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MACROECONOMICS, 7th. Edition N. Gregory Mankiw Mannig J. Simidian

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Money Supply, Money Demand
and the Banking System

A PowerPointTutorial
To Accompany


N. Gregory Mankiw
Tutorial written by:
Mannig J. Simidian
Chapter Nineteen B.A. in Economics with Distinction, Duke University 1
M.P.A., Harvard University Kennedy School of Government
M.B.A., Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) Sloan School of Management
To understand the money supply, we must understand the interaction
between currency and demand deposits and how the Fed policy
influences these two components of the money supply.

Chapter Nineteen 2
Money Supply Currency Demand Deposits

In this chapter, we’ll see that the money supply is determined not only
by the Federal Reserve, but also by the behavior of households
(which hold money) and banks (where money is held).

Chapter Nineteen 3
The deposits that banks have received but have not lent out are called
reserves. Consider the case where all deposits are held as reserves:
banks accept deposits, place the money in reserve, and leave the
money there until the depositor makes a withdrawal or writes a check
against the balance.
In a 100-percent-reserve banking system, all deposits are held in
reserve; thus the banking system does not affect the supply of money.

A Sample 100-Percent-Reserve Bank Balance Sheet

Assets Liabilities
Reserves Deposits
Chapter Nineteen $1,000 $1,000 4
As long as the amount of new deposits approximately equals the
amount of withdrawals, a bank need not keep all its deposits in
reserves. Note: a reserve-deposit ratio is the fraction of deposits
kept in reserve. Excess reserves are reserves above the reserve

Fractional-reserve banking, a system under which banks keep

only a fraction of their deposits in reserve. In a system of
fractional-reserve banking, banks create money.
A Sample Fractional-Reserve Bank Balance Sheet
Assets Liabilities Let’s look
Reserves $200 Deposits $1,000 at how money
Chapter Nineteen
Loans $800 creation works…
Assume each bank maintains a reserve-deposit ratio (rr) of 20 percent and that the initial deposit is
Firstbank Secondbank Thirdbank
Balance Sheet Balance Sheet Balance Sheet
Assets Liabilities Assets Liabilities Assets Liabilities
Reserves $200 Deposits $1,000 Reserves $160 Deposits $800 Reserves $128 Deposits $640
Loans $800 Loans $640 Loans $512

Mathematically, the amount of money the original $1000 deposit creates is:
Original Deposit =$1,000
Firstbank Lending = (1- rr)  $1,000 The process of transferring funds
Secondbank Lending = (1- rr)2  $1,000 from savers to borrowers is called
Thirdbank Lending = (1- rr)3  $1,000
Fourthbank Lending =. (1- rr)4  $1,000
financial intermediation.
Total Money Supply = [1 + (1-rr) + (1-rr)2 + (1-rr)3 + …]  $,1000
= (1/rr)  $1,000
Money and Liquidity Creation
Chapter Nineteen
= (1/.2)  $1,000 6
(but not wealth creation)
= $5,000
Three exogenous variables:
The monetary base B is the total number of dollars held by the
public as currency C and by the banks as reserves R.
The reserve-deposit ratio rr is the fraction of deposits D that banks
hold in reserve R.
The currency-deposit ratio cr is the amount of currency C
people hold as a fraction of their holdings of demand deposits D.
Definitions of the money supply and the monetary base:
M =C+D
B =C+R
Solving for M as a function of the 3 exogenous variables:
M/B = C/D + 1
C/D + R/D
Making the substitutions for the fractions above, we obtain:
cr + 1 Let’s call this the money multiplier, m.
M= B
cr + rr
Chapter Nineteen 7

Money Supply Money multiplier Monetary Base

Because the monetary base has a multiplied effect on the money

supply, the monetary base is sometimes called high-powered money.
Chapter Nineteen 8
Let’s go back to our three exogenous variables to see how their
changes cause the money supply to change:
The money supply M is proportional to the monetary base B. So,
an increase in the monetary base increases the money supply by
the same percent.
The lower the reserve-deposit ratio rr (R/D), the more loans
banks make, and the more money banks create from every dollar
of reserves.
The lower the currency-deposit ratio cr (C/D) , the fewer dollars
of the monetary base the public holds as currency, the more base
dollars banks hold in reserves, and the more money banks can
create. Thus, a decrease in the currency-deposit ratio raises the
money multiplier and the money supply.
Chapter Nineteen 9
How thetheFed
How Fedcontrols themoney
controls the money supply
1) Open-market operations (buying and selling U.S. Treasury
 Reserve requirements (least frequently used instrument).
3)  Discount rate at which member banks (not meeting the reserve
requirements) can borrow from the Fed.

Chapter Nineteen 10
Bank Capital, Leverage
and Capital Requirements

Starting a bank requires financial resources to get the bank

started; the equity of the bank’s owners is called bank capital.

Here is what a bank’s balance sheet would look like:

Assets Liabilities and Owners’ Equity


Reserves $200 Deposits $750

Loans $500 Debt $200

Chapter Nineteen
$300 Capital (Owner’s Equity) $5011
On the balance sheet on the previous slide, the reserves, loans, and
Securities are on the left side of the balance sheet must equal, in
total, the deposits, debt, and capital on the right side of the
balance sheet.

