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RA No. 9482 Anti-Rabies Act 2007

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Republic Act No.

“Anti-Rabies Act of 2007”

Office of the City Veterinarian

Zamboanga City

Training Course On Animal Health Care and Mgt.

Zamboanga Seafood House, San Roque, ZC
December 4-6, 2018
Republic Act No. 9482
(Anti-Rabies Act of 2007)

“An Act Providing for

the Control and
Elimination of Human
and Animal Rabies,
Prescribing Penalties
for Violation Thereof
and Appropriating
Funds Therefor”
Republic Act No. 9482
(Anti-Rabies Act of 2007)

Section 2. Declaration of Policy

… to protect and promote the right to health of the

people… a system for the control, prevention of
the spread, and eventual eradication of human and
animal Rabies shall be provided and the need for
responsible pet ownership established.
Republic Act No. 9482
(Anti-Rabies Act of 2007)

Section 4. National Rabies Prevention and

Control Program (NRPCP)
- A multi-agency effort in controlling and eliminating
rabies in the country
- To be implemented by a multi-agency/
multi-sectoral committee chaired by the
Bureau of Animal Industry of the Department
of Agriculture
Republic Act No. 9482
(Anti-Rabies Act of 2007)

Section 4. National Rabies Prevention and

Control Program (NRPCP)
- Implemented by the Department of Agriculture (DA),
Department of Health (DOH), Department of Interior
and Local Government (DILG), Department of
Education (DepED) as well as Local Government Units
(LGUs) with the assistance of the Department of
Environment and Natural Resources (DILG), Non-
Governmental Organizations (NGOs )and People’s
Organizations (POs)
National Rabies Prevention
and Control Program
Creation of the National Rabies Prevention and
Control Committee (NRPCC)
Chair Department of Agriculture –
Bureau of Animal Industry (DA-BAI)
Vice-Chair Department of Health –
National Center for Disease Prevention
and Control (DOH-NCDPC)
- now called the Disease Prevention and
Control Bureau (DPCB)

Joint DA, DOH, DepED, DILG Administrative Order No.01, series of 2008
National Rabies Prevention
and Control Program
Creation of the NRPCC…
Members shall be composed of one duly- authorized
representative for each of the following:
 Department of Agriculture
 Department of Health
 Department of Interior and Local Government
 Department of Education

Joint DA, DOH, DepED, DILG Administrative Order No.01, series of 2008
National Rabies Prevention
and Control Program
Creation of the NRPCC…
One representative each for the following shall be
appointed by the Chairman as members of the committee:
Department of Environment and Natural Resources
Non-Government Organizations
People’s Organizations
Local Government Units
Provincial, City and Municipal Veterinarians League of the
Philippines (PCMVLP)

Joint DA, DOH, DepED, DILG Administrative Order No.01, series of 2008
Creation of the National Rabies Prevention
and Control Committee (NRPCC)

CHAIR Bureau of Animal Industry

Department of Agriculture (DA)

VICE-CHAIR Disease Prevention and Control Bureau

Department of Health (DOH)


DA DOH Department of Department  Department of Environment and

Interior and Local of Education Natural Resources
Government (DepED)  Non-Government Organizations
(DILG)  People’s Organizations
 Academe
 Local Government Units
 Provincial, City and Municipal
Veterinarians League of the
Philippines (PCMVLP)
National Rabies Prevention
and Control Program
Component Activities
1)Mass registration and vaccination of dogs
2)Establishment of central database system for
registered and vaccinated dogs
3)Impounding, field control and disposition of
unregistered, stray and unvaccinated dogs
4)Conduct of information and education campaign on
the prevention and control of rabies

Section 4 of RA 9482
National Rabies Prevention
and Control Program
Component Activities…
5)Provision on pre-exposure treatment to high-risk
personnel and post-exposure treatment to animal bite
6)Provision of free routine immunization or
Pre-Exposure Prophylaxis (PEP) of school children
aged five to fourteen in areas where there is
high incidence of rabies
7)Encouragement of the practice of responsible
pet ownership (RPO)
Section 4 of RA 9482
Responsibilities of Pet Owners

a) Have their dog regularly vaccinated against rabies

and maintain a registration card which shall contain
all vaccination conducted on their dog, for accurate
record purposes.
b) Submit their dogs for mandatory registration.
c) Maintain control over their dog and not allow it to
roam the streets or any public place without a leash.
d) Be a responsible owner by providing their dog with
proper grooming, adequate food and clean shelter.

Section 5 of RA 9482
Responsibilities of Pet Owners

e) Within twenty-four (24) hours, report immediately

any dog biting incident to the concerned officials for
investigation or for any appropriate action and place
such dog under observation by a government or
private veterinarian.
f) Assist the dog bite victim immediately and shoulder
the medical expenses incurred and other incidental
expenses relative to the victim’s injuries.

