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Instruments Types and Performance Characteristics Report

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Instruments Types and

Performance Characteristics
By Alan S Morris
Reported by :Alon, Hamode
Cordova Jason Clyde
Instrument Types
• Instruments can be classified according to several criteria
which are useful in establishing many attributes like:
• Cost
• Accuracy
• Maintenance
• General Applicability of the instruments
Active and Passive Instruments

• Instruments are divided into active or passive ones

according to whether the instrument output is entirely
produced by the quantity being measured or whether
the quantity being measured simply modulates the
magnitude of some external power source.
Passive Instrument
• In a passive instrument, the quantity being measured is the instruments output,
e.g. a pressure measuring device.
• As shown in the figure, the fluid pressure is translated into a movement of a
pointer against a scale.
• The energy expended to move the
pointer is derived entirely from the
change n pressure measured.
• There are no other energy inputs
to the system.
• They are cheaper.
Active Instruments
• In an active instrument, the quantity being measured modulates the
magnitude of some external power source. Example is a float-type petrol tank.
• The change in petrol level moves
a potentiometer arm, and the output
signal consists of a proportion of
the external voltage source
applied across the two ends
of the potentiometer
• The energy in the output signal
comes from the external power source: the primary transducer float
system is merely modulating the value of the voltage from this external
power source
Deflection-type Instrument
• Measured quantity is displayed in terms of the
amount of movement of a pointer E.g. pressure
• Its accuracy depends on the linearity and calibration
of the spring.
• It is easier to read the position of a pointer than to
add and subtract weights.
• Itis clearly more convenient to use and would
normally be used in the workplace.
Null-type instrument
• Pressure is measured by deducing the value of
weights needed to reach this null point. E.g.
deadweight gauge.
• Weights are put on top of the piston until the
downward force balances the fluid pressure to reach
the datum level.
• Pressure measurement is made in terms of the value
of the weights needed to reach the null position.
• It is more accurate and its accuracy depends on the
calibration of the weights.
• Calibration of weights is much easier than careful
choice and calibration of a linear-characteristic spring.
Analogue Instruments
• They vary continuously as the quantity being measured changes, e.g.
the deflection-type pressure gauge .
• The output can have an infinite number of values within the range that
the instrument is designed to measure.
• An analogue instrument has to be interfaced via an analogue-to-digital
(A/D) converter.
• The addition of an A/D converter has cost implications and can
degrade the speed of operation of the control system.
• Accuracy might be affected by the A/D converter.
Digital Instrument
Digital instruments vary in discrete
steps and so has a finite number
values within its range. E.g. the rev
A cam is attached to the revolving
body whose motion is being measured.
On each revolution the cam opens and
closes a switch.
The switching operations are counted
by an electronic counter.
A digital instrument can be interfaced
directly to a microcomputer
Indicating Instruments
Simply give an indication of the quantity being measured. E.g. all
null-type instruments and most passive ones

Can have an analogue display e.g. liquid-in-glass thermometer

Can have both analogue and digital display, e.g. bathroom scale
Disadvantages of Indicators
Human intervention is required to read and record a measurement
It is prone to error in the case of analogue output displays
But digital displays are not very prone to error
Instruments with a Signal Output
• They are commonly used as part of automatic control
• They can also be found in measurement systems, where the
output measurement signal is recorded in some way for later
• Measurement signal involved is an electrical voltage.
• It can also take other forms in some systems such as an
electrical current, an optical signal or a pneumatic signal.
Smart and Non-smart Instruments
• Smart instruments incorporate a microprocessor .
• Non-smart instruments do not incorporate
• They are accuracy, precision, sensitivity, linearity etc.
• They are specified in the datasheet of the instruments and
are considered for selection of instrument.
• The datasheet specifications usually apply strictly under
specified standard calibration conditions.
• Due allowance must be made for variations in the
characteristics when the instrument is used in other
• This is a measure of how close the output reading of an
instrument is to the correct value.
• The inaccuracy (measurement uncertainty) of an
instrument is the extent to which its reading might be wrong.
• Ifa pressure gauge, 0 - 10 bar, has inaccuracy of ±1.0%
(0.1 bar), this means that a reading of 1 bar could be wrong
by 10%.
• Taking pressure measurements with expected values
between 0 and 1 bar, an instrument with a range of 0 – 10
bar cannot be used.
• Precision describes an instrument’s freedom from random errors.
• Precision is NOT to be confused with accuracy.
• Repeatability is the closeness of output readings when the same
input is applied repetitively over a short period of time, under the same
conditions, same observer, same location and same conditions of use
maintained throughout.
• Reproducibility is the closeness of the output readings when there
are changes in the method of measurement, observer, measuring
instrument, location, conditions of use and time of measurement.
• Maximum error to be expected.
• Closely related to accuracy as some instruments have their
accuracy mentioned in terms of a tolerance value.
• When used correctly, tolerance describes the maximum
deviation of a manufactured component from some specified
• A resistor with a tolerance of 5% having a nominal value of
1000 W may have the actual value between 950 W and
1050 W.
Range or Span

