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Chapter Three

Parties to and Dimension of Suits

Who are Parties to Suit?

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Parties to a Civil Suit: General Requirements

• Parties to a civil suit known to be;

o plaintiff and defendant under first instance jurisdiction,
o under appellate jurisdiction called appellant and
• Plaintiff - a party who makes an allegation & initiates
proceedings before court,
• Defendant - a person subject to a claim or a party
against whom a claim is filed.

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But who can be a party plaintiff or and
defendant? Common Requirement (art.33/1/

• A common requirement to a party plaintiff, party

defendant, intervener, third party defendant, is a
• It refers to power or ability to perform juridical act/a
party to a suit.
• Capacity in civil litigation implies to an individual’s
ability to represent his interest in a law- suit without the
assistance of another.
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• The rule under this law refers to persons who lack

personal qualification or capacity & can not be
parties/can not be sued or be sued on their own
• Principally every person is capable under art.192 &
196 of
• But disability can be resulted from general and
special sources of incapacity.

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General source of Special sources of

incapacity /art.193 incapacity/art.194
o This is due to physical or o This is due to the status or
psychological conditions. special function of a person.
o Include minors, insane and o Example, agents (see
infirm persons and persons art.63 /status of being a
subject to sentence and pleader/ of civil procedure
deprived of some of their code).
civil rights.

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 Thus,

• Unless law declares persons as incapable, every

person is presumed capable to perform juridical acts.
• Thus, every person can be a party to a civil suit.
• So what is the fate of incapable a persons?
 See art.34 sub-1 of civil procedure code a legal

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Special requirement: A Party Plaintiff; Vested
Interest /art.33/2/
• Vested interest refers to possession of a right required
to be enforced under the governing substantive law.
• Since civil suits refer to individuals right vested
interest is attached as prerequisite.
• Vested interest is equated with the right of action or
legal right forwarded by facts relied upon by the
plaintiff/cause of action.
 What if there is no vested interest?

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Consequences for Lack of vested interest?

• The result is based on objection raised by opponent

party and nature of the parties;
• Unqualified party /244/2/(d), by defendant there by
court may order substitution or addition of a party as
a plaintiff (art.40 of civil procedure).

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Party Defendant: allegations
• This is called relief/ see art.224 of
• A person sued must be the one responsible for the
wrongs committed and claims arising therefrom.
• Thus, a plaintiff should state or show the claim he/she
is demanding against a defendant.

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How to Plead? Representation

• Is to mean to represent real parties to a suit.

• As you can understood from art.63 of ci. pro. Co.
representation is a principle.
• A court may order appearance of parties in certain
• There are two classes of representation;
1. representation for interest of others, and
2. representation for own interest and interest of others.

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Representation for interest of others: Legal
• This is a representation under art.34 of civ. pro. code.
• A legal representative represents persons under
incapacity because they cannot be parties to civil suits
to protect their interest.

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Representation for own interest & interest of
others: Representative Class Suits
• This kind of representation is allowed pursuant to
article 38 of civil procedure code.
• It is allowed because a suit involves several
persons and that it is inconvenient for all to be
parties in terms of expeditious and economic
• However there are requirements for representation
class suit.
What re these requirements?

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Requirements for Representation class suit

• The requirements for this representation to apply are

1) the parties should have the same interest in a suit;
2) they agree to be represented; and
3) the number of parties is more than two since the
provision demands the number of parties to be

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What is same interest?

• There is no definition given to the term under the

• All the members of a group to be represented have a
common interest or a common grievance, and the
relief they demand is beneficial to them all.
• But it does not mean that the claim of parties has a
single cause or that it arises from the same transaction

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• It means that as plaintiffs, they must demand the
same relief against the defendant for the same wrong
committed against all of them; as defendants they
must be invoking the same defense against the
plaintiff on the same cause of action.
• Thus, same interest means some thing more than
same cause of action (same transaction).

