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Monitoring and Evaluation

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Objectives of Monitoring
 Identifying the actual status of long-term sustainability of
the project in order to determine if scheduled activities and
expected output are being implemented/ achieved as
 Highlight significant features that may serve as insights for
the planning and implementation of future similar projects.
 indentifies opportunities ad strengths that can be tapped
or ensure successful project managements and
 Identify factor that may affect the long-term sustainability
of the project.
Meaning of the Term
 Monitoring is a continuous process which
compares/assesses the on going performance of a project’s
input, activities and output with actual standards.

 Monitoring is a process of collecting and analyzing

information and using that information to improve our
work and help work management as well. It is a tool in
identifying strength and weakness in a program and for
making good and timely decisions.

 Monitoring is a periodic measurement of inputs, activities

and outputs of an undertaken projects during
implementation towards achievement of the plans against
Principles of Monitoring
 Monitoring should be based on the needs of project
management decision-making. It should be systematic,
and should be considered as an indispensable part of the
project phase.

 Monitoring should be designed to see the progress in

comparison with the baseline survey conducted before the
start of the project.

 The monitoring system should be established through close

consultation with the potential users in order to ensure the
required information are collected so that the users can
justify the progress.
Type Of Monitoring

1. Process/progress Monitoring
2. Impact monitoring
 Process/progress monitoring of project includes
information on the use of inputs, the progress of activities
as per plan, and the procedure following which the
activities are carried out.

Process/ progress monitoring is a means for:

1. Reviewing and adapting he plans of activities regularly
2. Assessing whether the activities are carried out as per
3. Identifying and dealing with merging problems
4. Reinforcing he strengths of operation and taking
advantages of opportunities.
Impact Monitoring
Impact Monitoring provides information on progress towards
achieving objectives of the project. Impact monitoring
means by which:

1. A measure of progress of intervention can be related to

the overall objectives of the projects a continual basis
2. The interventions can be modified in response to the
changing socio-economic context without diverting from
3. The needs for adapting the project objective can be
Benefits of Monitoring
1. Monitoring results produce the exact operational
performance of he project. Based on the results, the
project management can judge the needs for improving
the day-to-day activities.
2. He project management is accountable to stakeholders
and donors. Monitoring results tells management whether
the beneficiaries are getting what they are supposed to
3. The failure of the development project is often due to
faulty or incomplete implementation of intervention rather
than ineffective solution. Monitoring results inform the
management if the activities were implemented following
the criteria.

Specific Objectives:

1. To develop the proper understanding of the

importance of evaluation in school
administration and supervision.
2. To develop the appreciation of the purposes of
the rating scale in school administration and
3. To acquaint he students with the principles to
be considered in the use of rating scales in
particular, and in evaluation in general.
The Meaning of the Term
according to the Dictionary of Education, “ evaluation is the
process of ascertaining or judging the value or amount of
something by careful appraisal.” it is an attempt “ to study
the personal and behavior of children in order to find out
whether the educational outcomes which we desire are
actually being achieved.” to Wiles, “ evaluation is a
process of making judgements that are to be used as a
basis of planning. It is a procedure of improving the
products, the process, and even the goal themselves.” in
education, the term is meant as an appraisal, or judgement
of the growth of the item as a whole, with reference to
some adopted purpose. The term evaluation is closely
related to education measurement. However, evaluation is
a far more inclusive concept than measurement.
The newest concept of evaluation is more accord
with the democratic principle of cooperation and
respect for human personality. The object of
evaluation is not the teacher alone, but the entire
school program and all the person who have to
do with it, including the community. Its focus is
on the improvement of the teaching-learning
situation. The administrator, supervisor, and the
teacher continually evaluate their own activities in
terms of pupil- growth through teacher-growth.
The Importance of Evaluation

1. Evaluation is important to the administrators or

supervisor in guiding teaching and learning. Evaluation,
to be of importance to the supervisor should be
diagnostic; that is it should reveal the specific points of
strengths and weaknesses in teaching learning.
2. Evaluation aids the devising more effective materials and
procedures of instruction. Current educational literature
is filled with enthusiastic advocacy of various type of
teaching materials and teaching procedures. The results
of cooperative research work along this line will
determine the degree of success and effectiveness of
3. Evaluation helps to provide objective evidence for
effective cooperation in between parents and teachers.
4. Evaluation is helpful in securing support for the school from
the government. We frequently complain that public schools
in the Philippines are inadequacy supported.
5. Evaluation can be used to enforce external standards upon
the individual school. The method of evaluation should be
such as to encourage a flexible curriculum ever responsive
to the changing needs of modern life and to the variation in
local condition.
6. Evaluation helps the administrators or supervisors to
translate the results of administration and supervision into
improved administrative policies and instructional practices.
Factor to be Considered in Evaluation

