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Relation Algebra Operation

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Relational Algebra Operators

Relational Algebra and Relational Calculus

Relational Algebra is a procedural language that can be used to tell the

DBMS how to build a new relation from one or more relations in the
database and the Relational Calculus is a non-procedural language that
can be used to formulate the definition of a relation in terms of one or
more database relations. While using the relational algebra, user has to
specify what is required and what are the procedure or steps to obtain the
required output whereas in Relational Calculus user just specifies what is
required and need not to specify how to obtain it. Both the relational
algebra and the relational calculus are formal, non-user-friendly
languages. They have been used as the basis for other, higher-level Data
Manipulation Languages (DMLs) for relational databases. They illustrate
the basic operations required of any DML and serve as the standard of
comparison for other relational languages.
The relational algebra is a theoretical language with operations that work
on one or more relations to define another relation without changing the
original relation(s). Thus, both the operands and the results are relations,
and so the output from one operation can become the input to another
operation. This allows expressions to be nested in the relational algebra,
just as we can nest arithmetic operations. This property is called closure:
relations are closed under the algebra, just as numbers are closed under
arithmetic operations.
There are many variations of the operations that are included in
relational algebra. Codd originally proposed eight operations, but several
others have been developed. The five fundamental operations in
relational algebra, Selection, Projection, Cartesian product, Union and
Difference, perform most of the data retrieval operations, which can be
expressed in terms of the five basic operations.
In relational algebra each operation takes one or more relations as its
operand(s) and another relation as its result. Consider an example of
mathematical algebra as shown below
Here 3 and 5 are operands and + is an arithmetic operator which gives
8 as the result.
Similarly, in relational algebra, R1 + R2 = R3
Here R1, R2 are relations (operands) and + is relational operator
which gives R3 as a resultant relation.
Types of Relational operators
Relational operators are classified into two types:
♦ Traditional Set Operators
♦ Special Operators

Traditional Set Operators

Traditional set operators are:
i) Union
ii) Intersection
iii) Difference
iv) Cartesian product
In mathematical set theory, the union of two sets is the set of all
elements belonging to both sets. The set, which results from the union,
must not, of course, contain duplicate elements. It is denoted by U. Thus
the union of sets:
S1 = { 1,2,3,4,5}
S2= {4,5,6,7,8}
would be the set {1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8}.
A union operation on two relational tables follows the same basic
principle but is more complex in practice. In order to perform the Union
operation, both operand relations must be union-compatible i.e. they
must have same number of columns drawn from the same domain
(means must be of same data type).
In mathematics an intersection of two sets produces a set, which
contains all the elements that are common to both sets. It is denoted by
∩. Thus the intersection of the two sets:
S1 = { 1,2,3,4,5} and S2= {4,5,6,7,8}
would be {4,5}.
In above example, both the tables are union compatible and it can be
intersected together. The intersection operation on the R and S tables (R
∩ S) defined above would return:
Cust_name Cust_status
Sham Good
The intersection operator is used in a similar fashion to the union
operation, but provides an ‘and’ function.
In mathematics, the difference between two sets S1 and S2 produces a
set, which contains all the members of one set, which are not in the
other. It is denoted by “-“. The order in which the difference is taken is,
obviously, significant. Thus the difference between the two sets:
S1 = { 1,2,3,4,5}
S2= {4,5,6,7,8}
would be {1,2,3} and between
S2= {4,5,6,7,8} Minus S1={1,2,3,4,5}
would be {6,7,8}.
As for the other set operations discussed so far, the difference operation
can only be performed on tables that are union compatible. The
difference operation on the R and S (R – S) defined above would return:
Cust_name Cust_status
Rahul excellent
and for S - R.
Cust_name Cust_status
Karan bad

It is used in a similar fashion to the union and intersection operators, but

provides a qualifying ‘not’ function.
Minus is not associative
In order to prove this mathematically consider three sets A,B,C with
following members
A= {1,2,3,4,5}
B= {2,3}
C= {1,4}
(A MINUS B ) MINUS C = {1,4,5,} MINUS {1,4} = {5}
A MINUS (B MINUS C ) = {1,2,3,4,5} MINUS {{2,3}MINUS {1,4}}=
{1,2,3,4,5} MINUS {2,3} ={1,4,5}
Both the cases give different result. So minus is not an associative
Minus is not commutative
It means that A MINUS B is different from B MINUS A. In order to
prove it we again take the above values of A and B.

