Session 10 and 11
Session 10 and 11
Session 10 and 11
Session 10
Definition of Scope
• Scope refers to all the work involved in creating the products of the
project and the processes used in creating them.
• Products of the project are called deliverables which emphasizes
that the products and processes are created for a sponsor
• Deliverables can be product related such as hardware or software or
process related concept, planning or design
• Scope is converted to requirements through elaboration and
Definitions of Requirements
• Requirements are defined as “ conditions, or capabilities that must be met by
the project or present in the product, service or result to satisfy an agreement
or other formally imposed specification” PMBOK Guide (Fifth Edition)
1910 IEEE (Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers) Standard Glossary
of Software
• A condition or capability needed by a user to solve a problem or meet an
• A condition or capability that must be met or possessed by a system or system
component to satisfy a contract, standard, specification or other formally
imposed document
Six Processes Groups of Project Scope
(1) Planning Scope Management
(2) Collecting Requirements
(3) Defining Scope
(4) Creating Work Break Down Structure (WBS)
(5) Validating Scope
(6) Controlling Scope
initiating Planning Executing closeout
(1)Planning Scope Management
• For good management it is essential to have a plan. The plan for
scope management (which must be made after stakeholder
consultation) generally includes:
• Methodology/Processes for:
• (a)Collecting Requirements and creating a Requirements document
• (b) Creating the Scope Statement of the project (basically what should it include)
• (c) Creating Work Break Down Structure (WBS -Dividing scope into smaller components)
• (d) Validating Scope
• (e) Controlling Scope (controlling changes to project scope)
1. Planning Scope Management -RMP
• Another output of scope management is the Requirements management
Plan (RMP)
• The RMP includes:
• How to plan, track and report requirement activities ( actions such as conducting
interviews, scheduling meetings, or holding team brainstorming sessions)
• How changes to the requirement would be handled (process should specify why
the decision was made, who will sign off on the change, what impact will it have on
the project)
• How to prioritize requirements (e.g. identifying requirements that are mission-
critical and prioritizing them over others).
• How to trace the requirement (processes used to track requirements from the
start to the end of the project)
Collecting Requirements
• This is the most difficult step in scope definition. What ever technique
is used it is not possible to get the user to indicate all the requirements
• A major consequence of not defining requirements well is rework
which can consume up to half of project software costs specially in case
of software development
• However the cost of failure is high: It costs 100 times more to correct a
defect in operation than it is at design stage
• After collecting the requirements the scope statement has to be
Methods to collect Requirements
Methods to collect Requirements
Post Condition After a successful login a mail should be sent to the user mail id
2b Invalid Password
System shows an error message
• Document Tools
• Before the beginning of software process, documentation of the software project must
begin. This documentation must cover the all the software development life cycle phases
and the completion of the software development phase as well. The documents are
generated by the documentation tools for both technical and end users.
• Example: Doxygen, Adobe Robohelp, DrExplain etc.
• Analysis of Requirements
• Requirements gathering, inconsistency checks, diagrams inaccuracy, redundancies in the
data etc. can be checked using analysis tools.
• Example: For requirement analysis are Accept 360, Accompa, Casecomplete etc.
CASE Tools
CASE Tools
• Diagram tools
• These tools are used to represent system components, data and
control flow among various software components and system
structure in a graphical form. For example, Flow Chart Maker tool for
creating state-of-the-art flowcharts.
• Process Modeling Tools
• Process modeling is method to create software process model, which
is used to develop the software. Process modeling tools help the
managers to choose a process model or modify it as per the
requirement of software product. For example, EPF Composer
CASE Tools
• Analysis Tools
• These tools help to gather requirements, automatically check for any inconsistency,
inaccuracy in the diagrams, data redundancies or erroneous omissions. For example,
Accept 360, Accompa, CaseComplete for requirement analysis, Visible Analyst for total
• Prototyping Tools
• Software prototype is simulated version of the intended software product. Prototype
provides initial look and feel of the product and simulates few aspect of actual product.
• Prototyping CASE tools essentially come with graphical libraries. They can create
hardware independent user interfaces and design. These tools help us to build rapid
prototypes based on existing information. In addition, they provide simulation of
software prototype. For example, Serena prototype composer, Mockup Builder.
