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Sensors - Atuators

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• In any control system, sensors provide measurements of

important variables in a format suitable for the digital
• Similarly, actuators are electrically operated devices that
regulate inputs to the plant that directly control its output.
• For example, fuel injectors are electrically driven actuators
that regulate the flow of fuel into an engine for engine control
• A sensor is a device that produces a measurable
signal in response to a stimulus.

• The characteristics of a sensor may be classified as

being either static, or dynamic.
• Static characteristics are those that can be measured
after all transient effects have stabilized to their final
or steady state.

• They address questions such as; by how much did

the sensor’s output change in response to the input?
• what is the smallest change in the input that will give
an output reading? and
• how long did it take for the output value to change
to the present value?
• Dynamic characteristics describe the sensor’s
transient properties.
• These typically address questions such as; at what
rate is the output changing in response to the input?
• what impact would a slight change in the input
conditions have on the transient response?

• This defines how correctly the sensor output

represents the true value. In order to assess the
accuracy of a sensor, either the measurement should
be benchmarked against a standard measure and or
the output should be compared with a measurement
system with a known accuracy.
• For instance, an oxygen gas sensor, which operates at
a room with 21% oxygen concentration, the gas
measurement system is more accurate if it shows
21.1% rather than 20.1% or 22%.

• It is the difference between the true value of the

quantity being measured and the actual value
obtained from the sensor.

• For instance, in the gas sensing example, if we are

measuring the oxygen content in the room having
exactly 21% oxygen, and our sensor gives us a value
of 21.05%, then the error would be 0.05%.
• The set of variables sensed for any given engine is specific to
the associated engine control configuration.
The superset of variables sensed in engine control includes
the following:
1. Mass air flow (MAF) rate
2. Exhaust gas oxygen concentration (possibly heated)
3. Throttle plate angular position
4. Crankshaft angular position/RPM
5. Coolant temperature
6. Intake air temperature
7. Manifold absolute pressure (MAP)
8. Differential exhaust gas pressure
9. Vehicle speed
10. Transmission gear selector position
Typical Electronic Engine Control System
• Besides pressure, the position of shafts, valves, and levers
must be sensed for automotive control systems.
• Magnetic means of such measurements are generally
preferred in engine applications since they are unaffected by
oil, dirt, or other contaminants.
• The principles involved in measuring rotating shafts can be
illustrated by one of the most significant applications for
engine control: the measurement of crankshaft angular
position or angular velocity.
• Imagine the engine as viewed from the rear, on the rear of the
crankshaft is a large, heavy, circular steel disk called the
flywheel that is connected to and rotates with the crankshaft.
• Let’s mark a point on the flywheel, and draw a line through
this point and the axis of rotation.
• Let’s draw another line through the axis of rotation parallel to
the horizontal center line of the engine as a reference line.
• The crankshaft angular position is the angle between the
reference line and the mark on the flywheel.
Engine Crankshaft Angular Position
• Imagine that the flywheel is rotated so that the mark is
directly on the reference line. This is an angular position of
zero degrees.
• For our purposes, assume that this angular position
corresponds to the No. 1 cylinder at TDC (top dead center).
• As the crankshaft rotates, this angle increases from zero to
360° in one revolution.
• However, one full engine cycle from intake through exhaust
requires two complete revolutions of the crankshaft.
• That is, one complete engine cycle corresponds to the
crankshaft angular position going from zero to 720°.
• During each cycle, it is important to measure the crankshaft
position with reference to TDC for each cylinder.
• This information is used by the electronic engine controller to
set ignition timing and, in most cases, to set the fuel injector
pulse timing.
• In automobiles with electronic engine control systems,
angular position can be sensed on the crankshaft directly or
on the camshaft.
• The camshaft rotational speed is one-half that of the
crankshaft, so the camshaft angular position goes from zero to
360° for one complete engine cycle.
• Either of these sensing locations can be used in electronic
control systems.
• At the present time, there appears to be a trend toward
measuring crankshaft position directly rather than indirectly
via camshaft position.
• In fact, it is sufficient for engine control purposes to measure
crankshaft/camshaft position at a small number of fixed
• The number of such measurements (or samples) is
determined by the number of cylinders.
• It is desirable to measure engine angular position with a non
contacting sensor to avoid mechanical wear and
corresponding changes in accuracy of the measurement.

