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Lecture 6 - Design Rules and Implementation Support

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The key takeaways are that universal design aims to make products usable by as many people as possible, the seven principles of universal design, and that design rules provide guidance for increasing usability.

The principles of universal design are that designs should provide equitable use, flexibility in use, be simple and intuitive, provide perceptible information, tolerate error, require low physical effort and be of a size appropriate for approach and use.

The three types of design rules are principles, which are abstract rules with low authority but high generality, standards which are specific rules with high authority but limited application, and guidelines which have lower authority but more general application.

chapter six

Design rules and Implementation Support

Design Rule Chp 6

 Universal Design
 Universal Design Principles
 Design Rules
 Principles of usability
 Standards and guidelines
 Design patterns
Universal design
 Universal design is the process of designing products so that they
can be used by as many people as possible in as many situations as

 People have different

 abilities and weaknesses; they come from different backgrounds and
 interests, viewpoints and experiences; they are different ages and
 All of these things have an impact on
 the way in which an individual will use a particular computing
application and,
 whether or not they can use it at all.
Universal Design Principles
 In reality, we may not be able to design everything to be accessible to
 but we can work toward the aim of universal design and try to provide an
equivalent experience.
 The seven general principles of universal design may help us in this
 Equitable use - No user is excluded or stigmatized
 Flexibility in use - allows for a range of ability and preference
 Simple and intuitive to use - should not be unnecessarily complex
 Perceptible information - different forms & support the range of devices
 Tolerance for error – minimizing the damage caused by mistakes
 Low physical effort - minimizing physical effort and fatigue
 Size and space for approach and use - used regardless of body size, posture
or mobility
Design Rules
 Designing for maximum usability is the goal of
interactive systems design.
 Design rules
 provide designers with the ability to determine the usability
consequences of their design decisions.
 are rules a designer can follow in order to increase the
usability of the eventual software product
 Three types of design rules
 Principles - abstract design rules, low authority and high
 Standards - specific design rules, high authority but limited
 Guidelines - lower authority, more general application
Principles to Support Usability
 Three main categories of principles
 Learnability
 theease with which new users can begin effective
interaction and achieve maximal performance

 Flexibility
 themultiplicity of ways the user and system exchange

 Robustness
 the
level of support provided to the user in determining
successful achievement and assessment of goal-directed
Principles of Learnability
 Predictability
 determining effect of future actions based on past
interaction history i.e. the user’s ability to determine the
effect of future interactions
 assumes that the user has some mental model of how the
system behaves
 Examples
 0,3, 6, …. Next number?
 When I type the title of my task, my digital diary suggests
location of the task on the basis of past task history
Principles of Learnability

 is the ability of the user to assess the effect of past

operations on the current state.
 E.g. When an operation changes some aspect of the internal
state, the change is should be seen by the user.
Principles of Learnability…
 Familiarity
 how prior knowledge applies to new system
 E.g. analogy between the word processor and a typewriter
 Generalizability
 Extending specific interaction knowledge to new situations
 E.g. draw a circle as a constrained form of ellipse  square
can be drawn as a constrained rectangle
 Consistency
 likeness in input/output behaviour arising from similar
situations or task objectives
 E.g. consistency in command naming, or consistency in
command/argument invocation
Principles of flexibility
 Dialogue initiative
 Freedom from system imposed constraints on input dialogue
 System vs. User pre-emptiveness.
 Multithreading
 ability of system to support user interaction for more than
one task at a time
 concurrent vs. interleaving; multimodality
 Task migratability
 passing responsibility for task execution between user and
 E.g. Spell-checking
 proper names checked by the user others by the system
Principles of flexibility…
 Substitutivity
 allowing equivalent values of input and output to be
substituted for each other
 E.g. Enter an input for length in

 meter(1m, 1 meter, 1),

 Centimetre (100cm, 100centimeter, 100) or

 formula that produces a number

 Customizability
 modifiability of the user interface by user (adaptability) or
system (adaptively).
Principles of robustness
 Observability
 ability of user to evaluate the internal state of the system from
its perceivable representation

 Recoverability
 ability of user to take corrective action once an error has been
 reachability; forward/backward recovery; commensurate effort
Principles of robustness …
 Responsiveness
 measures the rate of communication between the system and
the user.
 Response time is generally defined as the duration of time

needed by the system to express state changes to the user.

 Task conformance
 degree to which system services support all of the user's tasks
 task completeness - the coverage issue

 task adequacy - the user’s understanding of the tasks

 Set by national(BSI) or international (ISO) bodies to ensure
compliance with a set of design rules by a large community standards
 Standards can apply specifically to either the hardware or the
software used to build the interactive system.

 Hardware standards more common than software high authority and

low level of detail

 ISO 9241 defines usability as

 Effectiveness - accuracy and completeness
 Efficiency - the resources (time, memory) expended
 Satisfaction - comfort and acceptability
 More suggestive and general
 Many textbooks and reports full of guidelines
 Abstract guidelines (principles) applicable during early
life cycle activities
 Detailed guidelines (style guides) applicable during later
life cycle activities
 Example
 Shneiderman’s 8 Golden Rules
 Norman’s 7 Principles [Home reading Assignment]
 Nielsen’s 10 Heuristics (study on your own)
Shneiderman’s 8 Golden Rules
1. Strive for consistency
 lay-out, terminologies, command usage, etc.
2. Enable frequent users to use shortcuts
 recognize the requirements of diverse users and technology. For
instance add features for novices e.g. explanations, support expert
users e.g. shortcuts
3. Offer informative feedback
 for every user action, offer relevant feedback and information,
keep the user appropriately informed, human-computer interaction.
4. Design dialogs to yield closure
 for every user action, offer relevant feedback and information,
keep the user appropriately informed, human-computer interaction.
(e.g. Fill in form  submit  Confirmation)
Shneiderman’s 8 Golden Rules…
5. Offer error prevention and simple error handling
 prevention and (clear and informative guidance to) recovery;
error management
6. Permit easy reversal of actions
 to relieve anxiety and encourage exploration, because the user
knows s/he can always go back to previous states
7. Support internal locus of control
 make the user feel that s/he is in control of the system, which responds
to his/her instructions/commands.
8. Reduce short-term memory load
 make menus and UI elements/items visible, easily
available/retrievable, ...
Norman’s 7 Principles [study on your own]

1. Use both knowledge in the world and knowledge in the head.

2. Simplify the structure of tasks.
3. Make things visible: bridge the gulfs of Execution and
4. Get the mappings right - intentions to controls & actions to
5. Exploit the power of constraints
6. Design for error
7. When all else fails, standardize.
HCI design patterns
 An approach to reusing knowledge about successful
design solutions
 A pattern is an invariant solution to a recurrent problem
within a specific context
 HCI design patterns document interaction models that
make it easier for users to understand an interface and
accomplish their tasks
 For patterns to be helpful to the designers and developers
who will make use of them, they need to be findable and
HCI design patterns …
 Reasons to use design patterns
 Teaching novices some best practices and common
 Giving teams a common language, reducing
misunderstandings that arise from different vocabulary
 Reducing time and costs in the design and development
 Making usable designs
 Eliminate wasted time spent "reinventing the wheel"
 Ensuring users have a consistent and predictable experience
within an application or service
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