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Ca2 Group1

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Criminal Justice System and Non-institutional

Corrections. Advantages and Disadvantages of Non-

institutional Correction or Community Based Correction
or Non-Confinement Corrections versus Institutional or
Confinement Corrections.
Group 1:
Agaser, Macy Dianne
Apin, Cynthia
Ballera, Brayan
Behimino, Sean Henrick
Berber, Andrea
Bernal, Zhander Jan
Besorio, Jan Mark
Cabe, Silver Jhon
Criminal Justice System is a tool or machinery used by
the society to prevent, control, and suppress the
commission of the crime and provide and maintain
• The first pillar is the Law Enforcement- this is the
prime mover of the system, the first touch in the
process. However, this pillar is very vital to the system
since failure to carry out the function properly may
cause the dismissal of the case.
• The second pillar is the Prosecution this pillar is
composed of public prosecutors tasked to evaluate the
evidence the police have gathered and decide whether
it is sufficient to warrant the filing of charges against
the alleged violator.
• The Court is the third pillar. This is under the Judiciary branch of
the government. The Court shall have the power to hear and try
the case before it. The judge, upon receipt of complaint or
information, shall conduct investigation to determine probable
cause for the issuance of warrant of arrest.
• The fourth pillar is the Correction. This pillar shall cater convicted
felons. It is responsible for the safekeeping and reformation of
criminals. The Correction pillar shall assure that upon the release
of the inmate, he is already reformed and ready to be integrated
in the community.
• The last pillar is the Community the purpose of this pillar is
fundamentally geared toward the support to the program of the
Corrections. When the ex-convict is reintegrated to the
community, it is understood that he has been wholly reformed and
is ready to engage himself again.
Non-institutional corrections

- refer to that method of correcting

sentenced offenders without having to go to
Advantages of Non-institutional Correction

The advantage of non-institutional correction. The major advantages

would be the possibility to keep up normal activities when serving,
such as go to work or school and taking care of family. Thus, family
avoids getting punished too when the offender is incarcerated in a
prison. Thirdly, community based corrections are cheaper than
prison. However, victims may be offended by the leniency of
community based corrections if the crime committed was severe.

Non institutional based market correction is a natural market cycle. It

happens naturally and is sort of predictable. Those with the largest
capital often gain the most during these corrections.

By non-institutional correction is meant the accused is tried under

the Law and the Rules of Court, after trial had, he was sentenced
and the judgment being final and executor and the time of appeal
lapsed, he has to serve his sentence. There can also be suspended
service of sentence, again subject to the sound discretion of the
Disadvantages of Non-Institutional Correction

The disadvantage is that public safety may be compromised.

Offenders are more easily able to continue criminal behavior than if
they were confined in jail or prison. With funding going to jails and
prisons, resources have not kept pace with community corrections

The "disadvantage" is that they would not be able to conduct these

crimes if they were in prison. There will be failures, and those who
do not respond to therapy rather than incarceration will be
Community Based Correction

Is rehabilitation or correctional programs take place within

the community. This is otherwise refers to as community
based correction. It is approach where the convicted will
not be placed or be released from correctional facility or

Community Based Correction Programs Probation- is a

disposition under which accused after conviction and
sentence, is released subject to the court and the to the
supervision of a probation officer.
Parole- a conditional release from prison of a convicted
person upon service of the minimum of his indeterminate.

Pardon- a form of executive clemency which is exercise

exclusively by the Chief Executive. Pardon may be given
conditionally (conditional pardon) or unconditionally
(absolute pardon).
Non-confinement correction

In these correction there are offenders that typically non-

violent, low-level criminals. The idea behind non-
confinement corrections is that successful rehabilitation of
offenders can only occur in the real world. Moreover, the
policy behind non-confinement corrections is that
offenders will subsequently return to the real world, so it's
appropriate to try and provide rehabilitation in the
- Is having to do with an institution or an establishment
company or place. An example on institutional is a
catalog for hospital furnishings.

- means relating to large organization, for example a
university, bank, or church. Institutional means relating to
a building where people are looked after or held.
Confinement Corrections

Confinement Correction States justify their use of solitary

confinement in a number of different ways. It may be used as
disciplinary punishment for convicted prisoners, to protect
vulnerable prisoners or considered to help prison staff to ‘manage’
certain individuals.

It is used to isolate a detainee during the pre-trial stage of

investigation, often as part of coercive interrogation, and it can be
used to lock away prisoners who have – or are perceived to have –
mental illnesses.
Contact with family or visitors is often restricted or denied altogether,
despite the fact that contact with family in particular, has been shown
to be an important factor in successful rehabilitation.

Contrary to popular belief, solitary confinement is not reserved only

for the most dangerous prisoners. Often it is imposed to isolate
detainees during the pre-trial stage of investigation, including as part
of coercive interrogation.

Solitary confinement for pre-trial detainees has, for example, been

part of Scandinavian prison practice for many years. It is also used
to lock away prisoners with – or who are perceived to have – mental

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