A MINUS B={1,4,5}
B MINUS A is empty or null because there is not any value, which is in
B but not in A.
Cartesian Product
In mathematics, the Cartesian product of two sets is the set of all
ordered pairs of elements such that the first element in each pair belongs
to the first set and the second element in each pair belongs to the second
set. It is denoted by cross (×). It is for example, given two sets:

S1 = {1,2,3}
The Cartesian product S1 × S2 is the set:
Special Relational Operators:

There are four special relational operators:

(i) Selection
(ii) Projection
(iii) Join
(iv) Division
The selection operator yields a horizontal subset of a given relation that
is, that subset of tuples or rows of table should be selected within the
given relation for which a particular condition is satisfied.
In mathematics, a set can have any number of subsets. A set is said to be
a subset of another if all its members are also members of the other set.
Thus, in the following example:
S1 ={1,2,3,4,5} S2 = {2,3,4}
S2 is a subset of S1. Since the body part of a table is a set, it is possible
for it to have subsets, that is, a selection from its tuples can be used to
form another relation. However, this would be a meaningless operation if
no new information were to be gained from the new relation. On the
other hand, a subset of, say an EMPLOYEE relation, which contained all
tuples where the employee represent those employees who earn more
than some given values of salary, would be useful. What is required is
that some explicit restriction be placed on the sub-setting operation.
Restriction as originally defined was defined on relations only and is
achieved using the comparison operators such as equal to (=), not equal
to (< >), greater than (>), less than (<), greater than or equal to (>=) and
less than or equal to (<=).

S WHERE CITY = ‘Qadian’
SP where Sno = ‘S1’ and Pno=’P1’

The projection operation on a table simply forms another table by

copying specified columns (both header and body parts) from the
original table, eliminating any duplicated rows. The projection operator
yields a vertical subset of a given relation – that is, that subset obtained
by selecting specified attributes, in a specified left to right order, and
then eliminating duplicate tuples within the attributes selected.
Projection is denoted by the Greek letter pi(Π).

The most general form of join operation is called a theta join, where
theta has the same meaning as ‘compares with’ as it was used in the
context of the restriction operation. That is, it stands for any of the
comparative operators equals, not equals, greater than and so forth. A
theta join is performed on two tables, which have one or more columns
in common which are domain compatible.

It forms a new table which contains all the columns from both the joined
tables whose tuples are those defined by the restriction applied.
The examples given so far have all been of so-called inner joins. The fact
that Jones makes Rubbers is not recorder in any of the resultant tables
from the joins, because the joining values must exit in both tables. If it
suffices that the value exist in only one table, then a so-called outer join
is produced.
The expression A JOIN B is defined if and only if, for every unqualified
attribute-name that is common to A and B, the underlying domain is the
same for both relations. Assume that this condition is satisfied. Let the
qualified attribute-names for A and B, in their left-to-right order, be
A.A1,……A.Am AND B.B(m+1)……….., B.B(m+n), respectively;

let Ci…, Cj be the unqualified attribute name that are common to A and
B and let Br,……….Bs be the unqualified attribute-names remaining for
B (with their relative order undisturbed ) after removal of Ci,…….Cj.

Then A JOIN B defined to be equivalent to

(A TIMES B) [ A.A1 ……….A.Am, B.Br………..B.Bs]

where A.Ci=B.Ci

and ……………
and A.Cj=B.Cj……….
Apply this definition to JOIN operation on Emp and Dept tables with
following attributes:
EMP (empno, ename, job, sal, deptno)
DEPT ( deptno, dname, loc)
[emp.empno, emp.ename, emp.job,emp.sal, emp.deptno, dept.dname,
where EMP.deptno = DEPT.deptno
So, we can say that JOIN is a combination of Product, Selection and
Projection operators. JOIN is an associative operator, which means:
JOIN is also commutative.

The division operator divides a dividend relation A of degree (means

number of columns in a relation) m+n by a divisor relation B of degree
n, and produces a resultant relation of degree m. It is denoted by ÷.
In this example dividend relation A has two attributes of Sno,Pno (of
degree 2) and division relation B has only one attribute Pno (of degree1).
Then A divide by B gives a resultant relation of degree 1. It means it has
only one attribute of Sno.
-- = ---------------- = SNO.
The resultant relation has those tuples that are common values of those
attributes, which appears in the resultant attribute sno.
For example, in CASE II,
P2 has Snos.  S1,S2,S3,S4
P4 has Snos. S1,S4
S1, S4 are the common supplier who supply both P2 and P4. So the
resultant relation has tuples S1 and S4.
There is only one supplier S1 who supply all the parts from P1 to P6
Examples based on Relational Algebra
Consider the following database:
SP (S#,P#,QTY)
1) Get supplier names for suppliers who supply part P2
We first show a step-at-a-time solution
P# =’P2’;
Using a nested expression;
( ( S JOIN SP ) WHERE Pno = ‘P2’ ) [ SNAME ]
The result of this expression has one attribute, with qualified name
2) Get supplier numbers for suppliers who supply at least one red part.

( ( P WHERE COLOR = ‘RED’ ) [ Pno ] JOIN SP ) [Sno]

Resultant attribute-name: SP.S#
3) Get supplier numbers for supplier who supply at least all those parts
supplied by supplier S2

SP [ Sno, Pno ] DIVIDE BY ( SP WHERE Sno = ‘S2’) [ Pno ]

Resultant attribute-name: SP.S#.
4) Get supplier names for suppliers who do not supply part P2.
( ( S [ Sno ] MINUS ( SP WHERE Pno = ‘P2’ [ Sno ] ) JOIN S )
Resultant attribute-name : S.SNAME.

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