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Nilawati. GEA With Severe Dehydration, Duty Hanna

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Morning &


New Patients:

Emergency Patients

Non Emergency Patients

Nilawarti/ Female/ 53 y.o /HCU - 06

Chief Complaint:
• Watery stool since 2 day ago
Present Illness History

• Watery stool since 2 days ago, frequency > 20x/day, volume

2-3 glass, consistency watery (+), mucus (-), blood (-)
• Vomitus since 2 days ago, every patient eat and drink, > 20
times, volume 1-2 glass
• Abdominal pain since 2 days ago, not continuous,
• Fatique since 2 days ago
• No breathlessness, no cough and no fever
• Mixturition and defecation is normal
• Patient was referenced from District Hospital for future
Past Illness History

• History of Diabetes Mellitus since 20 years ago, get

acarbose and glimepiride insulin but not routine
• History of Hypertension since 3 month ago, but not
routine controlled
• Hepatitis (-)

Family Illness History

• There are parent, brothers and sister get the diabetes

Physical Examination

• General Appearance : Severe

• Consciousness level : apatis

• BP : 75/50 mmHg
• HR : 112 x/minute
• RR : 20 x/minute
•T : 36,8 º C
• SaO2 : 98% on O2 3L/mnt

• Body weight : 151 cm, height : 50kg, BMI: 21,9

• Eye
– Conjunctiva anemic (-)
– Icteric sclera(-)
• Neck
– JVP 5-2 cmH20
• Lung:
– Inspection: symetric at static and dynamic
– Palpation: left = right fremitus
– Percussion: sonor
– Auscultation: vesicular, rhonchi -/-, wheezing -/-
• Cor: VII
–Inspection : ictus is not seen
–Palpation : ictus is palpated at 1 finger
medial LMCS ICS V
•Upper border: ICS II
•Right border: linea sternalis dextra
•Left border : 1 finger medial LMCS ICS V
–Auscultation: regular, murmur (-)
• Abdomen: VII
–Inspection: enlargement (-)
–Palpation: liver and spleen unpalpable, epigastric pain
–Percussion: shifting dullness (-)
–Auscultation: bowel sound (+) normal

• Extremities:
–Skin turgor: skin pinch goes back very slowly
–Oedema pretibia -/-
–Physiologic Reflex +/+
–Pathologic Reflex -/-
Thisty / vomitus 1
Daldiyono score Systole Blood pressure 60-90 1
Systole Blood pressure <60 0
Heart rate > 120 x/mnt 0
Apatis 1
Somnolen 0
Respiratory rate > 30x/mnt 0
Facies cholerica 0
Vox Cholerica 0
Skin turgor goes back slow 1
Washer women’s hand 0
Peripheral coldness 0
Cyanosis 0
50-60 yo 1
Age >60 yo 0
Total 5
Items Value VII
Hb 10,9 gr/dl
Ht 30 %
WBC 13.920/mm3
Platelet 262.000/mm3
Diff. Count 0/0/0/86/9/5
PT/APTT 11,9/33,3
RBG 255 mg/dL  178 mg/dL
Ur/Cr 68/4,2
Na/K/Cl 131/3,0/102
Alb/glob 2,9/2,9
BGA 7,41/26,3/83,2/17,1/-7,7/95,7
Chest X-Ray VII
Check the protein urine VII

Before After (Protein +2)

• Watery stool > 20x/day
• Vomiting every eat and drink
• Hypovolemic shock
• Diabetes mellitus
• Leukositosis
Working Diagnosis
• Acute Gastroenteritis with severe dehydration and
hypovolemic shock
• Diabetes Mellitus type II uncontrolled normoweight
• Chronic Kidney Disease Stage V cb diabetic
• Hypokalemia cb Gastrointestinal Loss
Differential Diagnosis
• Hypokalemia cb renal Loss
• Rest/ liquid diet diabetic diet 1700 kkal 4x200cc via NGT
• O2 3 L/I via nasal canul
• IVFD RL loading 1000cc  500cc/6 hours
• Inj. Ceftriaxon 2 x 1gr IV
• Attapulgite 3x2 tab PO
• Metoclopramide 3x10mg IV
• Folic acid 1x5mg PO
• Natrium bicarbonate 3x500mg PO
• Fluid balance equal
• Check feses
• Fasting blood glucose, GD2PP, profile lipid
• Kidney USG

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