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• Cases against administrative decisions, labor cases


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Agents and Pleaders /art.57 of civil procedure
• The requirement is that such representatives are able
to answer all the material questions relating to a suit.
• Refers to a person authorized by operation of law to
act on behalf of a party to a suit.
• A pleader is a person who holds an advocate’s
license, and no person may appear in this capacity
unless he holds such a license.

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• A pleader has to produce his license together with a

letter of authorization from a person who authorized

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Joinder of Parties and Causes of Action

• Multiplication of parties & causes of action.

• How two or more plaintiffs bring action against a
single or more defendants, & how many causes of
actions can be made subject to a single suit.

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Joinder: Advantage and disadvantage

• It is helpful to pool their resources together and

enables them to share costs of pursuing a suit.
• It also relieves a burden of court to resolve cases
involving many persons or causes of action by a
single suit.
• It avoids the possibility of making conflicting

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Cont’d….. disadvantage

• It expands the scope of litigation and consequently

causes delay of proceedings.
• It results in embarrassment of the defendant and
makes him not to be able to properly defend himself.

 Article 221 of the Civil Procedure Code tries to

strike a balance between these two conflicting
interests toward joinder.

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Forms and Types of Joinder of Parties
• Joinder of parties appears in different forms,
1) Two or more plaintiffs (which is known as joinder of
plaintiffs) bring action against a single defendant; or
2) A single plaintiff brings action against two or more
defendants (joinder of defendants); or
3) Two or more plaintiffs file a suit against two or more
defendants (joinder of plaintiffs and joinder of

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• Beyond that there are two types of joinder of parties,

1. Permissive joinder, and
2. Mandatory joinder.

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Permissive joinder /see art.35 of civ. pro/

• For joinder of plaintiffs in a civil suit two

requirements are describe;
1. the right to relief must arise from the same
transaction whether jointly, severally or in the
alternative, and
2. there is a common question of law or fact that would
arise if such persons made separate suits.

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the same transaction Cont’d…..

• the claims of persons to join must be related in the

sense that they should arise from the same source.
• The parties may claim different remedies but the
source of claim must be similar.
• In short terms it is to mean a series of acts that cause
damage to some person.

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a common question of law or fact Cont’d…..

• All the parties share at least one common litigation

interest in the form of an issue of law or fact.
• It refers to those questions of law or fact arising out
of the claims in a particular case before the court.

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Joinder of defendants /see art.36 of civil
• refers to a situation where two or more persons are
jointly sued by a single or more plaintiffs.
• Unlike joinder of plaintiffs there is one requirement
that applies to the joinder of defendants, a common
question of law or fact.

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Effect of Misjoinder and Non-Joinder of
Parties /see rt.39 of civil procedue/
• Under a permissive joinder, mis-joinder or non-joinder
does not result in the defeat of case.
• If a party is not joined or is improperly joined, the
appropriate measure is to drop a party improperly
joined and demand substitution, and proceed with the
parties before a court.
• If there is improper joinder of defendants, the
plaintiff should be given option to drop the
defendants improperly joinded or to proceed with
separate suits.
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Mandatory Joinder/ joinder of indispensable
• Parties are under obligation to bring a joint action or
• There is no choice given to parties other than a joint
action or defense.
• It applies to certain categories of persons required by
substantive law to exercise their rights jointly at a
time /example- joint owners, joint creditors or
debtors, husband and wife over common property/.

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• The interest and claim belongs to all of them and not

to one of them only.
• The absence of one will necessarily affect one’s right,
that is why they are considered to be indispensable
• The other category comprises of those who can be
affected by a decision given in their absence, as a
solution oppose a decision as per art.358 of civil
procedure code.

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Consequence if there is non- joinder of an
indispensable party
• For defendant- the court shall order the joinder of
such party, by issuing summon on him (art.39 and
• In non-joinder of an indispensible party plaintiff- no
clear provision.

