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Reviewer - Quarter 2 Periodical Test in Science

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The following are the functions of the

skeletal system, except
a. It gives shape to the body.
b. It serves as the framework of the body.
c. It protects the internal organ of the body.
d. It circulates oxygen and removes carbon
2. Why is bone marrow important to
the body?
a. It stores much fat.
b. It makes the bone strong.
c. It produces red blood cell
d. It produces new bone cell.
3. It manufactures the blood cells in the body.
a. bone marrow b. blood
c. blood cell d. hinge joints

4. Which body system that protects the organs

of the body such as the heart, lungs, and
a. skeletal system b. circulatory system
c. muscular system d. digestive system
5. The skin is the largest organ in your body. Which of the
following describe the function of the skin?
I. Protects the body from physical and chemical
II. Makes the skin darker
III. Acts as sensory response
IV. Helps in the formation of Vitamin D
V. Regulates body temperature
VI. Carries the body wastes
a. I, III, V, VI b. I, II, III, IV, V
c. II, III, IV, VI d. I, II, III, V, VI
6. What is the integumentary system made of?
I. Teeth V. Hair
II. Skin VI. Eyes
III. Bones VII. Sweat Glands
IV. Nails

a. II, III, IV, V b. II, IV, V, VII

c. III, IV, V, VI d. I, IV, V, VII
7. What is the skin’s natural oil?
a. Sweat c. Sebum
b. Melanin d. Vegetable oil

8. What system is composed of the mouth,

esophagus, stomach, small intestine, and large
a. Digestive System b. Respiratory System
c. Circulatory System d. Excretory System
9.Where does digestion begin?
a. nose b. esophagus c. mouth d.
10.Where does final digestion take place?
a. small intestine b. large intestine
c. esophagus d. mouth
11. Why is respiratory system very important to
the body?
a. It enables carbon dioxide to get into the
b. It consists of body parts that help the body
receive oxygen.
c. It helps distribute carbon dioxide to the
d. It enables the blood to circulate in your
12. How does oxygen in the air get into the blood?
a. through the nose b. through the throat
c. through the mouth d. through the tiny capillaries

13. What will happen to the cells of the body

when there is absence of oxygen?
a. The cells will continue to grow and multiply.
b. The cells will be inactive.
c. The cells will survive.
d. The cells will die.
14. How can you keep your heart
a. eating heart-shaped candy
b. doing activities like playing outside,
riding your bike, and swimming
c. smoking
d. sleeping 18 hours a day
15. What are tubes that carry blood back to the
a. arteries b. veins c. pipes d. tubes

16. Which of the following is the function of

integumentary system?
a. It serves as a body covering.
b. It serves as the pathway of the blood.
c. It serves as a sense of touch.
d. both a and c
17. How does musculo-skeletal system work
a. Muscles are attached to the bones and produce
movement by contracting and relaxing.
b. Muscles are attached to the skin and produce
movement by the help of the epidermis.
c. Muscles are attached to the ribs and spinal
column; thus, they produce movement.
d. Muscles are attached to the cartilage, thus
producing movement.
18. The following are the works of
circulatory system except __________.
a. carrying nutrients to the cells
b. carrying oxygen to the different parts of
the body
c. carrying message to the brain
d. carrying waste product of the cells
19. How does circulatory system work together with
respiratory system?
a. Circulatory system breaks down food to be absorbed by
the respiratory system as it provides oxygen to the cells.
b. Circulatory system carries nutrients to the respiratory
system as it provides oxygen to the circulatory system.
c. Circulatory system carries message to the respiratory
system as it provides oxygen to the circulatory system.
d. Circulatory system carries oxygen to the cells of
respiratory system as it provides nutrients to the
circulatory system.
20. How does digestive system work together with respiratory
and circulatory systems?
a. Digestive system digests food to be carried out by the
circulatory system to the respiratory system as it provides
oxygen to the digestive system.
b. Digestive system digests food to be carried out by the
respiratory system to the circulatory system as it provides
oxygen to the digestive system.
c. Digestive system carries nutrients to the circulatory system,
while circulatory system digests food for the digestive system
as it provides oxygen.
d. Digestive system provides food and oxygen to the circulatory
and respiratory system.
21. All given set of animals are classified in one
vertebrate group, which is NOT?
I. gecko, snake, crocodile, iguana
II. dolphin, cat, horse, sheep
III. ostrich, bat, penguin, duck
IV. toad, newt, salamander, frog

22. Goats, cats, dogs, and rabbits are
mammals have characteristics that differ from
other vertebrates. Which of the following
features does not describe a mammal?

