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Seeds: Strategic Intervention Materials in Science by Dr. Aaa

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Strategic Intervention Materials

In Science

What are seeds?

Are seeds important?Why?
Every seed contains a tiny plant, stored
food and is covered by a seed coat. All three
of these parts are important. without them,
a plant could not grow out of the seed

In this lesson, you will learn more about seeds

After going through this module , you should be able

1. Explain how plants can be propagated from


1.1 Identify the parts of a seed

1.2 Infer the function of each part of a seed.

Parts of a seed
The end product of
pollination and
fertilization is the seed.
A seeds is a mature
ovule. Seeds grow into
new plants if the
conditions are right. The
early stages of growth of
The seed coat or testa
a new plant from a seed
is the outermost part of
are parts of a process
a seed . It protects the
called germination.
Moisture, oxygen, and a
The cotyledon is the
favorable temperature
food source of a young
must be present for
plant. Monocots are
germination to occur.
seeds with one
cotyledon. Dicots are
seeds with two
The embyo, or young
plants, consist of the
young leaves called the
plumule and the young
root called the radicle.
The embyonic stem
above is the epicotyl
and the embryonic stem
below is the hypocotyl.
Activity 1
What are the parts of a seed?

mongo seeds, corn seeds, plastic cups

1. Soak mongo seeds and corn seeds overnight in water.
Carefully remove the seed coat and try to separate them in
halves. Classify them into monocot or dicot.
2. draw and label the parts of a monocot seed and dicot

Observation and inferences

3. Which seed can be separated into halves?
4. What do we called it?
5. Which seed cannot be separated into halves?
6. What do we called it?

Use the clues to complete the puzzle below

1. Outside covering of a seed

2. Process that seeds that seed undertakes from the
time it sprouts until it grows into a seedling.
3. Seed leaves that make up the most of the seed.
4. Roots take in these nonliving materials.
5. Part of the embryo that will become the roots
6. Stages in the life of a plant
7. Seeds with only one cotyledon
8. Gas that living things need to stay alive.
9. A young plant grows from a seed
10. Another name for seed coat.

1. S __ __ __ C __ __ __
2. G __ R __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __
3. C O __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __
4. M __ N __ __ __ __ __

5. __ __
D __ __ __ __
6. L
I __ __ C Y __ __ __
7. M
O __ __ __ __ __
8. O
X __ __ __ __
9. S __ __ D __ __ __ __
10. T E __ __ __
Choose the letter of the correct answer.
1. The tiny part of a seed that can grow into a new plant is
A. embryo
B. ovary
C. ovule
D. pistil
2. Where does the seed get its food supply?
A. cotyledon
B. embryo
C. endosperm
D. radicle
3. Which protects the embryo?
A. root
B. leaf
C. seedcoat
D. cotyledon
4. Why is a corn a monocot plant?
A. It has long leaves
B. It has single fruit
C. It produces only one stem
D. It has seeds with one cotyledon
5. How are dicots plants distinguish from other plants?
A. They have two seeds.
B. They have two cotyledons
C. They have one type of root
D. They have one type of leaf
A seed contains the plant embryo, the cotyledons,
and a seed coat. The seed coat is the end covering.
The cotyledons are also called seed leaves. They
contain endosperm which is the stored food in the
form of starch, sugar and oil. The endosperm
provides energy for the embryo. Seeds are classified
into dicots and monocots.
Given the proper conditions of air , moisture, and
temperature, a seed will develop into a new plant.
The process the seed undertakes from the time it
starts to sprout until it grows into a seedling is called
Key to Correction

1. S E E D C O A T
2. G E R M I N A T I O N
3. C O T Y L E D O N S
4. M I N E R A L S

5. R A D I C L E CON
6. L I F E C Y C L E GRA
7. M O N O C O T v
8. O X Y G E N TUL
9. S E E D L I N G
10. T E S T A ONS


1. A
2. A
3. C
4. D
5. B

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