Team Gwaps Bse 1c
Team Gwaps Bse 1c
Team Gwaps Bse 1c
● Group 1
● Khlent Macasero
● Joshua Cago
● Keith Kcoleen Arellano
● Marc Balhon
Technology runs our lives these days. Smartphones, tablets and computers –
we really can’t seem to function without them. In a very short amount of time,
technology has exploit in the market and now, many people cannot imagine a
life without it.
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Industry Evolution
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● When people think of the industrial ● The first viewpoint speaks to the first
revolution, one of two things may come industrial revolution, while current
to mind. Some people immediately think advances in technology represent the
of the changes in manufacturing brought fourth industrial revolution. While most
about by the use of machinery in the of this article focuses on Industry 4.0, it
eighteenth century. Others may think of is important to fill in the gaps from the
the industrial revolution as an ongoing first to the current set of advances
reality that we still live in today. Both of (industry 1.0 to 4.0).
these are correct
The First Industrial Revolution
● The first revolution brought economies around the world out of agriculture and
handcrafts, into the world of machines. While farming and handmade goods still form a
large part of today’s economy, they are nonetheless affected by the use of machines.
● According to Britannica, the revolution first began in Britain and then spread throughout
the rest of the world. Here are some of the advances it introduced in manufacturing:
• Invention of new machines, such as the spinning jenny
• Improvements in transportation and communication
• Reliance on new energy sources, such as coal
• The use of new raw materials, such as steel
• Division of labor and worker specialization
The Second Industrial Revolution
The new form of modernism took root in the 1950s and spread like wildfire.
Automation software also made its debut at this time, taking over many of the
menial tasks previously completed by humans. This led to perhaps the first big
scare that machines would now lead to mass human unemployment.
The Fourth Industrial Revolution
For all its social implications, Industry 4.0 is still primarily based on the changes to
manufacturing. The current manufacturing process is more holistic, creating interlinks
between the physical and the digital. This is what creates the cyber-physical ecosystem that
characterizes this phase of the ongoing industrial revolution.