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Joinder of Causes of Action: Definition

• Refers to facts or occurrences that give rise to a claim

for relief without particular reference to the
substantive law to be applied, or the nature of relief
• Parties are allowed to join as many causes of action
as possible so long as joining of causes does not bring
about delay of proceeding or embarrassment to a
• Parties are allowed to join even unrelated claims /see
art.217 of civil procedure code/.
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• The exception to this rule is provided under art.218

and art.219.
• A single plaintiff or plaintiffs with a joint interest may
unite any number of claims against the same
defendant or the same defendants jointly, so far as the
joinder does not result in delay of considering a case
or an embarrassment to defendant. (See, Art 221 of
Cv. Pr. C)

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Interventions: Conditions and Types

• This is a mechanism by which a party is brought into

a pending case to present a claim or defense.
• It is different from joinder of parties because joinder
is an issue that comes at the beginning of a suit, while
intervention is a question that comes after a suit
undergoes some steps.

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Types of intervention
• There are two types of interventions,
1. by an application of a third party himself, and
2. As of obligation.

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by an application of a third party himself /see
art.41 of
• A party who wants to intervene shall
1. File a written application in which he is expected to
state reasons justifying his intervention,
2. The application shall be filed at any time before a
decision is given, and
3. The party must be interested in suit between other

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• Since intervention widens the dimension of a dispute
and causes delay of proceedings court should also
take into account the need to settle a case involving
many persons by a single decision.

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Effect of Intervention

• An application for intervention is granted,

proceedings are suspended until the original parties
have been served with a copy of the statement of a
party who is allowed to intervene.
• The effect intervention produces is that a decision
given on a case also binds the intervener.
• What if an application for intervention is rejected?
No clear provision but FSCCB decides one case.

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As of obligation: by public prosecutor /see
art.41 of cv. pro./
• Public Prosecutor is under obligation to intervene, if
parties concerned in such types of suit have initiated a
• Substantive law prescribes all of the cases demanding
the intervention of the Public Prosecutor, civil status,
incapacity, marriage and bankruptcy cases.

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Third-Party Practice [Impleader]

• Is a procedural device enabling the defendant in a

lawsuit to bring into a suit an additional party who
may be liable for all or part of the original plaintiff’s
claim against the defendant.
• It is a mechanism by which a defendant brings into a
suit a third party on the ground that such third party
covers or shares the whole or part of claim of

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• To settle claims involving the same cause of action/

transaction in a single suit.
• Avoiding separate suits over the same cause of
 Thus, a defendant who has a claim against a third
party does not need to bring a subsequent suit against

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Requirements for Third party practice
• The requirement are;
 the defendant shall demand a court for the third party
practice in his statement of defense, in his
application, the defendant is supposed to indicate the
reasons why he demands the intervention of the third
 the defendant should mention the extent of
contribution or indemnity to be made or covered by
such third party.

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What’s next?

• If the requirements are fulfilled, court issues summon

on the third party together with a copy of the
statement of claim and the statement of defense and
require him to appear at a fixed date.
• Once he is ordered to be a party, he proceeds like a
defendant in a normal action, he/she can make a
counter claim or set-off against the original defendant
(called third party plaintiff

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• The third party should appear and raise any objection

he may make to his intervention demanded by the
• If third party fails to appear on the date he is
supposed to appear, he is deemed to have admitted
the existence of contribution or indemnity between
him and the defendant.

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When does third party practice raised?

• The application for third party practice is subject to a

time limit.
• The defendant should raise it as soon as he appears
before a court to make a defense against a claim of
the plaintiff.

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Change of parties
• Unlike criminal case in civil suits, there is a
possibility that others can replace the original parties
upon death of one of them /art.48 of civil procedure/.
• Whether or not the right to sue survives depends on
the provisions of substantive law.
• Unless the subject of a suit is related to a personal
obligation of the deceased person, a suit is said to
have survived a person’s death.

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• If a court concludes hearing of a case and adjourns

the case to make a decision death of parties could not
hinder from rendering a decision as provided under
art. 53.

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