IPSAS 27 - Agriculture
IPSAS 27 - Agriculture
IPSAS 27 - Agriculture
Scope of IPSAS 27
Scope of IPSAS 27
Scope of IPSAS 27 –check your understanding
Scope of IPSAS 27
Scope of IPSAS 27
Recognition criteria – IPSAS 27
Recognition criteria –IPSAS 27
Measurement Criteria
» Fair value is the price that would be received to sell an asset or paid to transfer a liability
in an orderly transaction between market participants at the measurement date.
» Approximating fair value
» cost may sometime approximate fair value, particularly when:
» Little biological transformation has taken place since initial cost were incurred(e.g., for seedlings planted immediately
prior to the end of the reporting period or newly acquired livestock) or
» The impact of biological transformation on price is not expected to be material (e.g., for the initial growth in a 30 –year
pine plantation production cycle)
» Biological assets are often physically attached to land (e.g., trees in a timber plantation). There may
be no separate market for biological assets that are attached to the land, but an active market may
exist for the combined assets, that is the biological assets, raw land and land improvement as a
» An entity may use information regarding the combined assets to determine fair value for the biological
assets. For example, the fair value of raw land and land improvements may be deducted rom the fair
value of the combined assets to arrive at the fair value of the biological assets
Measurement Criteria
Measuring assets
A scenario
» Let’s assume that a farmer grows trees in a timber plantation in
year 0 that cost him birr 250 million. At the at the end of year 1,
the following factors affect the value of timber plantation
There has been wider spread disease-an infestation of chrysobothris flat-
» Disease headed borers, to be precise-in the timber tree population, and as a result
» Precedent there is no market participant buyers and sellers entering transaction for the
timber plantation. The situation is expected to clear in six months.
» Local values After those six months, it is expected that it will be clear which types of trees
» National values are susceptible to infection and which ones are not. Until that time, nobody is
willing to risk buying tress in a timber planation infested with the
Chrysobothris insect,
Measuring assets, a case to understand
A scenario
» Let’s assume that a farmer grows trees in a timber plantation in
year 0 that cost him birr 250 million. At the at the end of year 1,
the following factors affect the value of timber plantation
» Disease
» Precedent The last sales by the farmer of a tree in a timber plantation was six months
» Local values ago at Birr 150
He is not sure which way the market has gone since then,
» National values
Measuring assets, a case to understand
A scenario
» Let’s assume that a farmer grows trees in a timber plantation in
year 0 that cost him birr 250 million. At the at the end of year 1,
the following factors affect the value of timber plantation
» Disease
» Precedent
The farmers in the region have an average value of birr 195 for their trees in a
» Local values timber plantation of a similar size.
» National values
Measuring assets, a case to understand
A scenario
» Let’s assume that a farmer grows trees in a timber plantation in
year 0 that cost him birr 250 million. At the at the end of year 1,
the following factors affect the value of timber plantation
» Disease
» Precedent
The farmer recently read in a local magazine Addis Zemen that the average
» Local values price of a tree in a timber plantation is birr 225.
» National values
Measuring assets, a case to understand
» If it was assessed at initial recognition that we cannot measure fair value reliably, the valuation would be
birr 225 less any accumulated depreciation and any accumulated impairment losses. The farmer would not
measure the trees in a timber planation in this way because at the time of initial recognition of the
biological asset in Year 0, the expectation was that a reliable value can be determined for the trees in a
timber plantation
» Although there is currently no quoted market price, the farmer can consider any other alternative source
available for which the fair value is to be determined, the famer would consider the reasons for the
differences in prices in ‘other relevant information’ in order to arrive at the most reliable estimate of fair
value. This value would be in the range of all the indicators available(birr 150 to birr 225)
Measuring assets, a case to understand
» Consider the previous example – the farmer and the tree in the
timber plantation. If the quoted market price, sector benchmarks
and other information were not available, how would the farmer
wok out the correct value?
» Present value of future cash flows
» Cost price + potential value of produce
» Cost price – impairment – depreciation
Disclosures IPSAS 27.38-54
» An entity shall disclose the aggregate gain or loss arising during the current period on initial recognition
of biological assets and agricultural produce and from the change in fair value less costs to sell of
biological assets.
» An entity shall provide a description of biological asset that distinguishes between consumable and
bearer biological assets and between biological assets held for sale and those held for distribution at no
charge or for a nominal charge.
» If not disclosed elsewhere in information published with the financial statements, an entity shall describe:
» The nature of its activities involving each group of biological assets; and
» Non-financial measures or estimates of the physical quantities of:
» Each group of entity’s biological assets at the end of the period; and
» Output of agriculture produce during the period
» An entity shall disclose the methods and significant assumptions applied in determining the fair value of
each group of agricultural produce at the point of harvest and each group of biological asset.
» An entity shall disclose the fair value less costs to sell of agricultural produce harvested during the
period, determined at the point of harvest.
Disclosures IPSAS 27.38-54