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Drugs Containing Volatile Oils and Resins

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Drugs containing Volatile

Volatile Oils
• These are odorous volatile principles of plant and animal source,
evaporate when exposed to air at ordinary temperature, and hence
known as volatile or ethereal oils.
• These represent essence of active constituents of the plant and hence
also known as essential oils.
• In most instances the volatile oil preexists in the plant and is usually
contained in some special secretory tissues, for example, the oil
ducts of umbelliferous fruits, the oil cells, or oil glands occurring in
the sub-epidermal tissue of the lemon and orange, mesophyll of
eucalyptus leaves, trichomes of several plants, etc.
• In few cases the volatile oil does not preexist, but is formed by the
decomposition of a glycoside.
• For example, whole black mustard seeds are odourless, but upon crushing the
seeds and adding water to it a strong odour is evolved.
• This is due to allyl isothiocyanate (the main constituent of essential oil of mustard)
formed by decomposition of a glycoside, sinigrin, by an enzyme, myrosin.
• Glycoside and enzyme are contained in different cells of the seed tissue and are unable
to react until the seeds are crushed with water present, so that the cell contents can
• Volatile oils are freely soluble in ether and in chloroform and fairly
soluble in alcohol; they are insoluble in water.
• The volatile oils dissolve many of the proximate principles of plant
and animal tissues, such as the fixed oils and fats, resins, camphor,
and many of the alkaloids when in the free state.
• These are chemically derived from terpenes (mainly
mono and sesqui terpenes) and their oxygenated
• These are soluble in alcohol and other organic
solvents, practically insoluble in water, lighter than
water (Clove oil heavier), possess characteristic odour,
have high refraction index, and most of them are
optically active.
• Volatile oils are colourless liquids, but when exposed
to air and direct sunlight these become darker due to
• Unlike fixed oils, volatile oils neither leave permanent
grease spot on filter paper nor saponified with alkalis.
Classification of Volatile Oils
Extraction of Volatile Oils
• Extraction by Distillation
• The distillation is carried out either by water or steam.
• The volatile oils from fresh materials are separated by hydrodistillation, and
volatile oils from air dried parts are separated by steam distillation.
• However it is better to use fresh materials in either case.
• Extraction by Scarification
• This method is used for the preparation of oil of lemon, oil of orange, and oil
of bergamot.
• These oils are found in large oil glands just below the surface in the peel of
the fruit.
• The two principal methods of scarification are the sponge and the ecuelle
• Sponge Process:
• In this process the contents of the fruit are removed after
making longitudinal or transverse cut, and the peel is been
immersed in water for a short period of time. Then it is
ready for expression.
• The operator takes a sponge in one hand and with the
other presses the softener peel against the sponge, so that
the oil glands burst open and the sponge absorbs the
exuded oil, which is transferred to a collecting vessel.
• The turbid liquid consisting of oil and water is allowed to
stand for a short time, whereupon the oil separates from
water and is collected.
• The whole of the above process is carried out in cool,
darkened rooms to minimize the harmful effects of heat
and light on the oil.
• Ecuelle Process:
• In this process, the rinds are ruptured
mechanically using numerous pointed
projections with a rotary movement and
the oil is collected.
• Extraction by Non-Volatile Solvent
• A nonvolatile solvent, for example, a fine quality of either lard or
olive oil, is used in this process
• After saturation with the floral oil the lard or olive oil is sometimes
used as a flavouring base for the preparation of pomades,
brilliantine, etc., or converted to a triple extract.
• In the latter instance the lard or oil is agitated with two or three
successive portions of alcohol, which dissolve the odorous
• The mixed alcoholic solutions so obtained constitute the ‘triple
extract’ of commerce.
• Enfleurage:
• In this a fatty layer is prepared using lard and the
flower petals are spreaded over it, after the imbibitions
is over the fatty layer is replaced with fresh petals.
• After the saturation of fatty layer the odorous
principles are removed by treating with alcohol and a
triple extract then prepared.
• When oil is used as a solvent the flowers are placed on
an oil-soaked cloth supported by a metal grid enclosed
in a frame.
• Fresh flowers are added as required, and finally the oil
is expressed from the cloths.
• It may then be used as perfumed oil, or extracted with
alcohol to produce a triple extract.
• Maceration:
• This is also used to extract the volatile matters of
• The lard or oil is heated over a water bath, a charge of
flowers added and the mixture stirred continuously for
some time.
• The exhausted flowers are removed, pressed, the
expressed fluid returned to the hot fat, fresh flowers,
added and the process continued until defined weights
of flowers and solvent have been used.
• Again, a triple extract is prepared by extracting the
perfumed lard or oil with alcohol.
• Spraying:
• In this process a current of warm air is sprayed
through a column of the flowers.