Section 5 of RA 9482
Responsibilities of
Government Agencies
Department of Agriculture
1. Improve and upgrade existing animal rabies laboratory
diagnostic capabilities to ensure better services to the
2. Ensure availability and adequate supply of animal
anti-rabies vaccines at all times.
3. Undertake free anti-rabies vaccination of dogs giving
priority to high risk depressed areas.
4. Maintain and improve animal rabies surveillance
Section 6 of RA 9482
Responsibilities of
Government Agencies
Department of Agriculture
5. Establish and maintain rabies free zones in coordination
with LGUs.
6. Immediately facilitate for the approval of the sale of
veterinary and human barbiturate drugs and veterinary
euthanasia drugs by the DOH and Philippine Drug
Enforcement Agency (PDEA).
7. Strengthen the training of field personnel and the
Information Education and Communication (IEC)
activities on rabies prevention, control, eradication and
responsible pet ownership.
Section 6 of RA 9482
Responsibilities of
Government Agencies
Department of Agriculture
8. Conduct research on rabies and its prevention, control
and eradication with other agencies.
9. Formulate minimum standards and monitor the
effective implementation of this Act.
10. Encourage collaborative activities with DOH, DepEd,
DILG, DENR, NGOs, POs and other concerned sectors.

Section 6 of RA 9482
Responsibilities of
Government Agencies
Department of Interior Local Government
1. The DILG shall issue the relevant orders and circulars
for the implementation and monitor compliance of
the LGUs in support of the Program.

IRR Rule 7.1

Responsibilities of LGUs

1. Ensure that all dogs are properly immunized,

registered and issued a corresponding dog tag for
every immunized and registered dog.
2. Strictly enforce dog impounding activities and field
control to eliminate stray dogs.
3. Ensure that dogs are leashed or confined within the
premises of the owner’s house or owner’s fenced

Section 7 of RA 9482
Responsibilities of LGUs

4. Allocate funds to augment the implementation of the

National Rabies Prevention and Control Program,
particularly on the financing of supplies and human
and dog vaccines needed for immunization.
5. Ensure the enforcement of Section 6 of Republic Act
8485 (Animal Welfare Act of 1998).
6. Enact additional ordinances that will support the
National Rabies Prevention and Control Program that
should include the regulation of treatment locally
known as “tandok”.
Section 7 of RA 9482
Responsibilities of LGUs

7. Prohibit the trade of dogs for meat.

8. With respect to cities and first class municipalities,
establish and maintain a dog pound where
impounded dogs shall be kept, in accordance with
Section 9 of the Act; provided, that the other
municipalities, shall, on their own, establish a dog
pound or opt to share the expense of establishing and
maintaining a dog pound with other adjoining
municipalities and/or with private animal shelter and
control facilities.

Section 7 of RA 9482
Responsibilities of LGUs

9. Prohibit the use of electrocution as a euthanasia

10. Appoint a veterinarian and establish a veterinary
office in every province, city and first class
municipality; provided, that the other municipalities
shall, on their own, opt to share the expense of
having a veterinary office.
11. Require pet shops to post information regarding
rabies and responsible pet ownership.

Section 7 of RA 9482
Responsibilities of LGUs

11. For purposes of ensuring administrative feasibility of

implementing the provisions of this Act, the LGU shall
collect the fines imposed under Section 11
subparagraphs (1), (3), (4), (5) and (6) hereof.
Any and all fines collected pursuant to this Act shall
be used for the enhancement of the National Rabies
Prevention and Control Program within the locality
concerned, as well as achievement of the objectives
envisioned in this Act.
The DILG shall ensure compliance of these
responsibilities by the LGUs.
Section 7 of RA 9482
Responsibilities of NGOs and
the Academe
1. Community mobilization
2. Health education/information dissemination on
rabies and responsible pet ownership
3. Mass anti-rabies campaign
4. Promotion of the anti-rabies campaign during pet or
any animal shows
5. Surveillance/reporting of rabies cases in animals and
6. Any other activities geared towards the prevention
and complete eradication of rabies
Section 8 of RA 9482
Impounding, Field Control and
Disposition of Unregistered,
Stray and Unvaccinated dogs
1. Unregistered, stray or unvaccinated dogs shall be
impounded and kept in the LGU’s designated dog pound
2. Impounded dogs not claimed after three days from the
dog pound shall be placed for adoption to qualified
persons, with the assistance of an animal welfare NGO,
when feasible, or otherwise disposed in any manner
authorized, subject to the pertinent provisions of
Republic Act 8485 (Animal Welfare Act of 1998).
3. A fee shall be paid by owners of impounded dogs to the
LGU concerned, pursuant to Section 7 thereof.
Section 9 of RA 9482
Dog Population Control

1. DA, DOH,DILG, DepED, LGUs, with the assistance of

NGOs and POs shall undertake an educational and
promotional campaign on responsible pet ownership,
including the option of spaying or neutering their dogs.
2. LGUs shall provide an incentive system whereby owners
of dogs which have been spayed or neutered will be
given a subsidized or discounted pet registration fee.
3. Dogs which have been impounded three times shall only
be released after having been spayed or neutered, at the
expense of the pet’s owner.

