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Factoring FS

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Financial service is part of financial system that provides different types
of finance through various credit instruments, financial products and
 In Financial instruments, we come across Cheques, bills, promissory
notes, debt instruments, letter of credit, etc.
 In Financial products, we come across different types of mutual
funds. Extending various types of investment opportunities. In
addition, there are also products such as credit cards, debit cards, etc.
 In Financial services we have leasing, factoring, hire purchase
finance etc., through which various types of assets can be acquired
either for ownership or on lease. There are different types of leases as
well as factoring too. Thus, financial services enable the user to
obtain any asset on credit, according to his convenience and at a
reasonable interest rate.

Factoring simply refers to selling the receivables by a firm to another

party. The buyer of the receivables is called the factor. Thus factoring
refers to the agreement in which the receivables are sold by a firm
(client) to the factor (financial intermediary). The factor can be a
commercial bank or a finance company.
Factoring is a method of converting receivables into cash.

Factoring is defined as “a continuing legal relationship between a

financial institution (the factor) and a business concern (the client),
selling goods or providing services to trade customers on open
account basis whereby the factor purchases the client’s book debts
(accounts receivables) either with or without recource to the client
and in relation thereto controls the credit extended to customers and
administers the sales ledgers”.
Thus factoring may be defined as selling the receivables of a firm at a
discount to a financial organization (factor).

There are certain objectives of factoring. The important objectives are

as follows:
 To relieve from the trouble of collecting receivables so as to
concentrate in sales and other major areas of business.
 To minimize the risk of bad debts arising on account of non-
realization of credit sales.
 To adopt better credit control policy.
 To carry on business smoothly and not to rely on external sources
to meet working capital requirements.
 To get information about market, customers’ credit worthiness etc.
so as to make necessary changes in the marketing policies or
There are different types of factoring. These may be briefly discussed as
 Recourse Factoring: In this type of factoring, the factor only
manages the receivables without taking any risk like bad debt etc.
Full risk is borne by the firm (client) itself.
 Non-Recourse Factoring: Here the firm gets total credit protection
because complete risk of total receivables is borne by the factor. The
client gets 100% cash against the invoices (arising out of credit sales
by the client) even if bad debts occur. For the factoring service, the
client pays a commission to the factor. This is also called full
 Maturity Factoring: In this type of factoring, the factor does not pay
any cash in advance. The factor pays clients only when he receives
funds (collection of credit sales) from the customers or when the
customers guarantee full payment
Advance Factoring: Here the factor makes advance payment of about 80% of
the invoice value to the client.
Invoice Discounting: Under this arrangement the factor gives advance to the
client against receivables and collects interest (service charge) for the period
extending from the date of advance to the date of collection.
Undisclosed Factoring: In this case the customers (debtors of the client) are
not at all informed about the factoring agreement between the factor and the
client. The factor performs all its usual factoring services in the name of the
client or a sales company to which the client sells its book debts. Through this
company the factor deals with the customers. This type of factoring is found in
Domestic Factoring: When the three parties to factoring, i.e. customer, client,
and factor, reside in the same country, then this is called as domestic factoring.
Export Factoring: Export factoring, or otherwise known as cross-border
factoring is one in which there are four parties involved, i.e. exporter (client),
the importer (customer), export factor and import factor. This is also termed as
the two-factor system.

A factor performs some important functions.

 Provision of finance
 Administration of sales ledger
 Collection of receivables
 Protection against risk
 Credit management
 Advisory services
A firm that enters into factoring agreement is benefited in a number of
ways. Some of the important benefits of factoring are summarized as

 Improves efficiency.
 Higher credit standing.
 Reduces cost.
 Additional source.
 Advisory service.
 Acceleration of production cycle.
 Adequate credit period for customers.
 Competitive terms to offer.

The main limitations of factoring are outlined as below:

 Factoring may lead to over-confidence in the behaviour of the

client. This results in overtrading or mismanagement.
 There are chances of fraudulent acts on the part of the client.
Invoicing against non-existent goods, duplicate invoicing etc. are
some commonly found frauds. These would create problems to the
 Lack of professionalism and competence, resistance to change etc.
are some of the problems which have made factoring services
 Factoring is not suitable for small companies with lesser
turnover, companies with speculative business, companies
having large number of debtors for small amounts etc.
 Factoring may impose constraints on the way to do business.
For non – recourse factoring most factors will want to pre-
approve customers. This may cause delays. Further ,the
factor will apply credit limits to individual customers.

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