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Consonant-Group 5 - Phonetic Phonologi

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A.PUTRI NURFADHILA (105351101721)
SYAHRUL NURJAM (105351102021)
A consonant is a speech sound that's not a vowel. The
sound of a consonant is produced by a partial or
complete obstruction of the air stream by a constriction
of the speech organs, There are 21 consonant letters in
the written alphabet (B, C, D, F, G, H, J, K, L, M, N, P,
Q, R, S, T, V, W, X, Y, Z)..
“According to the manner of articulation (how the breath is used) the
consonants are: stops, also known as plosives, fricatives, affricates,
nasals, laterals, and approximants. Nasals, laterals and approximants are
always voiced; stops, fricatives and affricates can be voiced or
Sound produced by holding the flow / airway through the mouth and nose

. No Symbol No Symbol Word Word Meaning Meaning

1 P Pil – Lip Obat – Bibir
1 P 2 B Pil
But – Tub – Lip Tapi – Bak Mandi Obat – Bibir
3 T Tea – Eat Teh – Makan
2 B But – Tub Tapi – Bak Mandi
4 D Deal – Lead Setuju – Bimbing
5 K Kill – Lick Bunuh – Jilat
3 T Tea – Eat Teh – Makan
6 G Gas - Sag Gas - Kelonggaran

4 D Deal – Lead Setuju – Bimbing

5 K Kill – Lick Bunuh – Jilat

6 G Gas - Sag Gas - Kelonggaran

2. Fricatives
The sound is produced by blowing air trough narrow space formed by the lips, teeth, tongue,

No Symbol Word Meaning

1 /f/ Feel – Leaf Merasa – Daun

2 /v/ Vile – Live Busuk – ks. Yg hidup

3 / Θ / Theme – Myth Tema – Mitos

4 / Ð / This – With Ini – Dengan

5 /s/ Safe – Face Aman – Wajah

6 /z/ Zone – Nose Kawasan – Hidung

7 / ʃ  / Shall – Lash Akan – Cambukan

8 / ʒ  / Vision Penglihatan

. .

3. Nasal
Sound produced by stopping the airflow through the mouth with the lips,
tongue, base of the tongue so that the air will pass through the nose

No Symbol Word Meaning

1 /m/ Meat – Team Daging – Regu

2 /n/ Name – Main Nama – Pokok

3 / ŋ / Sing - Sink Nyanyi – Tenggelam

4. Glides
/j/ sound produced by movement of the tongue /w/ sound produced by wrapping her lips then
open and /h/ sound produced by making air pressure of the throat .

No Symbol Word Meaning

1 /w/ Wait Menunggu

2 /h/ Hold Memegang

3 /j/ Use Menggunakan

5. Liquid
Sound produced by letting the air out past the side
of the tongue and put the lip into the mouth

No Symbol Word Meaning

1 / L / Let – Tell Biar – Bercerita

2 /r/ Read Membaca

6. Africates
Sound produced by gluing leaves the tongue to the hard palate, against the upper

No Symbol Word Meaning

1 / tʃ / Cheat – teach Contek – Mengajar

2 / dʒ / Geep – Page Mobil Jip – Halaman

According to the place of articulation (where in the mouth or
throat the sound is produced) the consonants are:
Bilabial  : with both lips /p/, /b/, /m/

Labiodental  : between lower lip and upper teeth /f/, /v/

Dental/Interdental  : between the teeth /Θ /, / ð /

Alveolar  : the ridge behind the upper front teeth /t/, /d/, /s/, /z/, /n/, /l/, /r/

Alveo-palatal (or post-alveolar)  : it is the area between

/ ʃ /,t ʃ/
the alveolar ridge and the hard palate

Palatal  : hard palate, or 'roof' of the mouth' /j/

Velar  : the soft palate or velum /k/, /g/, / /

Glottal (laryngeal)  : space between the vocal cords /h/

Does anyone have any questions?

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