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Go Shopping

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Viewing, Listening & Speaking

Unit three

How much does it cost!

Viewing, Listening & Speaking

Match the Chinese in Column A with the English version in
Talking about festival
Column B. Then give brief comments on each form.

Column A Column B
The Dragon Boat
电视销售 TV shopping

邮购 Direct distribution

店内销售 Mail order

直销 Window shopping
只看不买 In-store shopping
网上购物 Online-shopping

Book 1 – Unit 7
Viewing, Listening & Speaking

Do you know the English version for the following names?
Talking about festival
What is your favorite place to do your shopping?

Column A Column B

Convenient store
Duty-free store
Second-hand store
Multiple shop/chain store
Flea market/yard market
Shopping mall

Book 1 – Unit 7
Viewing, Listening & Speaking

Translation together
1. 我只是随便看看。
I am just browsing/ looking around.
2. 这个皮夹是真皮的么?
Is this wallet made of genuine leather?
3. 我想买 38 号黑色鸡心领的套头衫。
I’m looking for a size 38 V-neck pullover in black.
4. 我想买双鞋 / 休闲鞋 / 靴子 / 运动鞋 / 凉鞋 / 网球鞋 / 拖鞋 / 高跟鞋。
I’m looking for some shoes/walking shoes/boots/sports shoes/scandals/tennis
5. 那种颜色不适合你的皮肤。
That color doesn’t suit your complexion..
6. 对我来说,他太花哨 / 素 / 显眼 / 俗艳了。
It’s just a bit too gaudy/plain/showy/loud for me.
7. 太贵了。
It’s daylight robbery.
That’s shocking/too dear/a fortune/very steep.
8. 太贵了,能降点价么?
That’d too dear, can you come down a bit?.
Viewing, Listening & Speaking

9. 我还是难以接受这价格。
It’s well beyond the range I can accept.
10. 用现金付款,我们 8 折优惠。
We give 20% discount for cash.
11. 真便宜!
What a fire sale!
It’s a bargain!
12. 这是底价 / 最低价 / 成本价 / 最高价 / 批发价。
That’s our rock bottom /lowest/cost/top/wholesale price.
13. 他用分期付款的方式买了一辆汽车。
He’s bought a car by installment.
14. 首期付款是多少?
What’s the down payment?
15. 试衣间在哪里?
Where id the fitting/changing room?
16. 可以打折么?
Is there any discount?
17. 不能,这已经是折后价了。 / 抱歉,我们的价格是固定的。
no, it’s a sale price.
Sorry, our price are fixed.
Viewing, Listening & Speaking

Watching and Discussing

Now watch a short video clip. After that work in
groups and have a discussion. Then finish the
following tasks.

Video Clip 1

Your Tasks: 1 2

Book 1 – Unit 7
Viewing, Listening & Speaking

Watching and Discussing

Task 1. Group Discussion
This movie clip takes on the form of a pantomime ( 哑
剧) , without any lines spoken out in the movie. Now
you are supposed to be a narrator to tell the audience
what exactly Mr. Bean was doing.

Six group members are needed to work

together to tell the story of Mr. Bean
going shopping one after another.

Reference >>

Book 1 – Unit 7
Viewing, Listening & Speaking

Watching and Discussing

Reference 1 Mr. Bean wanted to buy some daily

necessities at a supermarket when the store
Alders offered a big sale. He was eager to
use his plastic card. First he came to the
counter selling perfumes. Unfortunately, the
odor of the perfumes suffocated ( 使窒息 ) him
and almost killed him. And then he came to
the toothbrush shelf. What surprised me was
that Mr. bean tore a new toothbrush open and
tried it out in his mouth and even worse, he
put the used one back on the shelf and took a
brand-new one. Let’s see what else Mr. Bean
To be continued would buy.

Book 1 – Unit 7
Viewing, Listening & Speaking

Watching and Discussing

Reference 2

Then Mr. Bean walked to the

towel section. He found that he
liked the yellow bathing towel
very much. In order to make
sure that he got the right towel,
he put the towel around his
body and looked at himself in
the mirror. It seemed that the
towel was just what he wanted.

Book 1 – Unit 7
Viewing, Listening & Speaking

Watching and Discussing

Reference 3

After he put the towel in the

basket, Mr. Bean took the escalator to
go to the first floor. What would he
buy here? Oh, he wanted to be a good
cook and so needed some necessary
utensils. It occurred to him that he
should buy a potato peeler.
Astonishingly, he produced a real
potato from his pocket and tried the
peeler out to see if it worked. It really
Book 1 – Unit 7
Viewing, Listening & Speaking

Watching and Discussing

Mr. Bean went on to the frying-pans.

