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Organizational Behavior: BBA Ist Sem

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Organizational Behavior

BBA Ist Sem

 Gary Johns: Organizations are social inventions
for accomplishing goals through group efforts.

 Keith Davis and J.W Newstrom: organizational

behavior is the study and application of
knowledge about people act within the
organization. It’s a human tool for human benefit.

 Fred Luthans: organizational behavior is directly

concerned with the understanding, prediction
and control of human behavior.

 Organizations are social systems.

 Organisation is made up individuals who is a
Whole person.
 An individual has dignity.
 There are differences of individuals.
 Behavior of an individual is Caused.
 Mutual interest among organizational
 Need for management.
 Holistic(universal) concept .
 Organizational behavior studies the mechanisms
governing these interactions, seeking to identify
and foster behaviors conducive to the survival and
effectiveness of the organization.
 Job Satisfaction.
 Finding the Right People.
 Organizational Culture.
 Leadership and Conflict Resolution.
 Understanding Employees Better.
 Understand how to Develop Good Leaders.
 Develop a Good Team.
 Higher Productivity.
⚫ Organizational behavior is a rational thinking not an
emotional feelings about people
⚫ It is an applied science.
⚫ Organizational behavior seeks to balance human &
technical values
at work.
⚫ Organizational behavior is an emerging field of study that
integrates behavioral science
⚫ Organizational behavior is both an art and a science.
⚫ Organizational behavior exits at multiple levels.
⚫ Organizational behavior does not exists in vacuum (emptiness)
⚫ Organizational behavior at once empirical, interpretative
and critical.
⚫ A separate field of study .
⚫ Interdisciplinary approach
⚫ Humanistic and optimistic
⚫ Intrapersonal behavior

⚫ Interpersonal behavior

⚫ About organization
⚫ Road map to our lives in organisations

⚫ Helps us understand and predict organisational life

⚫ Influences events in organisations

⚫ Helps understand self and others better

⚫ Helps a manager get things done better

⚫ Helps maintain cordial relations

⚫ Highly useful in the field of marketing

⚫ Helps in career planning and development

⚫ Helps sustain the temp of economic growth

⚫ Helps in controlling and directing behavior

⚫ Effective leadership

⚫ Interpersonal dynamics have been evaluated by .

⚫ Organisational climate takes system perspective

⚫ Organisational adaptation or perceived changes

Challenges and Opportunities

⚫ Improving Peoples' Skills.

⚫ Improving Quality and Productivity.

⚫ Total Quality Management (TQM).

⚫ Managing Workforce Diversity.

⚫ Responding to Globalization.
Challenges and Opportunities

⚫ Empowering People.

⚫ Coping with Temporariness.

⚫ Stimulating Innovation and Change Emergence of E-

Organisation & E-Commerce.

⚫ Improving Ethical Behavior.

⚫ Improving Customer Service.

⚫ Helping Employees Balance Work-Life Conflicts.

⚫ Flattening World.
Organization Goals,
There are 3 types of organizational goals are:
strategic, tactical, and operational goals and
There are many advantages to establishing
organizational goals:
 They guide employee efforts,
 justify a company's activities and existence,
 define performance standards,
 provide constraints for pursuing unnecessary

goals and function as behavioral incentives.

 For the goals to have business merit,

organizations must craft a strategic plan for

choosing and meeting them.
Approaches to Organisational
 Human Resources Approach: concerned with the
growth and development of people
 A Contingency/Emergency Approach: different
situations require different behavioural practices
for effectiveness
 Productivity Approach: compares units of output
with units of input. It is often measured in terms
of economic inputs and outputs
 Systems Approach: A system is an interrelated
part that interact with one another and
functions as a whole.
Models of OB
 Autocratic: The basis of this model is power with a managerial orientation
of authority. The employees in turn are oriented towards obedience and
dependence on the boss. The employee need that is met is subsistence. The
performance result is minimal
 Custodial: The basis of this model is economic resources with a managerial

orientation of money. The employees in turn are oriented towards security

and benefits and dependence on the organization. The employee need that is
met is security. The performance result is passive cooperation.
 Supportive: The basis of this model is leadership with a managerial

orientation of support. The employees in turn are oriented towards job

performance and participation. The employee need that is met is status and
recognition. The performance result is awakened drives.
 Collegial: The basis of this model is partnership with a managerial

orientation of teamwork. The employees in turn are oriented towards

responsible behavior and self-discipline. The employee need that is met is
self-actualization. The performance result is moderate enthusiasm.
Foundations of OB

 Personal Factors: Impact of age, Impact of

gender/sex, Education, Abilities, Physical abilities,
Marital Status, Creativity, Emotions
 Psychological Factors: Moods and Impact on
performance, Emotional Intelligence
 Environmental Factors: Economic, Social norms and
cultural values, Ethics and Social Responsibility,
 Organizational Systems and resources: physical
facilities, Organization structure and design,
Leadership, Reward System, Work related Behaviour
Impact of Global and Cultural diversity

 Positive, constructive, comprehensive and respectful

organizational behavior will boost and allow the
growth of a business while enabling individuals to
reach their prospective as well.
 If a culture of company doesn’t take into account its

employees or customers in a specific geographic

region, it runs the risk of aching sentiments, losing
business and even being deliberated insensitive or
worse, ignorant.
 The organizational behavior and cultural tones of a

business play a vast role in determining the

motivation and morale of employees
Thank You

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