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Employee Motivation Powerpoint Presentation Slides

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Your Company Name
Employee Engagement Key Statistics - US

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20 %

Actively Disengaged
45 % This slide is 100% editable. Adapt
it to your needs and capture your
audience's attention.

Not Engaged
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it to your needs and capture your
35 %
audience's attention.

Do The Survey
Strongly Somewhat Neither Somewhat Strongly
Disagree Disagree Agree nor Agree Agree

I feel encouraged to come up with new & better ways of doing


My work gives me a feeling of personal accomplishment

I have the tools & resources to do my job well

In my Job, I have Clearly defined quality goals

(Company Name) does an excellent job keeping employees

informed about matters affecting us

When a customer is dissatisfied, I can usually correct the

problem to their satisfaction

I understand why it is so important for (Company Name) to value

diversity (to recognize & respect the value differences in race,
gender, age, etc.)

My jobs makes good use of my skills & abilities

My Supervisor’s manager visibly demonstrates a commitment to


How satisfy are you with the information you receive from
management on what is going on in your division?

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Survey Results

Text Here Text Here Text Here Text Here



67% 71% 81.5%

C ur r e nt In 2 0 1 7

Text Here Text Here Text Here Text Here

50% 76% 78% 45%

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Activities to
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An important part of the onboarding process
is having someone answer some really
important questions

Assign A Questions that someone would be

hesitant to simply ask a manager

for Every Building a trustworthy relationship with someone

Newcomer with more experience in that company can help

guide the newcomer

This way, employee can better adapt and

grow part of the team

Have Themed
Office Days

Making a day ethnic wear For a lot of companies,

or Chocolate on certain this initiative can bring
days can boost up a lot of fun & increase
employee morale & employee loyalty
kill monotony at work

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Have photos of your team on a wall, or
frame them around the office

Group photos, funny photos, events

photos or random photos snapped when
Have Team
people weren’t watching

It’s a cultural element that can

encourage & foster work relationships &
employee engagement

Encourage  You can personalize your own company gift card &
reward employees by allowing them to make a
charitable donation to an organization of their choice

Charity  Organizations can come up with a cause that was

aligned with their company’s mission, empowered
employees to team up and raise money for that cause,
in a friendly but competitive manner

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 You can personalize your own company gift card &
reward employees by allowing them to make a
charitable donation to an organization of their

 Organizations can come up with a cause that was

aligned with their company’s mission, empowered
employees to team up and raise money for that
cause, in a friendly but competitive manner


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Recognize & Encourage

Applaud the amazing

improvement ideas that no one
initially thought of

Give them a friendly “Good job!” or

recognize them publicly for going
the extra mile

Create in-House
Mentorship Opportunities

Give them a friendly “Good job!” or

recognize them publicly for going
the extra mile

Applaud the amazing improvement

ideas that no one initially thought of

Create in-House

No one can go Big or small, they Refill their energy

through tasks and are the solid proof tanks with some
assignments for that the work recognition &
months, or even people are putting celebrate their
years without in has meaning hard work
burning out

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Identify Internal Growth Paths

S.No. Supplier Name RM Procured

Provide opportunities to take on non-critical, execution tasks

Associate Product Manager Product Manager of limited scope (i.e.- Acceptance Testing, Requirements
Gathering, etc.)

 Provide chance to take on moderate scope & limited

critically, or, limited scope but critical product management
responsibilities (i.e.- Product Management of dev of
android version of IOS product, Product Management of
 Senior Product Manager Onboarding UX, etc.)
Product Manager
 Technical Product Manager  Provide chance to take on moderate scope & limited
critically, or, limited scope but critical product management
responsibilities (i.e.- Product Management of CRM
integration kit, Product Management of cross –app
security requirements, etc.)

Role 3 Future Role 3 Opportunity Description

Role 4 Future Role 5 Opportunity Description

Role 6 Future Role 6 Opportunity Description

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Recognize Great Employee Performance
With A Handwritten Note

Poor relationships between

employees and their managers are a
leading cause of employee

Rather than confining feedback to annual

performance reviews, encourage
managers to give their subordinates
hand-written notes expressing their
gratitude in the moment

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Celebrate People

Birthdays, promotions, retirements,

newcomers welcoming, there are plenty
of important moments where people can
be put at the front of the company

They make the company & it’s

A great & relaxing way of
showing them that they matter

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Employ Effective
Group Learning

Incorporate Let the whole Challenge employees

training sessions team be to step out of their
for all the involved comfort zone, for
employees from example, by making a
time to time quieter employee act
as a sub-team leader

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Employee Motivation Icons Slide

Let’s Have
Tea Break
Let’s have a break, we'll
come back after 15 minutes


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About Preferred By
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This slide is 100%

editable. Adapt it to your editable. Adapt it to your editable. Adapt it to your
needs and capture your needs and capture your needs and capture your
audience's attention. audience's attention. audience's attention.

Name Here Name Here Name Here
Designation Designation Designation
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editable. Adapt it to your editable. Adapt it to your editable. Adapt it to your
needs and capture your needs and capture your needs and capture your
audience's attention. audience's attention. audience's attention.

Our Goal

01 02 03

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editable. Adapt it to editable. Adapt it to editable. Adapt it to
your needs and your needs and your needs and
capture your capture your capture your
audience's attention. audience's attention. audience's attention.


01 02 03 04

2016 2017 2018 2019

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editable. Adapt it to editable. Adapt it to editable. Adapt it to editable. Adapt it to
your needs and your needs and your needs and your needs and
capture your capture your capture your capture your
audience's attention. audience's attention. audience's attention. audience's attention.


United States China

65% 50%
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editable. Adapt it to your editable. Adapt it to your
needs and capture your needs and capture your
audience's attention. audience's attention.

Post It

Text Here Text Here Text Here Text Here

01 02 03 04

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editable. Adapt it to editable. Adapt it to editable. Adapt it to editable. Adapt it to
your needs and your needs and your needs and your needs and
capture your capture your capture your capture your
audience's attention. audience's attention. audience's attention. audience's attention.


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needs and capture your 04 editable. Adapt it to your
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Minimum Medium Maximum

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editable. Adapt it to your editable. Adapt it to your editable. Adapt it to your
needs and capture your needs and capture your needs and capture your
audience's attention. audience's attention. audience's attention.

$459 $559 $659


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01 audience's attention.

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to your needs and capture your
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audience's attention. This slide is 100% editable. Adapt
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audience's attention.

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to your needs and capture your This slide is 100% editable. Adapt it
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audience's attention.

Our Target

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Low High

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Weakness Threat
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editable. Adapt it to your editable. Adapt it to your
needs and capture your needs and capture your
audience's attention. audience's attention.

Strength Opportunities
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audience's attention. audience's attention.


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editable. Adapt it to your editable. Adapt it to your editable. Adapt it to your
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Mind Map 01

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audience's attention.

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your needs and capture your
audience's attention.

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audience's attention.

Idea Bulb

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editable. Adapt it to your editable. Adapt it to your
needs and capture your needs and capture your
audience's attention. audience's attention.
Text Here
04 This slide is 100%
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editable. Adapt it to your 01 audience's attention.
needs and capture your
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01 Product 02 Product 03 Product

Column - Line

In Percentage





FY 01 FY 02 FY 03 FY 04

70 01 Product 02 Product 03 Product

Bar Graph

Sales in Percentage(%) 2019






Q1 Q2 Q3

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