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GRP 8 Hospital Management System Grp8

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Aldel Education Trust’s

St. John College of Engineering and Management, Palghar

NAAC Accredited with Grade A (2017-2022)

Department of Information Technology



HARSH BANE [EU1204012]

Anita Chaudhari | Assistant Professor

• Introduction
❑ Motivation
❑ Problem Statement
❑ Objectives
❑ Scope
• Review of Existing Literature
• Proposed System
❑ Block diagram of Proposed System
• Implementation
❑ Algorithm/Flowchart
❑ Dataset
❑ Pseudo code
❑ Screenshots of the output with description
• Technologies Used
• Results and Discussion
• Conclusion and Future Work
• References


The main intention of introducing this system is to reduce the manual work at Health center
counters. Every sort of task is performed by the system, such as registering different types of
persons (i.e employees , students and others) ,enquiries, and complaints etc. reducing much paper
work and burden of file storage. Also the latest information is right available for the officials
wherever they require. The system also facility of pharmacist to enquire about the medicine and
about the stock to be ordered and about the expiry date .

Using the system is as simple as using the personal computer. Since end user computing is
developing in our country, It is beneficial to both Health center and the patients. Every step is
clearly defined and help is provided through out the application to the user.

The heath center can get much out of the system. The system is used to enter the patient details
and to enter the details about the health center and the details about in-patient and out-patient in
brief and about the reports of the patients .

• Motivation
Since Hospital is associated with the lives of common people and their day-to-day
routines so decided to work on this project . The manual handling of the record is time
consuming and highly prone to error. Human Body is a very complex and
sophisticated structure and comprises of millions of functions. All these complicated
functions have been understood by man him, part-by-part their research and
experiments. As science and technology progressed, medicine became an integral part
of the research. Gradually, medical science became an entirely new branch of science.
As of today, the Health Sector comprises of Medical institutions i.e. Hospitals,
HOSPITALs etc. research and development institutions and medical colleges. Thus
the Health sector aims at providing the best medical facilities to the common man.
The manual handling of the record is time consuming and highly prone to error. The
purpose of this project is to automate or make online the process of day-to-day
activities like Room activities , Admission of New Patient, Discharge of Patient,
Assign a Doctor, and finally compute the bill etc. I have tried my best to make the
complicated process Hospital Management System

• Problem Statement:

• Lack of immediate retrievals: -

The information is very difficult to retrieve and to find particular information like-
E.g. - To find out about the patient’s history, the user has to go through various
registers. This results in inconvenience and wastage of time.
• Lack of immediate information storage: -
The information generated by various transactions takes time and efforts to be stored
at right place.
• Lack of prompt updating: -
Various changes to information like patient details or immunization details of child
are difficult to make as paper work is involved.
• Error prone manual calculation: -
Manual calculations are error prone and take a lot of time this may result in
incorrectinformation. For examplecalculation of patient’s bill based on various
The project “Hospital Management System” is aimed to develop to maintain the day-to-day state
of admission/discharge of Patients, List of Doctors (Consultants), List of medicines, Bills etc.
There are following main objectives of the Hospital:
• Keeping records of admission of patient.
• Keeping patient-care as utmost priority.
• Scheduling the appointment of Patient with Doctor (Consultant) to make it convenient for both.
• Scheduling the services of specialized Doctor (Consultant) and emergency properly so that
facilities provided by Hospital are fully utilized in effective and efficient manner.
• Keeping records of Medicine department in a meticulously arranged order so that the treatment
of Patient becomes quick and satisfactory.
• Keeping details about the consultants, their Prescriptions and treatments, surgery reports etc.
• Keeping the best laboratory facilities and diagnostic tools for early and clear Diagnosis of the
disease and early cure and disposal of the patient.
• Keeping explicit details about the patient’s diseases, diagnosis and management for
comprehensive research.

• Scope:

Hospital management system is a system that helps manage the information related to
health care and aids in the job completion of health care providers effectively. It has the
ability to manage all the paperwork in one place, reducing the work of staff. The system
will have a very low probability of errors as it would require least human need, which will
ensure that the tasks are done quickly resulting in most of the hospitals using HOSPITAL
MANAGEMENT SYSTEM in the future.
Literature Review Paper Tittle (ref) Authors Name conclusion

system covers the
Musa, A. Lancashire visual simulation and
“A hospital resource and Bus. Sch., Univ. of providing ability to
patient management Central Lancashire, analyse the ongoing
1 system based on real-time Preston, UK Yusuf, Y, operations so they can
data capture and intelligent Meckel.M. Systems be corrected to
decision making” and Informatics achieve increased
(ICSAI), 2012 process efficiency and
service levels.
this paper proposes
HSMS (Hospital
Daiping Hu, Antai Services Management
Study on information Sch. of Manage., System) which aims at
system of health care Shanghai Jiaotong improving quality of
services management in Univ., China Weiguo services, identifying
hospital” A Xu cost reduction areas ,
analyses and evaluate
/rate heath care
services .

Literature Review
Sr. No. Paper Title [Ref.] Author names Conclusion
This paper more so
contributes to
Planning, Design
“Developing Effective Dr Christopher
and development
Hospital Management Bain MBBS,
aspects of any
Information Systems: A Master Info. Tech
3 Hospital
Technology Ecosystem Student No:
Perspective” 10054499
system by
highlighting ESFs
that should be

Proposed System
The Hospital Management System is designed for any hospital to replace their
existing manual paper based system. The new system is to control the information of
patients. Room availability, staff and operating room schedules and patient invoices.
These services are to be provided in an efficient, cost effective manner, with the goal
of reducing the time and resources currently required for such tasks .

Block diagram

Login Page
For admin ,The login is done by providing correct username and password.
If the user login id is wrong then it is asked to login again.
If the password is wrong then the user is asked to enter again .


Doctor Registration Form
Patient Registration Form
Welcome Admin page
Medicine Details
Room Details
Leave Appplication form
Discharge Patient Page
Technologies Used
Software Requirements:

Operating system: windows 7, windows 10

Database: MySQL server
Browser: chrome, opera, etc.
Software development kit : Java JDK 17 , Eclipse IDE
Database JDBC Driver: MySQL

Technologies Used

• Hardware Requirements:
RAM : 8 GB
Keyboard: 122 keys

Results and Discussion
This section has screenshots of all the implementation i.e. user interface and
their description..
The Hospital Management System software meets user requirement relating to
entering patient data .It shows the number of patients registered in the hospital
database. The system is also able to show patients past medical records such
as diagnosis, drug prescription and dosage. The system also gives the number
of in-patients in the hospital at that particular time and what they are being
treated A drug database was also established, where the pharmacy can input
the particular type of drug available at that particular time so that doctors can
know which drugs are readily available to be prescribed to patients.

Hospital Management System not only provides an opportunity to the hospital
to enhance their patient care, but also can increase the profitability of the
organization. Hospital administrators would be able to significantly improve
the operational control and thus streamline operations. This would improve
the response time to the demands of patient care because it automates the
process of collecting and retrieving patient information

Future Work:

Diagnostics billing system.

o en/
o Herbert Scheldt, Java Complete Reference, Fifth Edition, Tata McGraw Hill
o Edition.
o Phil Hanna, JSP 2.0: The Complete Reference, Tata McGraw Hill Edition, 2003
o Elmarsi and Navathe, Fundamentals of Database System (Third Edition), Addision

Thank You !!!



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