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Lesson Plan Sistema Ni Kaloy

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• Find any plastic, bottle, or any material
that has label or ingredients in its back.
• On a piece of paper, write down the
main ingredients that were used to
make that food/drink
• Now, think of the materials that were
used to package the product. Write
these materials on your list.
This Discussion is all about :

 Natural Resources
 Renewable Resources
 Non-Renewable Resources
Natural Resources
 Materialsfrom the
Earth that are used
to support life and
meet people’s needs.
 Naturalresources are
used to make food,
fuel and raw
materials for the
production of goods

• What resources were used to make the product?

• What resources were used to package them?

• Where do these resources come from?

Renewable and
Activity 2
Identify each product sample
what resources it came from
and, base on those resources,
identify if they belong to
renewable or not..
Clothes Crude Oil
Renewable Non-Renewable
Few Examples of Natural Resources
• There are more than 326
million trillion gallons
of water on Earth. ...
The most significant use
of water is to produce
hydropower by
harnessing its energy.
Soil provides
minerals and water
plants . Soil absorb
s rainwater and
releases it later ,
thus , preventing
floods and drought .
It is made up of air,
water , minerals and
organic materials
so, soil is called a
natural resource.
 The oxygen in the air is
essential for animals to
survive because
we use this oxygen to
produce energy from the
food we eat. The carbon
dioxide we breathe out is
in turn required for
plants to trap energy
from the sun and turn it
into food.
Other examples of natural resources
 Oil
 Coal
 Natural Gas
 Metals
 Stone
 Sand
What Is a Renewable Resources?
• A renewable resource is one that can be used
repeatedly and does not run out because it is
naturally replaced. A renewable resource,
essentially, has an endless supply such as
solar energy, wind energy, and geothermal
pressure. Other resources are considered
renewable even though some time or effort
must go into their renewal (e.g., wood,
oxygen, leather, and fish).
• Most precious metals are
renewable also. Although
precious metals are not naturally
replaced, they can be recycled
because they are not destroyed
during their extraction and use.
Importance of Renewable
• When it comes to energy resources, there is always the
question of sustainability. It is important that resources
provide enough energy to meet our needs—to heat our
houses, power our cities, and run our cars. However, it is also
important to consider how these resources can be used long
term. Some resources will practically never run out. These
are known as renewable resources. Renewable resources also
produce clean energy, meaning less pollution
and greenhouse gas emissions, which contribute to climate
Examples of Renewable Resources
Biomass Energy
 Energy generated or produced by
living or once-living organisms. The
most common biomass materials
used for energy are plants, such
as corn and soy. The energy from
these organisms can be burned to
create heat or converted into
Hydropower uses a fuel—water—that
is not reduced or used up in the
process. Because the water cycle is
an endless, constantly recharging
system, hydropower is considered
a renewable energy. When flowing
water is captured and turned into
electricity, it is called hydroelectric
power or hydropower.
 Geothermal energy is heat derived
within the sub-surface of the earth.
Water and/or steam carry
the geothermal energy to the
Earth's surface. Depending on its
characteristics, geothermal
energy can be used for heating and
cooling purposes or be harnessed to
generate clean electricity.
Examples of Geothermal
Resources and their benefits
Wind Energy
Wind power or wind energy is the
use of wind to provide mechanical
power through wind turbines to turn
electric generators for electrical
power. Wind power is a popular
sustainable, renewable source of
power that has a much smaller
impact on the environment
compared to burning fossil fuels.
Solar Energy
 Solar power is energy from the sun that
is converted into thermal or
electrical energy. Solar technologies
can harness this energy for a variety of
uses, including generating electricity,
providing light or a comfortable interior
environment, and heating water for
domestic, commercial, or industrial use.
Example of Solar Energy and
its uses
What do you mean by non-renewable
 Nonrenewable energy resources include
coal, natural gas, oil, and nuclear energy.
Once these resources are used
up, they cannot be replaced, which is a
major problem for humanity as we are
currently dependent on them to supply most
of our energy needs.
why is coal a nonrenewable resource?
Coal is classified as
a nonrenewable energy source because it
takes millions of years to form. Coal contains
the energy stored by plants that lived hundreds
of millions of years ago in swampy forests. ...
The resulting pressure and heat turned the
plants into the substance we call coal.
Natural Gas
Naturalgas (also called fossil gas;
sometimes just gas) is a naturally occurring
hydrocarbon gas mixture consisting
primarily of methane, but commonly
including varying amounts of other higher
alkanes, and sometimes a small percentage
of carbon dioxide, nitrogen, hydrogen sulfide,
or helium
Uses of Natural Gas
Why is a natural gas non-renewable?
Naturalgas is formed by decaying organic
matter that has been buried and then
subjected to intense
heat and pressure. ... Natural gas is normally
found alongside fossil fuels because humans
are using them up at a much faster rate than
they can be produced both natural gas
and fossil fuels are non-renewable.
 Lifebloodof the industrialised nations.
Oil has become the world's most
important source of energy since the
mid-1950s. Its products underpin
modern society, mainly supplying energy
to power industry, heat homes and
provide fuel for vehicles and aeroplanes
to carry goods and people all over the
What is an oil nonrenewable resource?

Crude Oil/Petroleum

Crude oil is a nonrenewable resource that builds

up in liquid form between the layers of the Earth's
crust. It's retrieved by drilling into the ground and
ocean floor, and pumping the liquid out. The liquid
is then refined and used to create many different
Nuclear Energy
Nuclear power is the use of nuclear
reactions that release nuclear energy
to generate heat, which most frequently
is then used in steam turbines to
produce electricity in a nuclear power
plant. Nuclear power can be obtained
from nuclear fission, nuclear decay and
nuclear fusion reactions.
Uses of Nuclear Energy
Why do Nuclear Energy be a
nonrenewable resource
 The
material most often used
in nuclear power plants is the element
uranium. Although uranium is found in
rocks all over the world, nuclear power
plants usually use a very rare type of
uranium, U-235. Uranium is a non-
renewable resource. ... Nuclear power
plants do not pollute the air or emit
greenhouse gases.
Follow up Questions:
1. Resources that can be replaced.

C. of the Above
Both A and B
2. Resources that can not be replaced.
None of the Above
Both A and B
3. Which of the following are non-renewable
A. Coal
B. Animal
C. Water
D. Trees
I hope everyone
understands the
lesson and takes some
knowledge that will
surely benefit your
future as professional
Thank you, and I bid you
a good day!

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