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Japanese Verb Final

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Japanese verbs always contain two parts: a verb base and a suffix.

Grammatically, verb bases are called “stems.” The following are

types of verb:

1. U-verb

2. Ru-verb

3. Irregular verb
U-verbs work as same as ru-verbs. The difference is just the suffix. In the example below: 書
かく , the stem is “kak” and the suffix is “u”. Be careful. It’s not necessarily that u-verbs end
with Hiragana う . It means that the last vowel has to be “u” and hence the last hiragana can
be く (ku), す (su), つ( tu *=tsu ) , ぬ (nu), and even る (ru).

書かく : to write   Casual Polite

Stem kak

Plain Form 書かく 書かきます

kaku kakimasu

Negative Form 書かかない 書かきません

kakanai kakimasen
U-verbs Become “Polite Form” When You Replace u with imasu
  Casual Polite

To write 書かく 書かきます

kaku kakimasu

To speak 話はなす 話はなします

hanasu hanasimasu *si = shi

To stand 立たつ 立たちます

tatu *tu = tsu tatimasu *ti = chi

To die 死しぬ 死しにます

shinu shinimasu

To know 知しる 知しります

shiru shirimasu
U-verbs Become “Negative Form” When You
Replace u with anai or imasen
  Casual Polite

Not to write 書かかない 書かきません

kakanai kakimasen

Not to speak 話はなさない 話はなしません

hanasanai hanasimasen *si = shi

Not to stand 立たたない 立たちません

tatanai tatimasen *ti = chi

Not to die 死しなない 死しにません

shinanai shinimasen

Not to know 知しらない 知しりません

shiranai shirimasen
All verbs that end in u except verbs that end with ru are u-
verbs. There are u-verbs that end in ru however. The way to
tell ru-verbs and u-verbs that end in ru apart is to look at the
vowel sound preceding the ending ru. If there is an i or e
before the ru it is a ru-verb.

見みる : to see, look   Casual Polite

(at), watch Stem mi

Plain Form 見みる 見みます

miru mimasu

Negative Form 見みない 見みません

minai mimasen
Ru-verbs Become “Polite Form” When You Replace ru
with masu
  Casual Polite

To see, look (at), watch 見みる 見みます

miru mimasu

To wear 着きる 着きます

kiru kimasu

To exist (animate) いる います

iru imasu

To eat 食たべる 食たべます

taberu tabemasu

To answer 答こたえる 答こたえます

kotaeru kotaemasu
Ru-verbs Become “Negative Form” When You Replace ru
with nai or masen
  Casual Polite

Not to see, look (at), watch 見みない 見みません

minai mimasen

Not to wear 着きない 着きません

kinai kimasen

Not to exist (animate) いない いません

inai imasen

Not to eat 食たべない 食たべません

tabenai tabemasen

Not to answer 答こたえない 答こたえません

kotaenai kotaemasen
Irregular Verbs
Based on their conjugation patterns, verbs can be divided into
categories across all languages. You will typically have a few regular
groups of verbs with similar conjugation patterns and then one
irregular group of verbs that do not fit into the other regular groups.
These can sometimes be combined, and sometimes they each have
their own set of rules. The verbs ending in -ru, like miru (to see) or
taberu (to eat), the verbs ending in -u, like au (to meet) or kaku (to
The two verbs are kuru (to come) and suru (to do).

来る (kuru) : come

Formal forms ku / ko / ki

kimasu come 来ます (present


Kimasen will not come 来ません (present tense,


Kimashita came 来ました (past tense)

kimasen deshita did not come 来ません でした (past tense,

Informal, short forms

kuru come くる (present tense)

konai do not come 来ない (present tense,


kita came きた (past tense)

konakatta did not come 来なかった (past tense, negative)

The following table is ordered to emphasize the regularities.
  English Kanji Romaji
Plain present
Come くる Kuru
Plain past Came Kita
positive きた