• Then oil or melted fat is sprayed over this oil-
laden air which absorbs and dissolves most of the
perfume, the collected oil or fat is then extracted
with alcohol as described above
• Extraction by Volatile Solvent
• In this the flowers are extracted by using the solvent light
petroleum and the latter is distilled off at a low temperature,
leaving behind the volatile oil.
• Terpenoids is a group of naturally occurring compounds majority of which occur in plants, a few
of them have also been obtained from other sources.
• Terpenoids are volatile substances which give plants and flowers their fragrance.
• They occur widely in the leaves and fruits of higher plants, conifers, citrus and eucalyptus
• The term ‘terpene’ was given to the compounds isolated from terpentine, a volatile liquid isolated
from pine trees.
• The simpler mono and sesquiterpenes is the chief constituent of the essential oils obtained from
sap and tissues of certain plant and trees.
• The di- and triterpenoids are not steam volatile.
• They are obtained from plant and tree gums and resins.
• Tetraterpenoids form a separate group of compounds called ‘Carotenoids’.
• The term ‘terpene’ was originally employed to describe a mixture of
isomeric hydrocarbons of the molecular formula C10H16 occurring in the
essential oils obtained from sap and tissue of plants and trees.
• But there is a tendency to use more general term ‘terpenoids’, which
includes hydrocarbons and their oxygenated derivatives.
• However, the term terpene is being used these days by some authors to
represent terpenoids.
• According to modern definition, ‘Terpenoids are the hydrocarbons of
plant origin of the general formula (C5H8)n as well as their oxygenated,
hydrogenated, and dehydrogenated derivatives.’
Isoprene Rule
• Thermal decomposition of terpenoids gives isoprene as one of the
• Otto Wallach pointed out that terpenoids can be built up of isoprene
• Isoprene rule states that the terpenoid molecules are constructed from
two or more isoprene unit.
Special Isoprene Rule
• It states that the terpenoid
molecules are constructed of two or
more isoprene units joined in a
‘head to tail’ fashion.
Classification of Terpenoids
• They can be classified on the basis of number of carbon atoms
present in the structure.
• Each class can be further subdivided into subclasses according to the
number of rings present in the structure.
1. Acyclic Terpenoids: They contain open structure.
2. Monocyclic Terpenoids: They contain one ring in the structure.
3. Bicyclic Terpenoids: They contain two rings in the structure.
4. Tricyclic Terpenoids: They contain three rings in the structure.
5. Tetracyclic Terpenoids: They contain four rings in the structure.
Evaluation of Volatile Oils
• Product from different manufacturers varies considerably, since it is inherently
difficult to control all the factors that affect a plants chemical composition.
• Environmental conditions such as sunlight and rainfall, as well as manufacturing
process can create substantial variability in essential oil quality.
• Various procedures are given for the evaluation of essential oils.
• Preliminary examinations like odour, taste, and colour.
• Physical measurements, which includes optical rotation, relative density, and refractive index.
• Chromatographic techniques are used to determine the proportions of individual components of
certain oils.
• The ketone and aldehyde content of oils are determined by reaction with hydroxylamine hydrochloride
(oxime formation) and titration of the liberated acid.
• The oil, which passes the above examinations, would be having good quality and
therapeutic value.
Chemical Tests
Natural drugs containing volatile oils can be tested by following
chemical tests:
1. Thin section of drug on treatment with alcoholic solution of Sudan
III develops red colour in the presence of volatile oils.
2. Thin section of drug is treated with tincture of alkana, which
produces red colour that indicates the presence of volatile oils in
natural drugs.
Storage of Volatile Oils
• Volatile oils are liable to oxidation on storage in presence of
air, moisture, and light.
• The oxidation is followed by the change in colour, increase in
viscosity, and change in odour.
• Hence, volatile oils must be stored in well-closed completely
filled containers and away from light in cool places.
Pharmaceutical Applications
• Volatile oils are used as flavouring agent, perfuming agent in pharmaceutical formulations, foods, beverages,
and in cosmetic industries.
• These are also used as important medicinal agent for therapeutic purposes like:
1. Carminative (e.g. Umbilliferous fruits)
2. Anti-helminthic (e.g. Chenopodium oil)
3. Diuretics (e.g. Juniper)
4. Antiseptic (e.g. Eucalyptus)
5. Counter irritant (e.g. Oil of winter green)
6. Local anesthetic (e.g. Clove)
7. Sedative (e.g. Jatamansi)
8. Local irritant (e.g. Turpentine)
9. Insect repellent (e.g. Citronella)
10. Source of vitamin A (e.g. Lemongrass)
• Resin can be defined as the complex amorphous product of more or
less solid characteristics which on heating first sets softened and then
• Resins are produced and stored in the schizogenous or
schizolysigenous glands or cavities of the plants.