• The two most common methods for noncontact coupling to a

rotating shaft employ
Magnetic fields or
Engine Speed Sensor

• Magnetic Reluctance Position Sensor used to measure engine

speed. The reluctance sensor is used in this case as an
• This sensor consists of a permanent magnet with a coil of wire
wound around it. A steel disk that is mounted on the
crankshaft (usually in front of the engine) has tabs that pass
between the pole pieces of this magnet.
• The steel disk has four protruding tabs, which is appropriate
for an 8-cylinder engine.
Magnetic Reluctance Crankshaft Position Sensor
Magnetic Circuit of the Reluctance Sensor
• When one of the tabs of the steel disk is located between the
pole pieces of the magnet, a large part of the gap between
the pole pieces is filled by the steel. Since the steel has a
lower reluctance than air, the “flow” of magnetic flux
increases to a relatively large value.
• On the other hand, when a tab is not between the magnet
pole pieces, the gap is filled by air only. This creates a high-
reluctance circuit for which the magnetic flux is relatively
• Thus, the magnitude of the magnetic flux that “flows” through
the magnetic circuit depends on the position of the tab,
which, in turn, depends on the crankshaft angular position.
TDC – Top
Dead Centre

Output Voltage Waveform from the Magnetic Reluctance

Crankshaft Position Sensor Coil
• The four tabs will pass through the sensing coil once for each
crankshaft revolution. Therefore, if we count the pulses of
voltage from the sensing coil in one minute and divide by four,
we will know the engine speed in revolutions per minute
Timing Sensor for Ignition and Fuel Delivery
• In electronic engine control it is often desirable to measure
the angular position of the engine relative to a specific point
in the cycle.
• Normally it is sufficient to measure camshaft position at a
fixed point. Such a sample of camshaft position is readily
achieved by a magnetic sensor similar to that described for
the crankshaft position measurement.
• This sensor detects a reference point on the angular position
of the camshaft that defines a beginning to a complete engine
• Once this reference point has been detected, crankshaft
position measurements provide sufficient information for
timing fuel injection pulses and ignition.

• In one scheme a variable-reluctance sensor is located near a

ferromagnetic disk on the camshaft. This disk has a notch cut
(or it can have a protruding tab), as shown in Figure
Crankshaft Position Sensor
• The disk provides a low-reluctance path (yielding high
magnetic flux) except when the notch aligns with the sensor
• Whenever the notch aligns with the sensor axis, the
reluctance of this magnetic path is increased because the
permeability of air in the notch is very much lower than the
permeability of the disk.
• This relatively high reluctance through the notch causes the
magnetic flux to decrease and produces a change in sensor
output voltage.
• As the camshaft rotates, the notch passes under the sensor
once for every two crankshaft revolutions. The magnetic flux
abruptly decreases, then increases as the notch passes the
• This generates a voltage pulse that can be used in electronic
control systems for timing purposes.
Hall-Effect Position Sensor

• One of the main disadvantages of the magnetic reluctance

sensor is its lack of output when the engine isn’t running.
• A crankshaft position sensor that avoids this problem is the
Hall-effect position sensor.
• This sensor can be used to measure either camshaft position
or crankshaft position.
Hall-Effect Position Sensor
The Hall Effect
The Hall Effect
• The Hall element is a small, thin, flat slab of semiconductor
• When a current, I, is passed through this slab by means of an
external circuit, a voltage is developed across the slab
perpendicular to the direction of current flow and
perpendicular to the direction of magnetic flux.
• This voltage is proportional to both the current and magnetic
flux density that flows through the slab.
• This effect—the generation of a voltage that is dependent on
a magnetic field—is called the Hall effect.
• The current, I, is represented by electrons, e, which have
negative charge, flowing from left to right.
• The magnetic flux flows along the legs of the magnet as
indicated and is generally perpendicular to the face of the
semiconductor Hall element.
• Whenever an electron moves through a magnetic field, a force
(called the Lorentz force) that is proportional to the electron
velocity and the strength of the magnetic flux is exerted on the
electron. The direction of this force is perpendicular to the
direction in which the electron is moving.
• The Lorentz force direction is such that the electrons are
deflected toward the lower sense electrode.
• Thus, this electrode is more negative than the upper electrode
and a voltage exists between the electrodes, having the
polarity shown in Figure
• As the strength of the magnetic flux density increases, more
of the electrons are deflected downward.
• If the current, I, is held constant, then the voltage, Vo, is
proportional to the strength of the magnetic flux density,
which,in turn, is determined by the position of the tabs.
• This voltage tends to berelatively weak so it is amplified, as
shown in Figure.
Waveform of Hall
Element Output
Voltage for Position