CASE Tools
• Design Tools
• These tools help software designers to design the block structure of
the software, which may further be broken down in smaller
modules using refinement techniques. These tools provides detailing
of each module and interconnections among modules. For example,
Animated Software Design
• Repository
• CASE tools also help in providing a repository for project data. A
CASE tool’s database can be used to document and control
Method to collect requirements
• Although there are many ways to collect requirements, a 2011 study
(page 192) showed
• 73 percent of respondents felt that the most important challenge was to gain
understanding of what the customers wanted
• 70 percent of the respondents spent at least 10 percent of their time
managing changes, 30 percent spent more than 25 percent of time
• 83 percent of the development teams use Microsoft Word or Excel to
communicate requirements
• Respondents listed requirement collaboration and management software and
requirement modeling and visualization as two most software development
tools as being on their wish list
Tricks of the Trade
Methods for Improving User Input (page
• Have users on the project team
• Some organizations require project managers to come from business area
• Locate users with developers
• Have regular meeting with users with fixed agendas
• Developers often assume they have understood user’s needs without getting feedback (so
regular meetings are required). Users should sign off on the requirements presented in
• Deliver something to project users and sponsors on regular basis
• This results in good feed back but what is delivered should work other wise the project
gets a bad name
• Do not make over promises
• Make sure the project schedule allows enough time to produce the deliverables
How to control changing user Requirements
• When the customer found that project was going well s/he wanted more
requirements. The project manager adjusted the baselines to show that the
project would not meet its cost
• Ensure that project scope changes include associated cost and schedule changes,
appropriate level approval and emphasize completion dates (ask users what they
want to give up, in lieu of requested changes, to meet completion date)
• Emphasize completion date. Create a drop dead date and adjust everything
• Allocate resources specifically to handling change requests (in one case the
project provided a function key by which users could ask for changes and
provisioned coders specifically for handling these changes)
Issues in Documenting
Documenting Requirements
• The format for documenting stakeholder requirements can be:
• Listing all requirements on a single sheet of paper
• Or on a roomful of books
• People who have worked on designing and construction of aero
planes indicate that “the weight of the requirement documents can
weigh more than the plane itself”
• Requirements should be broken down into functional requirements,
system requirements, performance requirements etc. and given an
ID number
Building Traceability
Requirement Traceability
Matrix (RTM)
(An Output of “Collecting Requirements”)
What is Traceability?
• The IEEE Standard Glossary of Software Engineering Terminology defines
traceability as “the degree to which a relationship can be established
between two or more products of the development process, especially
products having a predecessor-successor or master-subordinate
relationship to one another.” [IEEE-610]
• Traceability is also used to track the relationship between each unique
product-level requirement and the work products to which that
requirement is allocated.
• For example, a single product requirement might result into: one or more
architectural elements, detail design elements, objects/classes, code units, tests
cases, user documentation topics, and/or even to people or manual processes that
implements that requirement
What is traceability
• Traceability is used to track the relationship between each unique
product-level requirement and its source. For example, a product
requirement might trace from: a business need, a user request, a
business rule, an external interface specification, an industry standard
or regulation, or to some other source.
• Good traceability practices allow for bidirectional traceability,
meaning that the can be the traceability chains can be traced in
both the forwards and backwards directions as seen in the next
Forward Traceability Backward Traceability
Tracing the Tracing each unique
requirements work product (e.g.,
sources to their design element,
resulting product object/class, code
requirement(s) to unit, test) back to its
ensure the associated
completeness of the requirement (and
product requirement also to source)
Backward traceability
The objective is to can verify that there
ensure that each is no gold plating (i.e.
requirement is the scope of the work
implemented in the has not increased by
product and that making requirements
eachrequirement is more complex).
thoroughly tested.
Good traceability practices allow for bidirectional traceability, meaning that
the can be the traceability chains can be traced in both the forwards and
backwards directions as seen in the next figure
Traceability is ensured using an Requirement
Traceability Matrix (RTM)
Requirement Traceability Matrix (RTM)
It is a combination of forwarding
and backward traceability matrix,
which is used to make sure that all
the business needs are executed in
the test cases.
Boundaries The project does not include upgradation of the company’s hardware. This will be done through a
separate project after observing the performance of the upgraded website on the existing
hardware. Also Recommendation System is outside the scope of work.
Deliverables New software with features as given in functional and non-functional requirements.
Module for Management of website such as adding new products and promotions
Training of IT staff on the Management module
Acceptance Sign off by the marketing staff and finance staff that all the deliverables have been delivered as per
criteria the functional and non-functional requirements
Constraints The development team does not have the requisite expertise in development of a chat bot and
training would have to be given to two members (with one acting as standby)
Assumptions The functional and non-functional requirements will be signed off by the marketing and finance
teams in one month
Session 11
After Collecting Requirements and
Project Scope Statement
Prepare Work Break Down Structure
Work Break Down Structure (WBS)
• After collecting requirements and defining scope the next step in scope
project management is to define the work break down structure (WBS)
• The WBS is a deliverable focused grouping of work involved in the project
• The WBS is a foundation document in project management because it provides
the basis of planning and managing project schedules, costs, resources and
• The Project Management Body of Knowledge (PMBOK 5) defines the
work-breakdown structure as a "hierarchical decomposition of the
total scope of work to be carried out by the project team to accomplish
the project objectives and create the required deliverables."