• Isolated resin products which come as an unorganized crude drug in
the market are more or less solid, hard, transparent, or translucent
• Resins are insoluble in most polar and nonpolar solvents like water
and petroleum ether, respectively, but dissolve completely in alcohol,
solvent ether, benzene, or chloroform.
• Resins are classified mostly on the basis of two important features,
that is, on the basis of their chemical nature and secondly as per their
association with the other group of compounds like essential oils
and gums.
Chemical classification of resins categorizes these products
according to their active functional groups as given below:
• Resin Acids
• Resin acids are the carboxylic acid group containing resinous
substances which may or may not have association with
phenolic compounds.
• These compounds are found in free states or as the esters
• Being acidic compounds they are soluble in aqueous solution of
alkalis producing frothy solution.
• Resin acids can be derivatized to their metallic salts known as
resinates, which finds their use in soap, paints and varnish
• The abietic acid and commiphoric acid present in colophony
and myrrh espectively are the examples of resin acids.
• Resin Esters
• Resin esters are the esters of the resin acids or the
other aromatic acids like benzoic, cinnamic, salicylic
acids, etc.
• They are sometimes converted to their free acids by
the treatment with caustic alkali.
• Dragon’s blood and benzoin are the common resin
ester containing drugs.
• Resin Alcohols
• Resin alcohols or resinols are the complex alcoholic compounds of
high molecular weight.
• Like resin acids they are found as free alcohols or as esters of benzoic,
salicylic, and cinnamic acids.
• They are insoluble in aqueous alkali solution but are soluble in alcohol
and ether.
• Resinols are present in benzoin as benzoresinol and in storax as
• Resin Phenols
• Resin phenols or resinotannols are also high molecular weight compounds
which occur in free states or as esters.
• Due to phenolic group they form phenoxoids and become soluble in aqueous
alkali solution.
• However they are insoluble in water but dissolve in alcohol and ether.
• Resinotannols gives a positive reaction with ferric chloride.
• The resinotannol are found in balsam of Peru as peruresinotannol, in Tolu
balsam as toluresinotannol and in benzoin as siaresinotannols.
• Glucoresins
• Resins sometimes get combined with sugars by glycosylation and
produce glucoresins.
• Glycoresins can be hydrolysed by acidic hydrolysis to the glycone
and aglycone.
• Resenes
• Chemically inert resin products are generally termed as resenes.
• They are generally found in free state and never form esters or
other derivatives.
• Resenes are soluble in benzene, chloroform and to some extent in
petroleum ether.
• Resenes are insoluble in water.
• Asafoetida is an example of resene-containing drug, which contains
drug about 50% of asaresene B.
• Oleoresins
• Oleoresins are the homogenous mixture of resin with volatile oils.
• The oleoresins posses an essence due to volatile oils.
• A trace amount of gummy material may sometimes be found in oleoresins.
• Turpentine, ginger, copaiba, Canada resin are few important examples of
• Gum Resins
• Gum resins are the naturally occurring mixture of resins with gums.
• Due to solubility in water, gums can be easily separated out from resin by
dissolving the gum in water.
• Ammoniacum is an example of natural gum resin.
• Oleogum Resins
• Oleogum resins are the naturally occurring mixtures of resin, volatile oil, and gum.
• The example includes gum myrrh, asafoetida, gamboage, etc.
• Oleogum resins oozes out from the incisions made in the bark and hardens.
• Balsams
• Balsams are the naturally occurring resinous mixtures which contain a high proportion of
aromatic balsamic acids such as benzoic acid, cinnamic acid, and their esters.
• Balsams containing free acids are partially soluble in hot water.
• Some important balsams containing drugs are balsam of Peru, balsam of Tolu, benzoin, and
Chemical Composition
• The chemical composition of the resin is generally quite complex and diverse in
its nature.
• It can be a complex mixture of acids, alcohols, phenols, esters, glycosides, or
• When the resins are associated with volatile oils, contains the components like
monoterpenoids, sesquiterpenonoids, and diterpenoids.
• The gums which are associated with resins are similar to acacia gum which
sometimes possesses smaller quantities of oxidase enzymes.
• Resins can be of the physiological origin such as the secretions of the ducts.
• They can also be pathological products which are exuded through the incisions
made on the plant.
• The process of the isolation of resin from crude drug can be a difficult
task due to the presence of various combinations.
• However the most generalized technique can be the extraction of the
drug with alcoholic solvents and then subsequent precipitation of
resin by adding concentrated alcoholic extract to a large proportion
of water.
• The method of distillation or hydrodistillation can be used for the
separation of volatile oils from resin.
• This process is used largely for the separation of resin from turpentine

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