
• Who are your contacts at • Explain how the leakage was not leaked
relevant law enforcement intended • A plan should be made so that no
agencies and credit monitoring • Focus on the relationship with the such incident ever happen again
services? affected party and the public, and • Lastly, fulfill all the promises
• How will legal concerns be try strengthening by presenting made at the time of the urgency
balanced against reputational how apologetic you are for the
damage? incident
• Whether to have a seasoned PR • Also, encourage the affected
crisis communications consultant party to take this incident on
on retainer personal forum than the public

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Thank You!

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