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Christmas Table

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The magic of Christmas

must be lived with
Christmas traditions loved ones. The snow There is no shortage
vary from country to sifts smoothly from the of traditional dishes
country across the sky, the tree in the on the Romanians
globe, reflecting the house is already Christmas table,
culture of the country decorated, the carolers such as:
in which it is can be heard in the
celebrated. distance. It's time to
dump her and move on
with family and friends.

Christmas is not CAKE
Christmas if the In addition
‘sarmale’ are missing to modern desserts, cake remains a
from the table. The tradition on the Romanian holiday
composition is made table. The flavor of the cake taken out
with pork and of the oven is unmistakable. Cakes can
wrapped in pickled be straight or round, simple or braided
cabbage or vines. In and can be simple or stuffe
the middle of the pot PORK STEAK
it is preferable to put a
Cooked in an oven, kettle
smoked bone, to give
or grill, pork steak is a
flavor to the ‘sarmale’.
must on the festive
Christmas table. It's a kind
of The Beatles of
BEEF Romanian food, which
It is a traditional Romanian dish
everyone should know
how to cook.
derived from Olivier salad. Beef
salad includes vegetables and In addition, all the
small meat cubes tied with ingredients are simple
mayonnaise. Although housewives and mundane, the
are accustomed to using poultry, preparation itself is easy,
pork chops are recommended for and the result is delicious.
Christmas salad.

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