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PCR Information Operations
 Information Operations (IO) as part of the Police
Community Relations of the PNP is relatively new.
While some aspects of it had been practiced and
continued to be practiced by some units and police
managers, it has not been truly formalized as a
comprehensive tool in an effort to further Police
Fundamentals in Information Operation
 A favorable measure of gain has been observed
with the current efforts of the Public Information
Division of DPCR in feeding out some propaganda
materials thru the internet and print broadsheets
including the fight against insurgency.
 Information Operation encompasses attacking
command and control systems of any anti –
government organizations or groups, while
protecting friendly command and control systems
form any adverse disruptions whether criminal or
Information Defined

 This is defined as a body of data acquired from

sources and processed into a useful form. For this
purpose, information is considered as a material
which can be deployed and employed to ensure the
success of operations, or the accomplishment of a
Information Operation Defined
 Information Operation employs the core
capabilities of electronic warfare, computer
network operations, psychological operations,
military deception, security operations, and in
concert with specified supporting and related
capabilities, to affect or defend information
systems that strategically influence the decision
making process of the higher offices.
Forms of Information Operations
 Offensive IO – destroy, degrade, disrupt, deny, deceive,
exploit and influence adversary decision makers who can
affect the success of friendly operation. It is the integrated
use of assigned and supporting capabilities and activities,
mutually supported by intelligence, to affect enemy decision
makers or to influence others to promote specific objectives.
 Defensive IO – protect and defend friendly information
command and control. Effective IO requires integrating
information related activities such as public affairs and
Application and Concept of Information
 Information Operations is best applied when the event
(where an IO is likely to be applied) is certain to
happen and there is definitive period in between
where police organization can work on. These
includes the State of the Nation Address (SONA),
demolition jobs where writ of demolition is given two
or three months in advance, relocation of a squatter
colony, advance notice of picket and rallies, transport
strikes, industrial strikes and lockouts, among others.
Application and Concept of Information Operations

 The event also is one where, when issues are not resolved, the
probability that it may result into chaos or violent
confrontation between contending parties is higher and may
necessarily need the deployment of troops or the engagement
of crowd control elements.
 IO, in these various scenarios is used not to ensure the
success of any police action but primarily to quash the cause
that may lead to probable confrontation between contending
parties and therefore may no longer necessitate the use of
police action. Secondarily, when police action inevitable, the
impact is cushioned and resistance to police action becomes
very minimal.
The Concept of IO in Philippine Setting
1. Definition of objectives;
2. Themes or series of themes that may best describe
the objectives;
3. Messages that are anchored on the themes;
4. The target audiences;
5. Channels of communication to be used;
6. Unifying and Impact generating Activities; and
7. Progress and success Indicators.
Functional Sections of Information Operations Research

1. The Information Development Section (IDS)

consolidates operational data, generates
comparative analysis/reports, develops matrices of
situational projections and prepares media lines.
2. The Production Section (PS) oversees production
of infomercials, print propaganda materials and
alternative media (CDs, DVDs, etc) and is also
responsible for the maintenance and upkeep of IT
and video production equipment.
Functional Sections of Information Operations
Research Center

3. The Special Projects (SP) Section handles all other instructions

and initiates in the development and management of
Information Operations in general (liaison for media groups and
practitioners, information dissemination, mobilizing and
organizing advocacy affiliations, etc.)
4. The WSDS (Web-Site Development Section) is an existing
Section under PNP CS whose capabilities are further enhanced
to directly feed real – time data from on – line electronic
sources (Internet, Inter – agency On – Line Links, etc.) and will
regularly update and maintain the integrity of the PNP Website
as the Official electronic home page of the Agency.
Intelligence Cycle
 is a continuous process that determines what we
need to know, the acquisition of information
assimilation of data into existing information, and a
reassessment of the situation. It revolves around the
processes evaluated for credibility of source and
reliability of the information and repeated in a
cycle until the information becomes reliable,
accurate and real time.
The cycle includes:

1. Direction – in this phase the direction for current and future

intelligence operations is established;
2. Collection – Intelligence sources indentified in the collection plan
collect information about the adversary;
3. Collation – raw information is converted to forms readily used by
intelligence analysts;
4. Production – all available processed information is integrated,
analyzed, evaluated and interpreted;
5. Dissemination and Integration – Intelligence is delivered to and
used by the end user/consumer; and
6. Evaluation – Intelligence personnel assess how well each phase of
the cycle is performed.
Public Affairs and Information Operation

 The need to form linkages with members and

instrumentalities of civilian government is an
advantage to the PNP. Police Managers must
actively seek to forge, establish maintain, influence
and exploit relations with local government units
and officials. Since they are critical actors in
government service, they form force multipliers
and resource generators for the PNP.
Information Systems

 is typically considered to be a set of

interrelated elements or components that
collect (input), manipulate (processes), and
disseminate (output) data and information and
provide a feedback mechanism to meet an
Templating the Information Operation Plan

 Another tool for IO Planning is termed

“templating.” The tool condenses the entire
plan into as easily readable one page paper
using figures and shapes. This facilitates easy
dissemination and economy. Below is a
sample of an Information Operation template.

A. Objectives:
 Ensure honest and peaceful May 2013 elections;

 Develop and nurture allies in mass media, the academe, civil

society, religious groups, key and potential political leaders;

 Prevent election-related violence.

 Boost gun ban enforcement;

 Highlight impact programs that are designed to exceed the

Administration, the publics and other target audience's

 Create pressure for SAFE 2013 per province.
B. Target Audience:
1. National /Local Leaders (Current/Potential)
2. Senate/House of Representatives
3. Religious & CS Groups
4. The Academe
5. Business groups
6. PNP personnel
7. Local/Int’l NGO’s
8. Int’l/national/local media practitioners
9. Families of police personnel
10. General Public
11. Diplomatic community
Themes and Messages:

1. RD NCRPO follows the lead of PNoy that the public is the boss.
2. Therefore he is an exemplar of a superior who serves and listens to
people and the public with compassion, fairness and humility. ;
3. RD endeavors to transform while he performs. He champions the
PNP Integrated Transformation program in the grassroots.
“Kasama siya sa pagbabago”.
4. RD values community partnership and international cooperation in
dealing with various public safety and security issues;
5. RD encourages enthusiasm and excitement among the troops and
energizes performance at all levels..
Specific Messages for the Hostage Crises:

1. The NCRPO values the input of the Filipino Chamber of

Commerce expressed to President Aquino. It will support all of its
five points.

2. NCRPO has established a parallel working group that will submit

its investigation and lessons learned to the national working group. ;

3. Responsible operatives in the Hostage Drama shall be subjected to

administrative relief while they are undergoing investigation;

4. NCRPO has called on the NHQ to review the current PNP

Personnel Grievance and Procedure. Meanwhile, RDS has ordered
the collection of all email addresses and cell phone of all
subordinates under him. Everyone is given direct access to him on
matters pertinent to professional grievance and complaints.
Specific Messages for the Hostage Crises:

5. NCRPO is addressing the Torture issue simultaneous with the

Hostage Crises. All crises will be optimized for the
opportunities it presents

6. NCRPO is honoring the death of the Chinese tourists who died

last Monday through more aggressive hostage training and
tourist protection. It will not leave any stone unturned for all
lessons learned.

7. NCRPO welcomes all challenges and will always do its best to

serve the public, Filipinos and foreigners. All crises will be
optimized for the opportunities it has in store to improve the
NCRPO organization

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