• The minimum and maximum values of a quantity that

the instrument is designed to measure.
• It is normally desirable that the
output reading of an instrument
be linearly proportional to the
quantity being measured.
• Nonlinearity is defined as the
maximum deviation from the line
of best fit.
• It is usually expressed as a
percentage the full-scale reading.
Sensitivity of Measurement
• Measure of the change in instrument output that occurs when the
quantity being measured changes by a giving amount.
• The slope of the straight line drawn on Figure 2.6.
• Ratio of scale deflection / value of measurand producing
• If a pressure of 2 bar produces a deflection of 10 degrees in a
pressure transducer, the sensitivity of the instrument is 5
• Assuming that the deflection is zero with zero pressure applied.
Example 2.1
• The following resistance values of a platinum resistance thermometer were
measured at a range of temperatures. Determine the measurement sensitivity of
the instrument in ohms/°C.

• If these values are plotted on a graph, the straight-line relationship between
resistance change and temperature change is obvious.
• For a change in temperature of 30°C, the change in resistance is 7 Ohms.
Hence the
Measurement sensitivity = 7/30 = 0.233Ohms/°C.
• If the input to an instrument is gradually increased from zero, the input
will have to reach a certain minimum level before the change in the
instrument output reading is of a large enough magnitude to be
• This minimum level of input is known as the threshold of the
• E.g., a car speedometer with typical threshold of about 15 km/h,
means that, if the vehicle starts from rest and accelerates, no output
reading is observed on the speedometer until the speed reaches 15
• Is sometimes quoted as an absolute value.
• Is expressed as a percentage of the full scale reading.
• There is a lower limit on the magnitude of the change in the input
measured quantity that produces an observable change in the
instrument output.
• Also sometimes specified as an absolute value or as a percentage of
• Major factor influencing resolution is how finely its output scale is
divided into subdivisions.
• E.g. a car speedometer with subdivisions of typically 20 km/h.
• This means that when the needle is between the scale markings, we
cannot estimate speed more accurately than to the nearest 5 km/h.
• This figure of 5 km/h thus represents the resolution of the instrument.
Sensitivity To Disturbance
• All calibrations and specifications of
an instrument are only valid under
controlled conditions of temp., pressure
etc. which are defined in the instrument
• As variations occur in the ambient
temperature etc., certain static
Instrument characteristics change, and
the sensitivity to disturbance is a
measure of the magnitude of this
• Such environmental changes affect
instruments in two main ways: zero drift
and sensitivity drift.
Hysteresis loss
• Figure 2.8 illustrates the output characteristic of an instrument that
exhibits hysteresis.
• If the input measured quantity to the instrument is steadily increased
from a negative value, the output reading varies in the manner shown
in curve (a).
• If the input variable is then steadily decreased, the output varies in the
manner shown in curve (b).
• The non-coincidence between these loading and unloading curves is
known as hysteresis.
• Two quantities maximum input hysteresis and maximum output
hysteresis, as shown in Figure 2.8.
 They are normally expressed as a
percentage of the full-scale input or output
reading respectively.
 Hysteresis is most commonly found in
instruments that contain springs, like
passive pressure gauge and the Prony
brake (used for measuring torque).
 Mechanical flyball for measuring rotational
velocity suffer hysteresis from both of the
above sources because they have friction
in moving parts and also contain a spring
Dead Space
• Therange of different input values over which there is no
change in output value.
• Anyinstrument that exhibits hysteresis also displays dead
space, as marked on Figure 2.8.
• Some instruments that do not suffer from any significant
hysteresis can still exhibit a dead space in their output
characteristics, however.
• Backlash in gears is a
cause of dead space, and
results in the output
characteristic shown in
Figure 2.9.
• Backlash is commonly
experienced in gearsets
used to convert between
translational and
rotational motion.
Necessity for Calibration
• An instrument only conforms to stated static and dynamic
patterns of behaviour after it has been calibrated.
• It can normally be assumed that a new instrument will have
been calibrated when it is obtained from an instrument
• It will therefore initially behave according to the
characteristics stated in the specifications.
• During use, however, its behaviour will gradually diverge
from the stated specification for a variety of reasons:
• Mechanical wear, the effects of dirt, dust, fumes and
chemicals in the operating environment.
• Therate of divergence from standard specifications varies
according to the type of instrument, the frequency of
usage and the severity of the operating conditions.
• However, there is a time, practically, when the
characteristics of the instrument will have drifted from the
standard specification by an unacceptable amount.
• When this situation is reached, it is necessary to recalibrate,
i.e readjust the instrument to the standard specifications.

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