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Borneo Pygmy Elephant

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Borneo Pygmy Elephant

(made by Group 3)
Content :
Acknowledgement page : 1
Introduction page : 2
Information page : 3-5
Cause of Borneo Pygmy page : 6
elephant become
Conclusion how page : 8
can we help?
Picture Borneo page : 9
pygmy elephant
Thanks to Teacher Azie, Teacher Nirmala,
my parents and friends for giving some
amazing ideas for this project!

members Saniy Syifa Damia Atirah Aina Danial
Introduction :
 Borneo pygmy elephant is one of
 Borneo pygmy elephant eats sugar cane and
the elephant height is 8.2 meters tall.
 Borneo pygmy weight about 6,500-11,000
 their habitat is lower Kinabatangan flood
pain in the state of Sabah, Malaysian Borneo
and occasionally, in the Indonesian state of
East Kalimantan.
 The Bornean elephant is the largest of
Borneo's mammals.
Information :
 Borneo pygmy elephants are usually found in
 But today poachers still seek them out for
their husks
 A herd of elephant go to another forest to
find new habitat and food resource.
 Many elephants were killed because expect
damage the corps.
 Together we raise awareness and save Borneo
pygmy elephants.
 Borneo pygmy elephants are threatened by
habitat loss
 fragmentation, hunting and poaching, and
reduced genetic diversity due to their small
population size.
Information :
 And elephant due to their smaller size at 8.2-9.8 feet tall.
 They have large ears, round bellies, and long tails that
may brush to the ground as they walk.
 Females are smaller than their male counterparts and
either lack or have shortened tusks the tip of a pygmy
elephants has a single.
 These endemic Bornean elephant are losing their homes
and families.
 There's only 1500 of them left in the wild Sabah.
Information :
 Over 100 elephants have died in the last eight
years of Sabah.
 Prehensile finger, which it use to collect
grasses, leaves, fruits and other plants.
 These majestic animals typically represent one
of the largest mammals.
 Poaching among Bornean elephants, how
increased over the years.
 The plight of the Bornean elephant went
relatively unnoticed for many years.
 The creatures are sometimes killed by poachers
as ivory fetches as a high price on the black
market, although villagers who see the
creatures as a pet also target them.
Cause :
 Conflict with humans. Shrinking forests
bring the elephants into more frequent
contact with people, increasing human
elephant conflict in the region.
Palm trees Fruits
.  Due to extensive habitat loss, today,
many Bornean elephants spend much of
their time in plantations or travel
through them to reach fragmented
forest patches.

Borneo pygmy elephants eat :

Natural corridors can prove effective in conserving
How to prevent ?

the current pygmy elephant population by allowing

safe passage to move freely between fragmented
forests habitats.

This would allow more access to food, shelter and

mating for the remaining population of pygmy
Conclusion :
 So we have to help them, how to help ?
 The first step is we should not kill them.
 We should not destroy their habitat.
 The best possible way to save the Borneo
Pygmy Elephant is by promoting
collective action through awareness and
education. Protect and share our wild
habitats could become more common in
the future as the human population
increases along with our demands.
 Hence, natural corridors can help to
reduce our impact on wild life by linking
important fragmented habitats, while we
create wild habitats.
 Together we raise awareness and save
Borneo Pygmy Elephant.
Help us..
Please ?

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