A. Mammals have mammary glands.

B. Mammals have scales and feathers.
C. Mammals have fur or hair.
D. Mammals are warm-blooded animals.
23. In what way do amphibians differ from
A. Amphibians have backbones.
B. Amphibians can live both on land and in
C. Amphibians can crawl.
D. Amphibians are oviparous.
24. Ostriches are classified as birds but
cannot fly. Why?
A. They have thick feathers.
B. They have heavy weight.
C. They are afraid of heights.
D. They prefer to be in land.
25. Some animals were taken from their natural habitat
by hunters or people and were being sold in pet
shops. Which of these will you do in order to minimize
these activities that endanger different species of
A. Help the hunters to find a pet shop to sell their
B. Report illegal activity to a Forest Ranger or
C. Buy the animal being sold to be your pet.
D. Take care of the animal for a while and then sold it.
26. Which of these groups of animals is
A. nematodes, annelids, and
B. crustaceans, amphibians, and mollusks
C. mollusks, insects, and mammals
D. reptiles, fishes, and birds
27. Which group of invertebrates is divided into
segments with a ringed appearance?
A. Sponges C. Cnidarians
B. Echinoderms D. Annelids

28. To what subgroup of arthropods do

invertebrates with four pairs of legs belong?
A. echinoderms C. arachnids
B. crustaceans D. nematodes
29. Which group of animals is invertebrate?
A. butterfly, mosquito, fly, grasshopper
B. fish, spider, snake, butterfly
C. bird, dog, chicken, cat, ant
D. all of the above

30. Animals like clams, jellyfish, butterfly and

grasshopper are examples of _________.
A. invertebrates C. mammals
B. vertebrates D. amphibians
31. Mollusks, sponges, echinoderms, and
nematodes are classified as__________.
A. invertebrates C. mammals
B. vertebrates D. amphibians

32. Which group of animals is invertebrate?

A. frog, mosquito, cat, grasshopper
B. fish, spider, snake, dog
C. bird, dog, chicken, cat, ant
D. earthworm, snail, bee, bug
33. What do we call the animals which do not have
bone structure or backbone?
A. vertebrates C. poriferans
B. invertebrates D. cnidarians

34. Snail, butterfly, bee, and clam are examples of

invertebrates. This means that these animals possess
this distinguishing characteristic.
A. presence of backbone B. lack of cranium
C. absence of backbone D. presence of cranium
35.What are the distinguishing characteristics of
invertebrates that differ from vertebrates aside from
the absence of backbone?
A. Invertebrates are mostly stronger and bigger
than vertebrates.
B. Invertebrates are mostly smaller and weaker
than vertebrates.
C. Invertebrates are complex compared to those
D. Invertebrates do not have segmented bodies
36. Which group of organisms can be found in the
mangrove ecosystem?
A. mussels, fish, corals C. butterfly, snake, bird
B. worm, rat, fish D. mangrove trees, fiddler
37. What are the things needed by plants to make their
own food?
A. water, chemicals and oxygen
B. oxygen and carbon dioxide
C. oxygen and chemicals
D. carbon dioxide, soil and sunlight
38. Which of the following describes a canopy of the
A. composed of trees that are 130 to 180 feet tall
B. about 59 feet and consists of trunk of canopy,
shrubs, small plants and trees
C. consists mostly of fungi, insects, worms and
litter from taller trees
D. has slender trees from a dense platform of
vegetation with 60 to 129 feet.
39. What kind of interaction is shown when one
organism kills another organism for food?
A. mutualism C. parasitism
B. commensalism D. predation

40. It is an environment where both living and non-

living things exist and interact with one another.
A. ecology C. community
B. ecosystem D. population
41. One example of competition in tropical
rainforest is when the shrubs and trees are
growing together in one area. What do they
compete for?
A.sunlight and soil nutrients.
B.oxygen and carbon dioxide.
C. chemicals and oxygen.
D. water and chemicals.
42. ___________________results
from the interconnected food chains.
A. consumer
B. Producer web
D.biotic component
43. Why is the relationship between the corals and
the algae in the coral reefs considered mutualistic?
A. The corals benefit in the interaction and not the
B. The corals receive oxygen from algae, the algae
get protection from corals.
C. The corals receive oxygen from algae while the
algae are harmed.
D. The corals and algae live together without
harming each other.
44. What kind of interaction is shown when animals like
crabs and mollusks help break down plant litter in a
mangrove ecosystem through grazing?
A. competition C. parasitism
B. commensalism D. mutualism

45. Why is producer important in an ecosystem?

A. It is the source of food to the consumers.
B. It is an organism that eats plants.
C. It breaks down organism into smaller particles.
D. It is a series of feeding relationship.
46. Which statement best describes conservation?
A. use of natural resources
B. maintaining the life of ecosystem
C. wise use and preservation of resources
D. utilizing of earth’s resources

47. Which human activity contributes to the destruction

of forest?
A. reforestation
B. deforestation
C. protecting the forest against harmful activities
D. all of the above
48. The following are ways to conserve Earth’s
resources, which one is NOT?
A. proper waste disposal
B. reduce air and water pollution
C. buy products made from animals
D. help raise funds for environmental conservation

49. Which of the following destroys coral reefs?

A. building man-made fish sanctuaries
B. dynamite fishing
C. waste dumping
D. D. both B and C
50. Ecosystem is an environment where
both living and non-living things exist and
________with one another.
A. disagree
B. interact
C. compete
D. disconnected
No. Answer
2 C 41 A
22 B 42 C
3 A 23 B
4 A 43 B
24 B 44 D
5 A
6 B 25 B 45 A
7 C 26 A 46 C
8 A 27 D 47 B
9 C 28 C 48 C
10 A 29 A 49 D
11 B 50 b
30 A
12 D 31 A
13 D 32 D
14 B
33 B
15 B
34 C
16 D
35 B
17 A
36 D
18 C
37 D
19 B
38 D
20 A
39 D
40 B

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