Creating a WBS
• The project scope management plan, scope statement, requirements
documents, enterprise environmental factors and organizational
process assets are the primary inputs
• The main tool or technique employed is DECOMPOSITION (divide the
scope into smaller groups of tasks) and expert judgement.
• There are summary tasks and work packages in a WBS:
• Summary tasks are just there for organizational purposes. Summary tasks do
NOT get estimated and delegated
• The work packages are where the actual work resides. Work packages get
estimated and delegated.
Work Packages
• A work package is a task at the lowest level of WBS
• A work package should be defined at the proper level so the project manager
can clearly establish an estimate of the effort needed to:
• Complete it
• Estimate the cost of all required resources
• Evaluate the quality of the results when the work package is finished
• In the software, estimates of work time should be entered only at the work
package level
• The rest of the WBS items are groupings or summary tasks for the work packages
• The software will automatically calculates duration estimates for various WBS
levels based on data entered for each work package and WBS hierarchy
Creating a WBS
• The project scope management plan, scope statement, requirements
documents, enterprise environmental factors(refer next slide) and
organizational process assets are the primary inputs
• The main tool or technique employed is DECOMPOSITION (divide the
scope into smaller groups of tasks) and expert judgement.
• There are summary tasks and work packages in a WBS:
• Summary tasks are just there for organizational purposes. Summary tasks do
NOT get estimated and delegated
• The work packages are where the actual work resides. Work packages get
estimated and delegated.
Enterprise Environmental Factors (EEF)
• Enterprise environmental factors are the influences not under the control of the organization
or the project management team that affect the organization, the project, and its outcome.
Every organization has to exist and work within the EEF.
• These influences may have positive or negative impacts on your project constraints, though
often, the impact is negative.
• Enterprise environment factors can be either internal or external.
• Examples of external enterprise environmental factors are as follows:
• Government regulations
• Market conditions
• External political conditions
• Industry standards
• Legal restrictions
Visualization of WBS
• A WBS is often depicted as a deliverable oriented tree of tasks similar
to an organizational chart
• A chart form helps in visualization of the whole project and the main
• A WBS can be organized around:
• Project Products
• Project phases (Concept, Design, Development, Roll out, Support)
• PMI Process Groups (Initiating, Planning, Executing, Controlling)
Visualizing a WBS
WBS on the basis of Products
WBS for Mobile Application
Level 2
1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 1.5
Initiating Planning Executing M&C Closing
Level 3
1.1.1 1.1.2 1.1.3 1.3.2 1.3.3 1.3.5
1.3.1 1.3.4
Select Form Project Web site Web site Support
Concept Roll out
PM Team Charter design Development
WBS with Project Phases (TPLC contd.)
1.1.2 Define
Requirements Level 3
1.1 Epic 1 1.2 Epic 2 2.1 Epic 1 3.1 Epic 1 3.2 Epic 2
Back Office
Front Office
Machine learning
Smile to pay facial
to detect fraud and
scanning to initiate
Micro Biometric
Expression (voice , video,
Analysis with print) to
virtual loan authenticate
officers and authorize
Themes, Initiatives, Epics and Stories
• Theme: Digital Transformation
• Initiatives: (1) Facial Scanning for initiating payment transactions, (2)
Micro Expression Analysis with virtual loan officers, (3) Biometrics
(video, voice) for authentication and authorization (4) Machine
learning to detect fraud and cybersecurity attacks
• Initiative 4: Machine learning to detect fraud and cybersecurity
• Feature is a chunk of functionality which has business use.
• Features 1: Fraud detection for credit card
• Feature 2: Fraud detection for customer account
Themes, Initiatives, Epics and Stories
• Feature 1: Fraud detection for credit cards
• Epic1: Abnormality in credit card transaction
• Epic 2: Unauthorized access of user credentials
• Epic 1: Abnormality in credit card transactions
• Story1: As user I would like to be informed when transaction value is above normal
• Story 2: As user I would like to be informed when transaction number is above
• Epic 2: Unauthorized access of user credentials
• Story 1: As user I would like to be informed if wrong password is given
• Story 2: As a user I would like my account to be suspended if three attempts are
made with wrong password
Validating Scope
Page 190 of Information Technology Management by Kathy Schwalbe
Process Groups
Level 4 tasks are work packages. Those tasks that are decomposed further are called
summary tasks
Work Packages
Project Management (Gray, Clifford Desai)