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Week 3 SemII

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The Egyptian American International School

Grade 8
Week 3
Mother to Son.
Appreciating Poetry
 Analyze imagery
 Define diction
 Analyze the impact of word choices on meaning and
 Analyze structure and form, including line and stanza
 Define figurative language including metaphor, simile
and personification.
 Identify examples of figurative language including
metaphor, simile and personification
 Identify sound devices including repetition ,
alliteration, assonance, onomatopoeia, rhyme,
rhythm, meter
1&2 Unit 5: Poetry
Lesson Guide Mother To Son
Hands on activity – Think ,
Pair and Share

3&4 Unit 5: Poetry

Text Analysis
Discussion and collective

Assessment Practice.

Warm Up
Watch the videos then
Meet the Poet
answer then take the
Langston Hughes
following quiz
Students will pair up
and read
Text Book p 632-
Answer P. 6&7
Think Pair and
Relating Lesson to Life
Express yourself.

Students will be divided into groups

of four
Each group will be asked to write a
poem to thank the mother for working
so hard and never giving up.

Group 1 Group 2
One stanza Two stanzas
2 sound devices 4 sound devices
1 Figurative Language 3 Figurative Language
Lesson Notes
Mother to son

The poem is a monologue by a mother where she is speaking to her

son. The mother tells her son that life has never been easy or free of
difficulties. It has never been a smooth ride. She compares the journey
of life to the upward climb on a staircase and says it has not been
smooth like crystal. She talks about the various difficulties that one has
to face in life like the broken parts and uncarpeted floors that make
climbing a staircase difficult. Despite all the challenges the mother kept
moving forward and also faced times of confusion and uncertainty. She
tells the boy to do the same and have the courage to move forward
without ever turning back. The mother also tells her son to not be
misled or lose hope. She inspires her son by saying that she has
always strived for a better life and even he must continue to do so.
Analysis "Well, son, I’ll tell you:
Life for me ain’t been no crystal stair.“

The poem opens with the mother speaking to her son

or like she is answering a question that he might have
asked. She explains to the son that life has never
been easy for her. Here ‘crystal stair’ symbolizes
smoothness or beauty. The mother says her life has
not been a smooth ride.
1 "It’s had tacks in it,
Analysis And splinters,
And boards torn up,
And places with no carpet on the floor—

The words and phrases used in this stanza, like

‘tacks’, ‘splinters’, ‘boards torn up’ and ‘no carpet
on the floor’ represent the difficulties and
struggles that one has to face in life. Tacks are
nails and splinters are small, sharp pieces that
have broken off from wood or glass and can
cause difficulty or hindrance for one’s movement.
The mother says she has faced a lot of troubles
in her life as one may face these troubles when
climbing up a staircase. This stanza also
indicates the kind of poor houses and miserable
lives the African American had in the early 20th
century. ‘Bare’ may also refer to the poor living
conditions and lack of necessities.
Analysis •“
But all the time
I’se been a-climbin’ on,
And reachin’ landin’s,
And turnin’ corners,
And sometimes goin’ in the dark
Where there ain’t been no light.“

In this stanza the mother tells her son that despite all
the difficulties, she has been climbing up the
metaphorical staircase of life. Here ‘turnin’ corners’
and ‘going in the dark’ represents the fear and doubts
that one has during times of uncertainty. There will be
moments of indecisiveness and confusion but one
must continue to move forward and not give up hope.
"So, boy, don’t you turn back.
Don’t you set down on the steps.
‘Cause you finds it’s kinder hard.“

The mother urges her son not to turn back and

continue facing the challenges in life. She tells him
not to be disappointed when he faces difficulties and
not to settle down with it. He must rather face them
and keep pushing forward. The mother tells him that
the adversities that come his way should not dampen
his spirit and he must continue to strive for a better
"Don’t you fall now—
For I’se still goin’, honey,
I’se still climbin’,
And life for me ain’t been no crystal stair.“

The mother tells her son that despite all the difficulties
he faces in life he should not feel disappointed or lose
hope. Falling off the staircase may also indicate being
misled. The mother advises her son to not be misled
and choose the wrong path during difficulties. The
mother sets her own example by saying that she is
still walking on that path and climbing that
metaphorical staircase of life. She has not given up
and continues to strive for a better life, free of all
suffering and miseries. Here, the second line of the
poem has been repeated where the mother says that
life has not been a smooth and easy journey for her.

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