the first factor to be considered is the method of

evaluating. The method of evaluation takes many
forms like written tests, rating scales, checklist,
inventories, questionnaire, and interviews. Using the
result of evaluation is the second factor to be
considered. The program of evaluation has the
purpose of dining out the needs of the individual
being evaluated and providing learning experiences
that will satisfy this needs. The scope of evaluation is
the third factor to be considered. A complete and
thorough evaluation considers all aspects of
community and school life that affect the growth of
each teacher and pupil.
Evaluating the Total Teaching-Learning Situation

according to Crow and Crow, on of the major functions of

supervision is the evaluation of total teaching-learning
situation. This function involves more than the rating of
teachers by an authority. It should include all the factors in the
teaching-learning situation such as the selection and
organization of the learning program; the teaching methods
and technique; the organization, administration, and
supervision of the school; and the use of school equipments
and other important factors to learning. To accomplish this,
evaluation should be cooperative in character. The learning
value of such cooperative evaluation is great, for it helps to
develop insights and understanding far more effectively than
any other methods of imposed rating. It also stimulates
teachers and pupils towards the utilization of better teacher-
learning procedures.
Evaluation of Teacher’s Growth

In respect to the appraisal of elementary and secondary

teaching, measurement should be approached with a degree of
sincerity, and that evaluation of the entire contribution of an
individual to the total school program should be the aim. An
objective evaluation should include examination of the
relationship of a teacher with his students, fellow-teachers,
and the supervisory and administrative personnel. Observation
should be made of the faculty member’s participation in group
discussion and committee work focused on problems of
elementary and secondary teaching. Published materials
bearing on methods and techniques of teaching should serve
as guides in judging the quality of his work. After checking the
individual contributions, an over-all estimates should be made
of the relationship of these activities, in which the teacher
participates, to the field in which he is teaching.
Devices used in the evaluation of
the teaching-learning situation
1. checklist- used as guides to observation
a) Question check-list
b) Ability check-list

2. Rating Scale- used in studying the teacher at work.

c) Diagnostic scale
d) Point scale
e) Graphic scale
f) Quality scale
g) Score card

3. Test of teaching ability- used in studying qualities that condition

h) Intelligence tests
i) Achievement tests
j) Aptitude test
k) Character test
l) examination
4. Interviews- used in studying teaching efficiency;
a) Standardized interview
b) Informal interview
c) Conference

5. Questionnaires- used in studying teaching efficiency;

d) Individual
e) Group

6. Other records- used in studying teaching and learning efficiency;

f) Activity records
g) Creative products
h) Follow-up studies
i) Anecdotal records
Improving the technique in evaluating
the pupils growth
1. Develop a method of evaluation that will facilitates rather
than hinder the desired learning of the pupils.
2. Obtain evidence of pupil development which is not
heavily biased by the partial judgement of someone.
3. Obtain sufficient examples of the pupil’s reactions from
which to judge his development.
4. Conduct a program of evaluation which covers a long
period of time to discover the degree of permanency of
the important changes taking place in the pupils.
5. Obtain methods of appraisal which will reveal changes in
pupils taking place over a short period of time.
6. Give adequate consideration of the pupil’s individual
pattern of desirable goals.
Essentials of teaching- rating
1. The rating plan must undertake to measure
only what is capable of measurement.
2. The rating plan must correctly and clearly list
the qualities upon which retention and
promotion should be based.
3. The rating plan must attributes correct relative
values to the qualities appraised.
4. Rating of teacher qualities must be objective
5. The rating plan must be practicable
Purposes of rating
1. It assists the administrator or supervisor to
eliminate incompetent teachers.
2. It assists the administrator or supervisors to
stimulate teachers to improve their work in
3. It helps the administrator or supervisor to
identify those who merit promotion.
4. It helps the administrators or supervisor to
evaluate his own work.
5. It helps the administrator or supervisors to
inform a teacher of the effect his performance
has had upon his pupils.
Principles of evaluation in
School administration and
1. Evaluation, to be effective, must be
comprehensive enough to cover all factors in
the teaching-learning situation;
2. Evaluation, to be effective, must be objective.
3. Evaluation, to be effective, must be based on
accepted criteria which are based on the
accepted educational philosophy and aims of
education formulated by the group.
4. Evaluation, to be effective, must be functional.
5. Evaluation, to be effective, must be flexible.
6. Evaluation, to be effective, must be
7. Evaluation, to be effective, must be dynamic or
8. Evaluation, to be effective, must be continuous.
9. Evaluation, to be effective, must be correlated
with the principle of planning.
10. Evaluation, to be effective, must be selected
on the basis of their validity, reliability ,
objectivity, practicability, and appropriateness
in the particular situation to be appraised.
11. The administrators and the teachers must play
important part in the evaluation of their own

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