Hall-Effect Position
Sensor That Shields
the Magnetic
Optical Crankshaft Position Sensor
• In a sufficiently clean environment a shaft position can also be
sensed using optical techniques.
• Again, as with the magnetic system, a disk is directly coupled
to the crankshaft.
• This time, the disk has holes in it that correspond to the
number of tabs on the disks of the magnetic systems.
• Mounted on each side of the disk are fiber-optic light pipes.
• The hole in the disk allows transmission of light through the
light pipes from the light-emitting diode (LED) source to the
phototransistor used as a light sensor.
• Light would not be transmitted from source to sensor when
there is no hole because the solid disk blocks the light.
• The pulse of light is detected by the phototransistor and
coupled to an amplifier to obtain a satisfactory signal level.
• The output pulse level can very easily be standard transistor
logic levels of + 2.4 V for the high level and + 0.8 V for the low
• One of the problems with optical sensors is that they must be
protected from dirt and oil; otherwise, they will not work
• They have the advantages that they can sense position
without the engine running and that the pulse amplitude is
constant with variation in speed.
MAP Sensor Concepts
• It is interesting to note that none of the MAP sensors in use
measures manifold pressure directly, but instead measure the
displacement of a diaphragm that is deflected by manifold

• One relatively inexpensive MAP sensor configuration is the

silicon diaphragm diffused strain gauge sensor.
Strain Gauge MAP Sensor
• This sensor uses a silicon chip that is approximately 3
millimeters square.
• Along the outer edges, the chip is approximately 250
micrometers (1 micrometer = 1 millionth of a meter) thick,
but the center area is only 25 micrometers thick and forms a
• The edge of the chip is sealed to a Pyrex plate under vacuum,
thereby forming a vacuum chamber between the plate and
the center area of the silicon chip.
Gauge MAP
• A set of sensing resistors is formed around the edge of this
chamber, as indicated in Figure.
• The resistors are formed by diffusing a doping impurity into
the silicon. External connections to these resistors are made
through wires connected to the metal bonding pads.
• This entire assembly is placed in a sealed housing that is
connected to the intake manifold by a small diameter tube.
Manifold pressure applied to the diaphragm causes it to
• The resistance of the sensing resistors changes in proportion
to the applied manifold pressure by a phenomenon that is
known as piezoresistivity.
• Piezoresistivity occurs in certain semiconductors so that the
actual resistivity (a property of the material) changes in
proportion to the strain (fractional change in length).
• The strain induced in each resistor is proportional to the
diaphragm deflection, which, in turn, is proportional to the
pressure on the outside surface of the diaphragm. This
pressure is the manifold pressure.
• An electrical signal that is proportional to the manifold
pressure is obtained by connecting the resistors in a circuit
called a Wheatstone bridge, as shown.
Circuit Diagram
for MAP Sensor
Using Strain
• The voltage regulator holds a constant dc voltage across the
bridge. The resistors diffused into the diaphragm are denoted
R1, R2, R3, and R4.
• When there is no strain on the diaphragm, all four resistances
are equal, the bridge is balanced, and the voltage between
points A and B is zero.
• When manifold pressure changes, it causes these resistances
to change in such a way that R1 and R3 increase by an amount
that is proportional to pressure; at the same time, R2 and R4
decrease by an identical amount.
• This unbalances the bridge and a net difference voltage is
present between points A and B.
• The differential amplifier generates an output voltage
proportional to the difference between the two input voltages.
• The throttle plate is linked mechanically to the accelerator
pedal. When the driver depresses the accelerator pedal, this
linkage causes the throttle plate angle to increase, allowing
more air to enter the engine and thereby increasing engine
• Measurement of the instantaneous throttle angle is important
for control purposes, most throttle angle sensors are
essentially potentiometers.
• A potentiometer consists of a resistor with a movable contact,
as illustrated in Figure
A section of resistance
material is placed in an
arc around the pivot axis
for the movable contact.
One end of the resistor
is connected to ground,
the other to a fixed
voltage V

Throttle Angle Sensor: A Potentiometer

• The voltage at the contact point of the movable contact is
proportional to the angle (a) from the ground contact to the
movable contact. Thus,
v(a)= ka
where v(a) is the voltage at the contact point,
k is a constant, and
a is the angle of the contact point from the ground
• This potentiometer can be used to measure any angular
rotation. In particular, it is well suited for measuring throttle
angle. The only disadvantage to the potentiometer for
automotive applications is its analog output.
• For digital engine control, the voltage v(a) must be converted
to digital format using an analog-to-digital converter.