Plain present
Come こない Konai
Plain past
Did こなかった Konakatta
Imperative Come こい Koi
Volitional As this / As that こ よう Koyou
Conjunctive Come きて Kite
Conditional If are sure く れば Kureba
する (suru) : do

Formal forms su / shi

shimasu to do します (present tense)

shimasen won’t しません (present tense,


shimashita did しました (past tense)

shimasen deshita did not do it しませんでした (past tense, negative)

Informal, short forms

suru do する (present tense)

Shinai do not do しない (present tense,


shita did した (past tense)

shinakatta did not しなかった (past tense, negative)

•勉強 (benkyō)   + する (suru)   = to study

studying                (do)  

•参加 (sanka)  + する (suru)   = to participate

participation           (do)  

•感謝 (kansha)   + する (suru)   = to thank/appreciate

  appreciation/gratitude      (do) 
Verbs For Physical Actions
Kanji Hiragana Romaji English
歩く あるく aruku walk
走る はしる hashiru run
登る のぼる noboru climb
泳ぐ およぐ oyogu swim
座る すわる suwaru sit
飛ぶ とぶ tobu to fly
来る くる kuru* to come
行く いく iku to go
通う かよう kayou commute
踊る おどる odoru dance
抱く だく daku embrace, hug
会う あう au meet
働く はたらく hataraku to work
泳ぐ およぐ oyogu swim
書く かく kaku to write
Kanji Hiragana Romaji English
消す けす kesu to erase
聞く きく kiku to listen
待つ まつ matsu to wait
動く うごく ugoku to move
次ぐ つぐ tsugu be next
見る みる miru to see
見せる みせる miseru to show
起きる おきる okiru to get up
降りる おりる oriru to get off
逃げる にげる nigeru run away, escape
倒れる たおれる taoreru fall down,
Kanji Hiragana Romaji English
急ぐ いそぐ isogu to hurry
あげる ageru give
もらう morau receive
終わる おわる owaru to finish
買う かう kau to buy
返す かえす kaesu to return
代わる かわる kawaru switch
押す おす osu to push
引く ひく hiku to pull
Japanese Verbs Commonly Used For Daily Activities at Home
Kanji Hiragana Romaji English
住む すむ sumu to live
洗う あらう arau to wash
付ける つける tsukeru to turn on (light)
帰る かえる kaeru to return (home)
切る きる kiru to cut
寝る ねる neru fall asleep
手伝う てつだう tetsudau help
飲む のむ nomu to drink
食べる たべる taberu to eat
浴びる あびる abiru bathe
磨く みがく migaku brush (teeth)
食べる たべる taberu to eat
Kanji Hiragana Romaji English
寝る ねる neru to sleep
触る さわる fureru touch
着る きる kiru to wear
届ける とどける todokeru deliver
焼く やく yaku bake
混ぜる まぜる mazeru mix
開ける あける akeru to open
入る はいる hairu to enter
出る でる deru to leave
作る つくる tsukuru to make
置く おく oku to put
遊ぶ あそぶ asobu to play
Verbs Related to Mental Situations And Emotions
Kanji Hiragana Romaji English
驚く おどろく odoroku to be surprised
泣く なく naku cry
怒る おこる okoru get angry
笑う わらう warau laugh
怖がる こわがる kowagaru fear
惚れる ほれる horeru fall in love
慌てる あわてる awateru panic, be flustered
慰める なぐさめる nagusameru comfort,
思う おもう omou think
考える かんがえる kangaeru consider
褒める ほめる homeru praise
Kanji Hiragana Romaji English
支える ささえる sasaeru support
忘れる わすれる wasureru forget
覚える おぼえる oboeru remember, learn
疲れる つかれる tsukareru get tired
信じる しんじる shinjiru to believe
要る いれる iru to need
間違える まちがえる machigaeru make a mistake
知る しる shiru to know
苦しむ くるしむ kurushimu suffer
痛む いたむ itamu become hurt, damaged
可愛がる かわいがる kawaigaru love, be affectionate
Go chōshu arigatōgozaimashita
( ご聴取ありがとうございました )

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