Reference 4 That’s right, a good cook should
have a frying pan! He wondered
what size would be good for him.
Why not try it in practice? Never in
your wildest dream would you
imagine that Mr. Bean had a live fish
with him! He put the fish into the
pan. Unfortunately, the pan was too
small for the fish. So he took a
bigger one. This time it was perfect.
Since the frying pan was also on
sale, and Mr. Bean thought it was a
good bargain. So he decided to have
Book 1 – Unit 7
Viewing, Listening & Speaking

Watching and Discussing

Reference 5
Mr. Bean then went to the
telephone section. He tried
two telephones on display (of
course unplugged) and found
there was no sound coming
out at all. Then he found
another one on the shop
assistant’s desk (which is
plugged). To his joy, this one
worked! So he decided to
have this one and dragged
the wire out of the socket!

Book 1 – Unit 7
Viewing, Listening & Speaking

Watching and Discussing

Reference 6
Mr. Bean picked up all the items
he wanted to buy, and he then
came to the cashier to pay for
what he bought. He didn’t pay by
cash. Instead, he was eager to use
his glittering plastic card. The old
man didn’t want Mr. Bean to jump
the queue. After the old man
signed on the invoice, he mistook
Mr. Bean’s card for his own and
put it into his pocket.

Book 1 – Unit 7
Viewing, Listening & Speaking

Watching and Discussing

Task 2. Pair Discussion

Your Task: Mr. Bean taking an exam

Imagine you were to do
some shopping. Would
you do the same as Mr.
What preparations would you

Reference >>

Book 1 – Unit 7
Viewing, Listening & Speaking

Watching and Discussing

Task 2. Pair Discussion
Reference >>
☆ Make a shopping list
☆ Budget my money
☆ Compare prices
☆ Will not try the items out in the store before I pay for them
☆ Certain behaviors of Mr. Bean are not to be followed
☆ Pay by cash/credit card
☆ Ask the cashier for an invoice
☆ Make a complaint if necessary
Book 1 – Unit 7
Viewing, Listening & Speaking

Watching and Discussing

Task 3. Group Discussion
Question for discussion:
If Mr. Bean had done his shopping online, would it
have saved him all the trouble? And what new
problems would he have if he really did online
shopping? What do you think are the advantages and
disadvantages of in-store shopping and online
shopping respectively?

Reference >>

Book 1 – Unit 7
Viewing, Listening & Speaking

Watching and Discussing

Reference >>
In-store shopping Online shopping
+ better security with guards on duty + usually cheaper
+ good environment inside + fast
+ good place for a rest
+ convenient
+ opportunities to talk with friends
when they shop together + time-saving
+ compare commodities + trips to stores/supermarkets saved
+ a kind of exercise called mall- - can’t compare qualities
walking - not reliable
+ more traditional and reassuring - privacy violated
- time-consuming
- security of consumers’ credit card
- busy traffic
- reliability of the Internet
- lack of parking space
- … - …

Book 1 – Unit 7
Viewing, Listening & Speaking

Acting It Out Useful expressions

Making a Complaint

I’m afraid that I have a complaint to make.

A bargain is a bargain. [ 谚 ] 买卖一言为定 ; 达成的协议不可撕毁
You should learn how to bargain with the retailer, who usually asks
undue prices.
Bring your receipt to the customer service, and they will refund you.
You buy wholesale and sell retail. You are not supposed to sell
at such a high price. That’s sudden huge profits!
Can you give me the invoice?
do ing?
a r e you
---Ho p la in.
n ’ t com
Book 1 – Unit 7
-- - C a
Viewing, Listening & Speaking

Acting It Out

Bargaining Acting It Out

I haven’t made up my mind what/which to buy.

I’d buy this if it were cheaper.
The price has already been brought down. They ARE cheap
I heard other stores were having great mark-downs on this item.
And I’ve seen this cheaper in other places. Could you give me
50% discount?
The jacket is a real bargain at such a low price.

Book 1 – Unit 7
Viewing, Listening & Speaking

Acting It Out
Work in pairs and complete the dialogue by translating the
sentences into English.
Task 1
A : 快来看呀 , 哥们!我去超市时看见有促销活



B :让我看一下。今天是九月一号,对吧?可瓶

Go to the next page for reference
A :我的老天爷!怪不得这么便宜呢!
Book 1 – Unit 7
Viewing, Listening & Speaking

Acting It Out
Key to Task 1
A : Come have a look, buddy! I saw they were having promotions
when I went to the supermarket, so I bought some yogurt. If I bought
two bottles, I get one for free. I decided to buy ten bottles, so I have
15 bottles for a whole week.