This business strategy relies on a phenomenon called leverage,

which is the use of borrowed money to supplement existing funds
for purposes of investment. The leverage ratio is the ratio of the
bank’s total assets (the left side of the balance sheet) to bank
capital (the one item on the right side of the balance sheet that
represents the owner’s equity.

The implication of leverage is that, in bad times, a bank can lose

much its capital very quickly. The fear that bank capital may be
running out, and thus that depositors may not be fully repaid is
typically what generates bank runs when there is no deposit
Chapter Nineteen 12
One of the restrictions that bank regulators put on banks is that the
banks must hold sufficient capital. The goal of such a capital
requirement is to ensure that banks will be able to pay off their
depositors. The amount of capital required depends on the kind of
assets a bank holds. If the bank holds safe assets such as government
Bonds, regulators require less capital than if the bank holds risky assets
such as loans to borrowers whose credit is of dubious quality.

In 2008 and 2009, many banks found themselves with too little
capital after they incurred losses on mortgage loans and mortgage-
backed securities. The shortage of bank capital reduced bank
lending, contributing to a severe economic downturn. In response
to this problem, the U.S. Treasury, working together with the
Federal Reserve started putting public funds into the banking system,
increasing the amount of bank capital and making the U.S. taxpayer
a part owner of many banks. The goal of this unusual policy was to
recapitalize the banking system so bank lending could return to normal.
Chapter Nineteen 13
Chapter Nineteen 14
Classical Theory of Money Demand
According to the quantity theory of money, (M/P)d = kY, where k is a constant
measuring how much people want to hold for every dollar of income.
Keynesian Theory of Money Demand
Later we adopted a more realistic money demand function, where the demand for
real money balances depends on i and Y: (M/P)d = L(i, Y).
Portfolio Theories of Money Demand
They emphasize the role of money as a store of value; people hold money as a part
of their portfolio of assets. Key insight: money offers a different risk and return
than other assets. Money offers a safe nominal return, while other investments may
fall in both real and nominal terms. (M/P)d= L (rs, rb, E, W), where rs is the
expected return in the stock market, rb is the expected return on bonds, E is the
expected inflation rate, and W is real wealth.
Transactions Theories of Money Demand
They emphasize the role of money as a medium of exchange; they acknowledge
that money is a dominated asset and stress that people hold money, unlike other
assets, to make purchases. They explain why people hold narrow measures of
money like currency or checking accounts.
Let’s examine one transaction theory called the Baumol-Tobin model.
Chapter Nineteen 15
Total Cost = Forgone Interest + Cost of
Total Cost = iY/(2N) + FN# of trips
interest # of trips
income travel
There is only one value of N that minimizes total cost.
The optimal value of N is denoted N*.

N* = iY/2F

Average Money Holding is = Y/2(N*)

Chapter Nineteen = YF/2i 16
The cost of money holding: forgone interest, the cost of trips to the
bank, and total cost depend on the number of trips N. One value of
N denoted N*, minimizes total cost.

Total cost = iY/(2N) + FN

Cost of trips to bank (FN)

Forgone interest (iY/(2N))

Number of trips to bank
One implication of the Baumol-Tobin model is that any change
in the fixed cost of going to the bank F alters the money demand
function—that is, it changes the quantity of money demanded for a
given interest
Chapter Nineteen rate and income. 17
The Baumol-Tobin model’s square root formula implies that the
income elasticity of money demand is ½: a 10-percent-increase in income
should lead to a 5-percent increase in the demand for real balances.

In reality, however, most people have income elasticities that are

larger than ½ and interest elasticities smaller than ½.

But, if you imagine a world in which there are two kinds of people:
Baumol-Tobins with elasticities of ½. The others have a fixed N, so
they have an income elasticity of 1 and an interest elasticity of zero.
In this case, the overall demand looks like a weighted average of the
demands for both groups. Income elasticity will be between ½ and 1,
and the interest elasticity will be between ½ and zero– just as the
empirical evidence shows.
Chapter Nineteen 18
ssets are grouped into two categories:
MONEY: Assets used as a medium of exchange as well as a store
of currency (currency, checking accounts)
NEAR MONEY: Assets used a store of value (stocks, bonds, and
savings accounts).

ear money consists of assets that have acquired the liquidity of money
g., checks that can be written against mutual fund accounts).

ear money causes instability in money demand and can give faulty
gnals about aggregate demand.

ne response to this problem is to use a broad definition of money that

cludes near money, but it’s hard to choose what kinds of assets
ould be grouped together.
Chapter Nineteen 19
The instability of money demand has been a political issue for
The Federal Reserve. In 1993, Fed chairman Alan Greenspan said
that the aggregates “do not appear to be giving reliable indications of
economic developments and price pressures.”

Over the previous year, M1 had grown at 12 percent, while M2 had

grown 0.5 percent. Depending on the weight given to each measure,
monetary policy was either very loose, very tight, or somewhere in
the middle.

Since then, the Fed has set a target for the federal funds rate, the
short-term interest rate at which banks make loans to one another. It
adjusts the target interest rate in response to changing economic
Chapter Nineteen 20
Reserves Open-market operations
100-percent-reserve banking Reserve requirements
Balance sheet Discount rate
Fractional-reserve banking Excess reserves
Financial intermediation Bank capital
Monetary base Leverage
Reserve-deposit ratio Capital requirement
Currency-deposit ratio Portfolio theories
Money multiplier Dominated asset
High-powered money Transactions theories
Baumol-Tobin model
Near money
Chapter Nineteen 21

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