• Temperature is an important parameter throughout the

automotive system.
• In operation of an electronic fuel control system it is vital to
know the temperature of the coolant, the temperature of the
inlet air, and the temperature of the exhaust gas oxygen
Coolant Sensor

• Consists of athermistor mounted in a housing that is designed to

be inserted in the coolant stream.
•This housing is typically threaded with pipe threads that seal the
assembly against coolant leakage.
•A thermistor is made of semiconductor material whose resistance
varies inversely with temperature. For example, at -40°C a typical
coolant sensor has a resistance of 100 Kohms. The resistance
decreases to about 70 Kohms at 130°C.
•The sensor is typically connected in an electrical circuit as shown.
•The coolant temperature sensor resistance is denoted RT. This
resistance is connected to a reference voltage through a fixed
resistance R. The sensor output voltage VT, is given by the following

•The sensor output voltage varies inversely with temperature; that

is, the output voltage decreases as the temperature increases.

• Feedback control for fuel delivery is based on maintaining the

air/fuel ratio at stoichiometry (i.e., 14.7 : 1).

• The primary sensor for fuel control is the exhaust gas oxygen
Exhaust Gas Oxygen Sensor
• The amount of oxygen in the exhaust gas is used as an indirect
measurement of the air/fuel ratio.
• As a result, one of the most significant automotive sensors in
use today is the exhaust gas oxygen (EGO) sensor.
• This sensor is often called a lambda (λ) sensor

• Whenever the air/fuel ratio is at stoichiometry, the value for λ is 1.

• When the air–fuel mixture is too lean, the condition is represented

(denoted λ > 1).

• Conversely, when the air–fuel mixture is too rich, the condition is
represented by (λ < 1).
• The two types of EGO sensors that have been used are based on
the use of active oxides of two types of materials.
• One uses zirconium dioxide (ZrO2) and the other uses titanium
dioxide (TiO2). The former is the most commonly used type today.
• Figure indicates that a voltage Vo,is generated across the ZrO2
material. This voltage depends on the exhaust gas oxygen
concentration, which in turn depends on the engine air/fuel
• In essence, the EGO sensor consists of a thimble-shaped
section of ZrO2 with thin platinum electrodes on the inside
and outside of the ZrO2. The inside electrode is exposed to air,
and the outside electrode is exposed to exhaust gas through a
porous protective overcoat.
• EGO sensor operation is based on the distribution of oxygen
ions. An ion is an electrically charged atom.
• Oxygen ions have two excess electrons and each electron has
a negative charge; thus, oxygen ions are negatively charged.
• The ZrO2 has a tendency to attract the oxygen ions, which
accumulate on the ZrO2 surface just inside the platinum
• The air reference side becomes electrically more negative
than the exhaust gas side; therefore, an electric field exists
across the ZrO2 material and a voltage, Vo, results.
• The magnitude of this voltage depends on the concentration
of oxygen in the exhaust gas and on the sensor temperature.
• The quantity of oxygen in the exhaust gas is represented by
the oxygen partial pressure.
• The exhaust gas oxygen partial pressure for a rich mixture
varies over the range of 10-16 to 10-32 of atmospheric pressure.
The oxygen partial pressure for a lean mixture is roughly 10-2
• Consequently, for a rich mixture there is a relatively low
oxygen concentration in the exhaust and a higher EGO sensor
• Correspondingly, for a lean mixture the exhaust gas oxygen
concentration is relatively high, resulting in a relatively low
EGO sensor output voltage.
For a fully warmed EGO sensor the output voltage is about 1
volt for a rich mixture and about 0.1 volt for a lean mixture.
Knock Sensors
• This sensor is employed in closed-loop ignition timing to
prevent undesirable knock.
• Due to rapid rise in cylinder pressure during combustion, this
does not occur normally, but only under special conditions.
• It occurs most commonly with high manifold pressure and
excessive spark advance.
• It is important to detect knock and avoid excessive knock;
otherwise, there may be damage to the engine.
• One way of controlling knocking is to sense when knocking
begins and then retard the ignition until the knocking stops.
• A key to the control loop for this method is a knock sensor.
• A knock sensor using magnetostrictive techniques as shown
• Magnetostriction is a phenomenon whereby the magnetic
properties of a material depend on stress (due to an applied
• When sensing knock, the magnetostrictive rods, which are in
a magnetic field, change the flux field in the coil due to knock-
induced forces.
• This change in flux produces a voltage change in the coil. This
voltage is used to sense excessive knock
• An actuator is a device that receives an electrical input (from
the engine controller) and produces a mechanical or thermal
(or other) output.
• Examples of actuators include various types of electric
motors, solenoids, and piezoelectric force generators.
• The solenoid is used in applications ranging from precise fuel
control to mundane applications such as electric door locks.
Schematic Drawing of
a Solenoid
• The solenoid consists of a fixed steel (i.e.,ferromagnetic)
frame with a movable steel element.
• A spring holds the movable element in position such that
there is a gap between the end of the movable element and
the opening in the frame.
• A coil is wound around the steel frame, forming a powerful
• When a current passes through the coil, a magnetic field is
created that tends to pull the movable element toward the
steel frame.
• When the magnetic field, which is proportional to the current,
is sufficient to overcome the force at the spring holding the
movable element, then it begins to move toward the frame.
• As this element moves, the size of the gap is reduced, causing
an increase in the strength of the magnetic field.
• This increase causes the movable element to accelerate
toward the frame until it reaches the stop.
• This abrupt motion of the movable element is essentially in
the form of a mechanical switching action such that the
solenoid tends to be either in its rest position (as held by the
spring) or against the mechanical stop.
• Applications of solenoids in automotive electronics include
fuel injectors and EGR valves.
Fuel Injection

