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Rizal in London: Geronimo, Lea Mae B., Rieza, Irish Kay T., Roxas, Marianne Francine., & Verzo, Andrea R

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Geronimo, Lea Mae B., Rieza, Irish Kay T., Roxas,

Marianne Francine., & Verzo, Andrea R.
I. Determine Rizal’s life events in London.
II. Identify the reasons why Rizal chose English
City to be his new home.
III.Create an info graphic about Rizal in London.
 After visiting the united states,
Rizal lived in London from May
1888 to March 1889.
He choose this English City to be his new
home for three reasons:

To improve his To study and London was a

knowledge of annotate safe place for
the English Morga’s Sucesos him to carry on
language de las Islas his fight against
Filipinas Spanish tyranny
Trip Across
the Atlantic
 From New York to Liverpool aboard the steamer
‘City of Rome’
 Entertained people with his skill with the yo-yo
as a weapon
 Met American journalists/newspapermen and
deemed them intellectually inferior.
 May 24, 1888- Rizal arrived at Liverpool,
Life in
Stayed with Dr. Antonio Ma. Regidor for a few
Later visited him every now and then to discuss
Philippine affairs
Found a modest boarding home at No. 37Chalcot
Crescent, Primrose Hill
Home of the Beckett Family, Mr. and Mrs.
Beckett, their two sons, and four daughters
Would write his friend Blumentritt regularly
Walking distance from the British Museum
Met Dr. Reinhold Rost, librarian of the
Ministry of Foreign Affairs
He recommended Rizal to the authorities of
the British Museum
News from Home,
Good and Bad
Bad News
1. Persecution of the Filipino Patriots
who signed the “Anti Friar” petition
o Signed by 800 patriots,written by M.H. del
Pilar,addressed to the QueenRegent of Spain,
requestingthe expulsion of the friars-
2. Persecution of the Calamba tenants,
including Rizal’s family
o For their courage to petition for agrarian reforms
3. Furious attacks on Rizal in the Spanish Cortes and in
Spanish newspapers
 By Senators Salamanca and Vida and Desengaños
and Quioquiap respectively 
4. Manuel T. Hidalgo, husband of Saturnina, was exiled to
Bohol without due process
5. Laureano Viado of UST was jailed in Bilibid Prison for
having copies of Noli in his house
Good News
Rev. Vicente Garcia’s defense of Noli
according to Mariano Ponce
A venerable Filipino canon of the Manila
Rizal would write a personal letter of thanks in Jan
Morga’s Book
 Sucesos de las Islas Filipinas (Historical Eventsof the
Philippine Islands)
 Published in Mexico, 1609
 Considered best among all writtenPhilippine histories
during earlySpanish regime
 Immersed himself in history for tenmonths
“Today, I am dedicated day
and night to certain studies, so that I do not want to edit
any newspaper’’
Short Visit to Paris
and Spain
September 1888- Visited Paris for a week. In
order to search for more historical materials
in the Bibliotheque Nationale.

Visited Madrid and Barcelona in Dec 11,

1888to survey the situation

Met Marcelo H. del Pilar and

Christmas in
December 24- Rizal
returned to London
and spent Christmas
and New Year’s Day
with the Becketts.
Rizal sent to Blumentritt as a Christmas gift a
bust of Emperor Augustus.
Sent Dr. Carlos Czepelak a bust of Julius Caesar.
Mrs. Beckett, gave Rizal a book entitled “The
Life and Adventures of Valentine Vox, the
Rizal Becomes Leader
of Filipinos in Europe
Filipinos in Barcelona were planning to
establish a patriotic society which will
cooperate in the crusade for reforms called
Asociacion La Solidaridad (Solidaridad
Association) and was inagurated on December
31, 1888 with the following officers:
President: Galicano Apacible
Vice-President: Graciano Lopez Jaena
Secretary: Manuel Santa Maria
Treasurer: Mariano Ponce
Accountant: Jose Ma. Panganiban
Honorary President: Jose rizal (by unanimous
vote of all the members)
January 28, 1889- Rizal wrote a letter addressed
to all the members of the Asociacion La

Letter content:
1.) When defeated never surrender.
2.) Great deal of integrity and much good will.
Rizal and the La
Solidaridad Newspaper
Graciano Lopez founded La Solidaridad on
February15,1889 at Barcelona
La Solidaridad newspaper was a fortnightly
periodical which served as organ of the
Propaganda Movement aims:
 to work peacefully for political and social reforms;
 to portary the deplorable conditions of the Philippines
so that Spain may remedy them;
 to oppose the evil forces of reaction and medievalism;
 to advocate liberal ideas and progress; and
 to champion the legitimate aspirations of the Filipino
people to life, democracy, and happiness.
First Article In La
Los Agricultures Filipinos (The
Filipino Farmers) published on March
25, 1889
Depicted the deplorable conditions in
the Philippines which cause the
backwardness of the country.
La Vision del Fray Rodriguez (The vision of Fray
Rodriguez)a pamphlet published at Barcelona under
hi nom-de- plume Dimas Alang.
Rizal demonstrated two things:
1.) his profound knowledge of religion and
2.) his biting satire.
 Letter to the Young Women of Malolos -
February 22, 1889 in Tagalog request of M.H. del
Pilar to praise young ladies in Malolos for their
courage to establish a school where they learn
Spanish despite the opposition of Fr. Felipe
Garcia, Spanish parish priest of Malolos.
 Requested by Dr. Rost -Specimens of Tagal
Folklore - published in journal in May, 1889 -
Two Eastern Fables - published in June 1889
 Gertrude Beckett - Rizal affectionately called her
“Gettie” ; called Rizal as “Pettie”,Buxom English girl with
brown hair, blue eyes, and rosy cheeks
 Eldest of the three sisters
 Fell in love with Rizal
 helped him in his painting and sculpture
 Rizal finished 4 sculptures
1. Promotheus Bound
2. The Triumph of Death over Life
3. The Triumph of Science over Death; and
4. A composite carying of the heads of the Beckett sisters,
 March 19, 1889, Rizal bade goodbye to the kind
Beckett family (particularly Gertude) and left
London for Paris. He was sad as he crossed the
English Channel, for he cherished so many
beautiful memories of London.
Th a nk

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