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Ercp Tn. Hans Lionardy

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Endoscopic Retrograde

Cholangiopancreatography (ERCP)
Monday, 4 October 2021

DPJP & Operator : Dr. dr. Nu’man AS Daud, Sp.PD, K-

Patient Identity
• Name : Mr. Hans
• Birth of date : 3 December 1951 (69 years old)
• MR : 948322
• Address : Makassar
• Job : Swasta
• Marital status: Married
• Hospital : Wahidin Sudirohusodo, 4nd Floor PJT Room
• Chief complaint : Abdominal pain post operation
• Abdominal pain (+) in the epigastric regio since 2 weeks ago, pain is like stabbing
and does not spread. History operation in Stella Maris Hospital ± 1 week ago
• Fever (-), Nausea (-), Vomiting (-), Jaundice (-)
• Defecation normally, Uriantion normally
• History of Diabetes mellitus since 20 years ago, regular treatment with Gliclazid
60 mg, Dapagliflozin 10 mg, Vidagliptin 50 mg/Metformin 850 mg, Pioglitazone
30 mg
• History of hypertension since 10 years ago, not routine treatment with bisoprolol
Physical examination
• Weight 72 kg, Height 160 cm
• Composmentis/Moderate ill
• TD 140/80, HR 88 x/mnt, RR 20 x/mnt, S: 36,6⁰C, SaO2 99% (without modality)

• Eyes : conjunctiva no pale, sclera no icteric

• Neck : JVP R+0 cmH2O, lymphadenopathy (-)
• Heart : Heart sounds I-II regular, murmurs and gallops not exist
• Lungs : Vesicular, rhonchi and wheezing not exist
• Abdomen : Scar of surgery (+), Drain (+), Normal bowel sounds, tenderness (-),
liver and spleen not papable, Courvoisier sign (-), Ascites (-), No mass palpable
• Extremities : warm acral, CRT <2 seconds, no edema
Laboratory Finding
29/9/21 2/10/21 GDS 161->292
WBC 10.600 - Albumin 3,5
HGB 9,9 -
Protein total 5,9
PLT 339.000 -
Globulin 2,4
PT - 10,4
INR - 1,00
APTT - 23,8 Anti-HCV Non reaktif
Ureum 18 - HBsAg Non reaktif
Creatinin 0,9 - Swab PCR Negatif
SGOT 156 - (29/09/21)

SGPT 152 -
Natrium 133 -
Kalium 3,1 - 2,52 -
Bil.direk 1,73 -
MSCT Abdomen without contrast
MSCT Abdomen without contrast
MSCT Abdomen without contrast
• Renal cyst dextra
• Hypertrophy prostate
MSCT Thorax (29/9/2021)
• Pneumonia sinistra
• Fibrotic lung bilateral
• Atherosclerosis aortae and
branch of coronaria artery
• Post cholesistektomi suspek leakage biliar
• Pro ERCP (4/10/2021)

Preparation before ERCP :

• Fasting from Sunday 12 PM until the procedure is finished
• Meloxicam 15 mg/supp anal (before transfered to the Gastro Centre)
Thank You

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