Section 10 of RA 9482

(1) Pet owners who fail to have their dog Php 2,000.00
registered and immunized against rabies.
(2) Pet owners who refuse to have their dogs -
vaccinated against rabies shall be liable to
pay for vaccination of both the dog and the
individuals bitten by their dog.
(3) Pet owners who refuse to have their dog Php 10,000.00
put under observation after said dog has
bitten an individual.

Section 11 of RA 9482

(4) Pet owners who refuse to have their dog Php 25,000.00
put under observation and do not shoulder
the medical expenses of the person bitten
by their dog.
(5) Pet owners to refuse to put a leash on Php 500.00
their dogs when are brought outside the (per incident)
(6) An impounded dog shall be released to its Not less than
owner upon payment of a fine. Php 500.00
but not more than
Php 1,000.00
Section 11 of RA 9482

(7) Any person found guilty of trading dog for Not less than
meat… subject to imprisonment for one to Php 5,000.00
four years. per dog
(8) Any person found guilty of using Not less than
electrocution as a method of euthanasia … Php 5,000.00
subject to imprisonment for one to four per act
(9) If the violation is committed by an alien, he
or she shall be immediately deported after
service of sentence without any further
Section 11 of RA 9482
Joint DA, DOH, DepED, DILG Administrative Order No. 01, Series of 2008


Mass Registration and
Vaccination of Dogs
• The LGUs shall implement the mass registration
and vaccination of dogs.
• In all cases, the vaccination of dogs shall be
or by a TRAINED VACCINATOR under direct
veterinary supervision
• All mass vaccination conducted by NGOs, Pos
and private entities shall always be coordinated
with the respective LGUs
Rule 4.2.1
Responsibility of owners:
Maintain control over their Dog
• The length of the leash shall not be more than
1.5 meters (5 feet) and the required dog tag
shall be attached to the dog collar/harness.
Aggressive dogs shall be muzzled in public
• The owner shall be responsible for the proper
collection and disposal of excreta/feces

Rule 5(c)
Responsibility of owners: Within 24 hours,
report immediately any dog biting incident..
• Dogs bitten by another dog suspected to be rabid or
of unknown status should be confined and
maintained under veterinary supervision for six
• If the animal has been vaccinated previously (& its
vaccination certificate is available) and can be
identified with certainty, it should be revaccinated
immediately and confined for at least 90 days.
• Post-exposure vaccination of uncertain effectiveness
should be discouraged
Rule 5(e)
Responsibility of owners: Within 24 hours,
report immediately any dog biting incident..

• The dog shall NOT be killed or euthanized during

the observation period of 14 days from the biting
• Should the dog die during the observation period,
the pet owner shall immediately submit the dog
for rabies lab exam.
• Unvaccinated dogs bitten by a confirmed rabid
animal shall be euthanized immediately and
disposed of properly
Rule 5(e)
Responsibility of owners: Within 24 hours,
report immediately any dog biting incident..

• Humans bitten by dogs shall be

provided treatment by the
appropriate government or
private medical practitioner
• Animals bitten by dogs shall be
provided treatment by the
appropriate government or
private veterinary practitioner

Rule 5(e)
Impounding, Field Control and
Disposition of Unregistered Stray and
Unvaccinated Dogs
• Any animal impounded which is not reclaimed by its
owner within 72 hours shall be deemed to be
abandoned and shall be disposed of by the LGU through
adoption or euthanasia.
• Provided however, that the said animal shall be
euthanized immediately IF:
– It is dangerous to retain
– It is suffering from pain or discomfort
– It is diagnosed with a contagious and highly
communicable disease either to humans or animals
Rule 9(2)
Impounding, Field Control and
Disposition of Unregistered Stray and
Unvaccinated Dogs
• In the event that an impounded dog is suspected
with rabies it shall be isolated and observed
accordingly and upon death must be submitted for
laboratory examination.
• The pound operator shall follow appropriate
methods for the disposal of euthanized animals as
prescribed by the Committee.

Rule 9(2)
Impounding, Field Control and
Disposition of Unregistered Stray and
Unvaccinated Dogs
• To defray expenses in the operation of the pound,
the operator shall be authorized to charge fees
from the prospective foster owner upon adoption
of the dog.

Rule 9(3)
Thank you very much!

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