• A fuel injector is a solenoid-operated valve. The valve opens

or closes to permit or block fuel flow to the engine.
• The valve is attached to the movable element of the solenoid
and is switched by the solenoid activation
Schematic Drawing of Fuel Injector
• In a fuel injector with no current flowing, the solenoid
movable element is held down against the stop, covering the
aperture or nozzle.
• Fuel is thereby blocked from flowing from the pressurized fuel
chamber into the aperture.
• When current flows through the solenoid coil, the movable
element is switched upward, the aperture is exposed, and fuel
(under pressure) sprays through this aperture.
• The fuel flow rate through the nozzle is constant for a given
regulated fuel pressure and nozzle geometry; therefore, the
quantity of fuel injected into the air stream is proportional to
the time the valve is open.
• The control current that operates the fuel injector is pulsed
on and off to deliver precise quantities of fuel.
Exhaust Gas Recirculation Actuator

• Exhaust gas recirculation (EGR) is utilized to reduce NOx

• The amount of EGR is regulated by the engine controller,
when the correct amount of EGR has been determined by the
controller based on measurements from the various engine
control sensors, the controller sends an electrical signal to the
EGR actuator.
• Typically, this actuator is a variable-position valve that
regulates the EGR as a function of intake manifold pressure
and exhaust gas pressure.
EGR Actuator Control
• This actuator is a vacuum-operated diaphragm valve with a
spring that holds the valve closed if no vacuum is applied.
• The vacuum that operates the diaphragm is supplied by the
intake manifold and is controlled by a solenoid operated
valve. This solenoid valve is controlled by the output of the
control system.
• Whenever the solenoid is energized (i.e., by current supplied
by the control system flowing through the coil), the EGR valve
is opened by the applied vacuum.
• The amount of valve opening is determined by the average
pressure on the vacuum side of the diaphragm.
• This pressure is regulated by pulsing the solenoid with a
variable-duty-cycle electrical control current.
• The duty cycle of this pulsing current controls the average
pressure in the chamber that affects the diaphragm
deflection, thereby regulating the amount of EGR.
This actuator can move the metal hook shown in this
photo to the left or right. When mounted in the car, it is
vertical, so the hook can move up or down. It mimics
your motions when you pull the knob up or push it
Inside the power-door-lock actuator

This system is quite simple. A small electric motor turns a

series of spur gears that serve as a gear reduction. The last
gear drives a rack-and-pinion gearset that is connected to
the actuator rod. The rack converts the rotational motion of
the motor into the linear motion needed to move the lock.
• When the motor spins the gear, the clutch swings
out and locks the small metal gear to the larger
plastic gear, allowing the motor to drive the door
latch. If you move the door latch yourself, all of the
gears will turn except for the plastic gear with the
clutch on it.

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