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Grassland Ecosystem

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The key takeaways are that grasslands are open spaces dominated by grasses with scattered trees. The two main types of grasslands discussed are temperate grasslands and savannas.

The two main types of grasslands discussed are temperate grasslands and savannas.

Some differences between savanna and temperate grasslands are that savannas receive more rainfall annually, grass grows better in savannas, and savanna soils are frequently nutrient-poor while temperate grassland soils are richer.

Grassland Ecosystem

Presented by : Group 11
Harsh Bansal 21/BC(H)/10325
Harsh Gupta 21/BC(H)/10428
Jai Soni 21/BC(H)/10338
Akshdeep Singh 21/BC(H)/10286
Subject : AECC-EVS
Subject Code : 72182801
Course : Bcom .(H) 1st Semester
Date of submission : 4th February 2022
Introduction to Grassland Ecosystem

• As the name implies, grasslands are

open spaces in which a variety of
grasses grow, with only a few trees
scattered near rivers and streams.
• Grassland are big open Areas that
get between 25 and 75 cm of rain per
• Some Grassland are Hot all year
round. Some Grassland have very
hot Summer and very Cold Winter.
• There are two main types of
Grassland i.e, Temperate Grassland
and the Savanna.
Temperate grasslands
• The temperate grasslands (also
called prairies, steppes, pampas and
veld) are found in all four corners of
the world.
• The largest expanse is the Great
Plains of North America.
• Grasslands are defined by their
semiarid climates, with 10-30 inches
of precipitation annually (mostly in
snow form depending on latitude)
Temperatures range from 40 to over
70 F.
• Also known as tropical
grasslands. They are found in a
wide band on either side of the
equator on the edges of tropical
• The savanna is characterized by
very hot temperatures and
distinctive wet and dry periods.
• During the winter less than 4
inches of rain can fall but they can
receive over 25 inches during the
summer months.
Differences Between Savanna and
Temperate Grassland
• Savanna gets more rainfall(20-
50inches) than a temperate grassland
(20-35inches) annually.
• The grass grows better on Savanna
Grasskind than in the Temperate
• The soils in Temperate Grassland
is rich in Nutrient and is suitable
for cultivation where as in Savanna, Soils
are frequently nutrient poor and dry but
contain many valuable minerals.
Distribution of Grasslands Across
The World
Grasslands covers 25% of
the Earth's surface.1 billion
people depend on their
livelihood as a food source.
Grasslands are found on
every continent except
• Grasslands often occur in areas with annual precipitation is
between 600 mm (24 in) and 1,500 mm (59 in).
• Average mean annual temperatures ranges from -5 and 20 °C.
• However, some grasslands occur in colder (-20 °C) and hotter (30
°C) climatic conditions.
• Grassland can exist in habitats that are frequently disturbed by
grazing or fire, as such
disturbance prevents the
encroachment of woody
Types Of Grasslands Found
In India
• The Himalayan pasture belt Himalayan pasture belt Himalayan pasture belt
Himalayan pasture belt Himalayan pasture belt extends upto the snowline. The
grasslands at a lower level form patches along with coniferous or broadleaved
forests. Himalayan wildlife require both the forest and the grassland ecosystem
as important parts of their habitat. The animals migrate up into the high altitude
grasslands in summer and move down into the forest in winter when the snow
covers the grassland. These Himalayan pastures have a large variety of
grasses and herbs.

• The Terai consists of patches of tall grasslands interspersed with a Sal forest
ecosystem. The patches of tall elephant grass, which grows to a height of about
five meters, are located in the low-lying waterlogged areas. The Sal forest
patches cover the elevated regions and the Himalayan foothills.
• The Semi-arid plains of Western India Central India and the Deccan are
covered by grassland tracts with patches of thorn forest. Several mammals
such as the wolf, the blackbuck, the chinkara, and birds such as the bustards
and floricans are adapted to these arid conditions. The Scrublands of the
Deccan Plateau are covered with seasonal grasses and herbs on which its
fauna is dependent. It is teaming with insect life on which the insectivorous
birds feed.
• The Shola grasslands consist of
patches on hillslopes along with
the Shola forests on the Western
Ghats, Nilgiri and An namalai
ranges. This forms a patch
work of grassland on the slopes
and forest habitats along the
streams and low lying areas.
Flora of the Grasslands
• When rainy season arrives, many grasslands become
coated with
flowers, some of which can survive well into winter witti the
help of
underground storage organs and thick stem bases.
• Grasslands are the most agriculturally useful habitat to
• Soils tend to be deep and fertile, perfect for cropland or


Fauna of the Grasslands
• Grassland have high number of invertebrates than any other
taxonomic group
• Most reptiles and amphibians are predators
• Few bird species inhibit grasslands
• Small mammals like moles, shrews, squirrels are present in North
American Grassland



• Ecosystems in which the predominant vegetation type consists
of various grasses rather than trees or large shrubs
• Grasslands may be divided into several types, including
savannas, temperate grasslands, tallgrass prairies, steppes,
alpine tundra and flooded grasslands, among others
• The type of grassland that occurs in a particular region is
based on the latitude, terrain, local climate, precipitation and
wildfire regime
• It occurs in Regions that are too dry for forest but have
sufficient soil water to support a closed Herbaceous plant
canopy that is lacking in Desert
• It occurs in Regions that are too dry for forest but have
sufficient soil water to support a closed Herbaceous plant
canopy that is lacking in Desert.
• Grasslands are found primarily on plains or rolling
topography in the interiors of great land masses, and from sea
level to elevations of nearly 16,400 ft (5000 m) in the Andes.
• Because of their continental location they experience large
differences in seasonal climate and wide ranges in diurnal
• There is at least one dry season during the year, and drought
conditions occur periodically.
• Continued global warming could turn
current marginal grasslands into deserts as
rainfall patterns change.
• Development of urban areas is
increasingly cutting into grassland habitat.
• Drought-hardy, cold-resistant, and
herbicide-tolerant varieties of soybeans,
wheat, and corn allow crops to expand into
native grassland.
• Where only one crop is grown, pests and
disease can spread easily, creating the
need for potentially toxic pesticides.
• Drought-hardy, cold-resistant, and herbicide-tolerant
varieties of soybeans, wheat, and corn allow crops to
expand into native grassland.
• Where only one crop is grown, pests and disease can
spread easily, creating the
need for potentially toxic pesticides.
• Grasslands are home to some of the most
magnificent animals on the planet
elephants, bison, lions and hunters
have found them to be enticing prey. But
when hunting is not controlled or is
conducted illegally, species can be
wiped out.
• Grasslands are of vital importance for
raising livestock for human
consumption and for milk and other dairy
• Grasslands provided home to many
different animals that were hunted and
• They are used as grazing area for cattle
of Ruler Community
• They Maintain Biodiversity
• Protects restored habitat for many plants
and animals including pheasant,ducks,
songbirds and endangered species
How to Conserve it?
• Preventing Illegal Wildlife Hunting
• Prevents grassland from turning into
brush land
• Prevent Grassland Fires
• Prevent Overgrazing by Cattles and
introduced Stall feeding
• Creating Protected areas such as
Parks and Wildlife Sanctuaries

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