B: Let me see. Today is Sept. 1st, right? But the bottles carry the
warning the yoghurt will expire on Sept. 2nd. That’s is tomorrow.

A: My God. No wonder it is so cheap!

Book 1 – Unit 7
Viewing, Listening & Speaking

Task 2 at the shopping mall

A: 欢迎光临,请问有什么能替你效劳的么?
A: welcome! May I help you?
B: 我想买两条领带,一条自用,一条送人,你可以替我介绍么?
B: I want to buy a couple of ties, one for myself and one as a present. Do you have
any recommendation?
A: 好的,没问题。请问你喜欢看起来年轻有朝气的还是成熟稳重的?
A: yes, no problem. Do you want something young or something mature?
B: 我喜欢看起来成熟稳重的。
B: I would like something more mature.
A: 建议你看看这几款,都是这个月的新款式,专门给成功人士设计的,看起
A : would you like to check out these? They are this month’s newest style
especially made for successful people. They look mature and classy.
B: 恩,的确不错。我要这一款方格的。
B:hum, it is so good. I want the one with the squares.
A: 你真有眼光,那另一条呢?
A:you really have a good taste. What about the other one?
Book 1 – Unit 7
Viewing, Listening & Speaking

B: 另一条是要送给我弟弟的,想替他选看起来富有朝气的。
B : the other one is for my brother. I want something that looks young.
A: 那么,请你看这几组,也是新款式,设计给新生代的,不但颜色亮丽,款式
A : why don’t you look at these? They are also new styles. And they are
made for the new generation. The color is not only bright, but the cut is
also clean!
B: 我看这条好了,宝蓝色,看起来很有精神。
B: then I think I will take this one. The royal blue is really vital-looking.
A: 相信你弟弟一定会很喜欢,请到这边结账,谢谢!
A: you brother will definitely like it, please pay here, thank you.
Viewing, Listening & Speaking

A: 请问你这个就是的唱片机多少钱?
A: How much is this record player?
B: 喔,这个很稀有,一台要 1000 元。
B: Oh, this is very rare, it is 1,000 dollars.
A: 这么贵!还能播放么?
B: That’s expensive! Does it still work?
B: 当然可以。
B: Of course.
At the flea A :能再便宜点么?我要拿回北京。
A: Could you lower the price? I am taking this back to Beijing.
B: 恩,好吧。一口价 800 元,已经非常便宜了。
market B: Well, OK, then 800 flat! That’s already very cheap.
A: 500 元吧,可以的话我马上就买。
A: 500, then I well buy it right away.
B: 不行啦!差太多了。
B: No! That’s way off!
A: 那就算了,反正我也不是很需要。
A: Then forget it! I don’t really need it any way.
B: 好吧, 600 元怎么样? 600 元卖给你好了。
B: OK, What about 600? I will sell it for 600!
A: 我考虑一下,好吧,我买了。
A: Let me think about it… OK, I will buy it!
Viewing, Listening & Speaking

Change goods
A: 下午好,我能为你效劳吗?
A: Good afternoon. May I help you?
B: 这是我昨天买的,但是我发现它破了,请您更换好吗?
B: I bought this yesterday. But I found it cracked. Will you
change it, please?
A: 好的,你有收据吗?
A: Yes ,but do you have the receipt for this?
B: 是的,这就是。
B: Yes, here it is.
A: 此事很抱歉,我们给你换。
A: We’re sorry for that. And we’re ready to change it.
B :你很热情,非常感谢你。
B: You’re very kind. Thank you very much.
Viewing, Listening & Speaking


Directions: You’re going to listen to a passage about

online shopping. First, listen to the whole
passage to get a general idea.


And now listen to the passage again and fill in the

blanks on the next page as you listen.

Reference >>

Book 1 – Unit 7
Viewing, Listening & Speaking

Other expressions

look great on you/look cool on you

Don’t try to overcharge me.
We have a clearance sale today.
Summer is almost over.
I heard other stores were having great mark-downs on
this item.
New models coming out next year
It’s a real bargain./It’s a steal.

Book 1 – Unit 7
Viewing, Listening & Speaking

Oral Assignment

Search for appropriate words to describe different

weather either in the dictionary or on the internet.
Come to the next class with what you have found.

In the next class, you’re going to do pair work by

telling each other what the weather is like in different
seasons in your home town, with the help of the words
you’ve found related to weather
Viewing, Listening & Speaking

Hope you will find shopping a lot of fun!

See you next time!

Book 1 – Unit 7

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