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2 Diagnosing Organisation ASIN IO 2017

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Process, Principles & Models

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What is org. diagnosis

The basic principle of diagnosing an organisation:

the organisation as an open system

How to diagnose an organisation

Models of org. diagnosis

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What is Organisational Diagnosis?

The process of understanding how the organisation

is currently functioning, and it provides the information
necessary to design change interventions.

 Generally follows from successfull entry & contracting to enable

diagnostician and organisation jointly determine:
- organisational issues to focus on
- how to collect and analyse data to understand the issue
- how to work together to develop action steps from the diagnosis
 Diagnosis is happening all the time

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Diagnosis as a Process of Developing Organisations

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Medical vs. Organisational Diagnosis
Medical Organisational
Values & The doctor determine the Both parties should be
Ethical Beliefs process by him/herself involved in all process
Something is wrong w/ the Diagnosis can be
patient, try to find the problem oriented OR
Assumption cause of the illness development oriented
Provide specification what Provide a systematic
Advantage part of the body should be understanding of
further treated organisations

Process One-time assessment All-time assessment

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Organisations as Open System

Inputs Transformation Outputs

Social Component Finished goods
Information Services
Technological Component
Energy Ideas

Permeable borders

Organisations exist in the context of a larger environment. This affect how the
organisation performs and in turns is affected by how the organisation interacts with it.
Organisations operate within an external environment, takes specific inputs from the
environment, and transforms those inputs using social and technical process. The
output of the transformation process are returned to the environment and can be used
as feedback to the organisation’s functioning.
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-Everything beyond the boundaries of the system
-Has indirect & direct influence to organisational performance & outcomes
-E.g: availability of labor; raw material, customer demands, competition, gov.
Regulations, political situation.

Inputs, Transformations, & Outputs

-Inputs – part of and acquired from the organisation’s external environment
e.g: information, energy and materials
-Transformations – the processes of converting inputs into outputs
1. Social components – people & their work relationships
2. Technical components – tools, techniques & methods of production/service
-Outputs – the result of what is transformed by the system & sent to the environment

-Information regarding the actual performance or the output results of the system
-Used to control the maintain the system in a steady state to help the organisation adapt
to changing circumstances
-E.g: changing of advertising campaign resulting from a market research
Org Asses &
-Close systems have rigid & inpenetrable boundaries
-Defining tje boundaries of social systems is more difficult as there is a continuous inflow
and outflow through them`
-A social system has multiple subsystem and the boundary line for one subsystem may
not be the same as that for a different subsystem.
-Conflict over boundaries is always a potential problem within an organisation.

-Similar results or outputs may be achieved with different initial conditions and in many
different ways
-The function of management is not to seek a single rigid solution but rather to develop a
variety of satisfactory options
-Systems theory suggest there is no universal best way to design an organisation.
-The fit between the organisation and its environment, between inputs and
transformations, between transformation and outputs, & among the subsystems ot the
transformational process.
-The extent to which the features, operations and characteristics of one system support
the effectiveness of another system
Org Asses &
A Comprehensive Model for Diagnosing Organisation
Inputs Design Components Outputs

System Organization
General Effectiveness
Environment Strategy Structure
e.g., performance,
Stakeholder productivity,
expectations People Culture stakeholder

Inputs Design Components Outputs

Goal Clarity
Task Team Effectiveness
Structure Functioning
e.g., quality of
Components work life,
Group Group performance
Composition Norms

Inputs Design Components Outputs

Organization Individual
Skill Variety
Design Effectiveness
Task Autonomy
Identity e.g., job
Group Design
Personal Task Feedback about personal
Characteristics Significance Results development
Self-Learning Session:
Finding Diagnostic Models for Organisation

Divide class into 10 work groups

Assign each group to explore and learn the subsequent models:

group 1 : Weisbord’s Six Box Model

group 2 : Nadler & Tushman’s Congruency Model
group 3 : Tichy’s Technical Political Cultural (TPC) Framework
group 4 : Galbraith’s Star Model
group 5 : Hackman & Morris’s Task Group Design Model
group 6 : McCaskey’s Framework for Analysing Group
group 7 : Ledford, Lawler & Mohrman’s Participation Group Design Model
group 8 : Hackman Oldham’s Job Diagnostic Survey
group 9 : Herzberg Job Enrichment Model
group 10 :Harrison Model for Diagnosing Individual & Group Behaviour

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Self-Learning Session:
Exploring Diagnostic Models for Organisation
See the presentation schedule on the RPS

What is Self-Learning?
A group learning that enables each member contributes to learning process – aimed to enhance your
peer understanding toward the model NOT to impress the lecture
Worth 10% of your final mark

To explain the model, please refer to the standardized format provided by the
Reminder for nextweek’s activities:
Self-Learning Results to be submitted by March 10th 2017 (10am) at
Lecturer’s Desk

quiz: today’s content, 10 items (see ch.5)

Resource Person Activity (RPA) group 1 to 3

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Suggested References
 Chapter 5, p. 87-94
Cummings, T.G & Worley, C.G. (2009). Organization Development & Change. 9th Ed. South-Western: Cengage Learning.

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