CE 413 Project Management
CE 413 Project Management
CE 413 Project Management
• A project is an endeavor that is undertaken to produce the results that are expected
from the requesting party.
• Consist of three components:
• 1) scope – represents the work to be accomplished
• 2) budget – refers to costs
• 3) schedule – refers to the logical sequencing and timing of the work to be performed.
• Note: source of many problems associated with a project failure is to properly define the
project scope.
• Scheduling is important because it brings together project definition, people, cost, resources
and timing, and methods of performing work to define the logical sequencing of activities for
the project.
• Quality is an element that is integrated into and between all parts of a
project: scope, budget, and schedule. It should not be construed as
merely creating drawings with a minimum number of errors, furnishing
equipment that meets specifications, or building a project to fulfill the
requirements of a contract.
• Quality is the responsibility of all participants in a project, including all
levels of management and workers in each of the principal parties.
• For the purpose of this book, project management may be defined as:
The art and science of coordinating people, equipment, materials,
money. and schedules to complete a specified project on time and within
approved cost.
• Much of the work of a project manager is organizing and working with
people to identify problems and determine solutions to problems. In
addition to being organized and a problem solver, a manager must also
work well with people. It is people who have the ability to create ideas,
identify and solve problems, communicate, and get the work done.
• It is the duty of a project manager to organize a project team of people
and coordinate their efforts in a common direction to bring a project to
successful completion.
Function of Planning