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Marxism in Literary Criticism Context

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Marxist Theory
The Marxist approach to literature is
based on the philosophy of Karl Marx, a
German philosopher and economist. His
major argument was that whoever
controlled the means of production (the
factories) in a society controlled the
Marxist Theory
Marx noted a disparity in the
economic and political power
enjoyed by the factory owners
and that allowed to the factory
Marxist Theory
He believed that the means of production
(i.e., the basis of power in society)
should be placed in the hands those who
actually operated them. He wrote that
economic and political revolutions
around the world would eventually place
power in the hands of the masses, the
Marxist Theory
To read a work from a Marxist
perspective, one must understand
that Marxism asserts that literature
is a reflection of culture, and that
culture can be influenced by
literature. Marxists believe literature
can instigate revolution.
Four Main Areas of Study
• economic power
• materialism versus spirituality
• class conflict
• art, literature, and ideologies
Economic Power
• A society is shaped by its forces of
production. Those who own the means of
production dictate what type of society it is.
• The two main classes of society are the
bourgeoisie (who control the means of
production and wealth) and the proletariat
(who operate the means of production and
are controlled by the bourgeoisie).
Economic Power
• Since the bourgeoisie own the means of
production—and, therefore, control the
money—they can manipulate politics,
government, education, art, and media.
• Capitalism is flawed in that it creates
commodification (a desire for possessions,
not for their innate usefulness, but for their
social value). Display of material objects is
the most common way of showing off one’s
Economic Power
• Commodification is one way the
bourgeoisie keep the proletariat
oppressed. Whenever the proletariat
manages to acquire some sort of status
symbol, the bourgeoisie concocts a new
one; thus, the proletariat continues to
struggle, never able to “catch up.”
Materialism Vs. Spirituality
• Regardless of what some might claim, social
values reflect material goals, not abstract
• The material world is the only non-subjective
element in a society. Money and material
possessions are the same by every measure
within a society, whereas spirituality is
completely subjective.
• The quality of a person’s life is not destroyed
by spiritual failure but by material failure.
Class Conflict
• A Capitalist society will inevitability
experience conflict between its social
• The owners and the workers will have
different ideas about the division of the
wealth generated, and the owners will
ultimately make the decision.
• This constant conflict, or dialectical
materialism, is what instigates change.
Class Conflict
• The bourgeoisie present their political, economic,
and social structures as the only reasonable ones.
The proletariat, indoctrinated from birth to have pride
in their station, are prevented from wanting to
overthrow their oppressors (ironically, the smaller
and actually less-powerful group).
• The only real social division is class. Divisions of
race, ethnicity, gender, and religion are artificial,
devised by the bourgeoisie to distract the proletariat
from realizing their unity and rebelling against their
Class Conflict
• Marx called on the proletariat to reject the
social structure of the bourgeoisie, the rules
that would keep them subservient forever, and
form their own values. Such a course would
be the only way to escape the oppression, for
the proletariat could never defeat the
bourgeoisie on its own terms. For the workers
to win, they must establish new terms.
Art, Literature, and Ideologies
• Art and literature are among the vehicles by
which the bourgeoisie impose their value
system on the proletariat. The arts can make
the current system seem attractive and
logical, thus lulling the workers into an
acceptance of it.
• Works of art and literature are enjoyable, so
the audience is unaware of being
Art, Literature, and Ideologies
• The bourgeoisie control most artistic output
because, whether through patronage or
sponsorship, they are the entity that funds the arts
and entertainment. Since the bourgeoisie materially
support the writers and the painters—owning the
means of production as well as serving as primary
consumers—the artist must be careful not to offend
bourgeois values. Anything offensive or challenging
to the bourgeoisie will simply not be published or
• Any artist who wishes to criticize the bourgeoisie
must do so in a subtle way (satire, irony, etc.).
Essential Questions
1. Who are the powerful people in the text?
Who are the powerless? Who receives the
most attention? Why do the powerful have
the power? Why are the powerless without
2. Is there class conflict and struggle? Explain.
3. Is there alienation and/or fragmentation
evident in any of the characters? If so, in
whom? The powerful? The powerless?
Essential Questions
4. Do the powerful in the text suppress the
powerless? How? News? Media? Religion?
5. What can you infer from the setting about the
distribution of wealth?
6. What does the society value? Are
possessions acquired for their usefulness or
their social value?

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