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Lesson 7 Rehabilitation Program Lesson 8 Bureau of Corrections Rehabilitation Program

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Lesson 7:

Lesson Objectives:
At the end of this lesson, you
should be able to:
1. Define Rehabilitation Program;
2. Differentiate Rewarding Types of
Rehabilitation Program of Inmates

the stage at which there is no intention to change behavior in
1. PRECONTEMPLATION the foreseeable future.

2. CONTEMPLATION the state of being thought about or planned.



The principles of rehabilitation and restoration
⮚ Begin treatment early. Starting restorative care
soon after admission or early in the disease will
improve the outcome.
⮚ Activity strengthens and inactivity weakens.
Keep residents as active as possible.
⮚ Prevent further disability.
⮚ Stress the resident's ability and not the
⮚ Treat the whole person.
5 Rewarding Types of Rehabilitation
for Inmates
• Education Rehabilitation for Inmates.
It has been proven time and time again
that education programs in prison help
to give inmates a second chance.
Education programs in prison are
helping give the power of knowledge
to inmates. With this power,
overcoming the past and enjoying a
better quality of life are two very
achievable goals.
◦ Employment Rehabilitation for Inmates.
Inmates who have the opportunity to engage in
prison work programs while incarcerated have
an easier time getting work once they are
released. The inability to find and maintain
work is a main factor in recidivism across the
nation. When former inmates re-enter society
without marketable skills, a domino effect
occurs that oftentimes leads to new offenses.
• Breaking the cycle relies on becoming a
productive member of society through
gainful employment. Being able to support
oneself is beneficial financially and
mentally. For a person newly re-entering
society, the self-esteem and fulfillment that
can come from working hard plays a big role
in lessening criminal behavior.
• During prison, many inmates are given an
opportunity to participate in work programs.
These programs offer a consistent way to
prepare for work in society. Punctuality,
responsibility, deadlines, accountability and
other skills are learned through taking part.
• The benefits of prison work programs go
much deeper than just job training.
• Counseling Rehabilitation for Inmates. Prison
Counselors play a significant role in
rehabilitation for inmates. These criminal justice
and mental health professionals provide guidance
to inmates throughout the duration of their
• The support a Prison Counselor provides will
range by inmate. Most counselors can offer hands
on counseling covering the following topics:
⮚ Vocational
⮚ Academic
⮚ Social
⮚ personal
• The goal is to provide rehabilitation for inmates
that will help them consider new skills and new
insight into their goals and motivations.
• Wellness Rehabilitation for Inmates. Physical and
mental wellness bring clarity and purpose to many
inmates during their sentence. Depending on the
offerings in an individual facility, an inmate may be
able to participate in programs like yoga, tai chi, or
meditation. Practicing these kinds of mental and
physical exercises are proven to provide long term
benefits including stress/anger management among
• Positivity can be a difficult trait to maintain during a
prison sentence, but some prisons are offering
programs to help bring a positive light into an
inmate’s life. Programs like dog training, culinary
classes, gardening and more offer inmates
opportunities to practice fulfilling skills that make a
measurable difference. Making good nutrition
choices with meals in prison can also be difficult.
But with effort, a healthy diet can also be
• Community Rehabilitation for Inmates. Rehabilitation for inmates continues
throughout an inmate’s life, even after they have left the system. Re-entering
society and taking steps to join the community is a necessary piece of the
rehabilitation process.
• Adjusting to life after prison successfully has many variables. Having a support
system within the community helps an ex-offender stay an ex-offender.
• Getting involved in the community creates accountability in the form of communal
obligations. Feeling a sense of belonging is invaluable, whether it be through:
⮚ church
⮚ volunteering
⮚ social groups
• The newly built support system relies on the ex-offender as he/she relies on it. This
leads to more positive interactions and less opportunity for criminal behavior.
• Additionally, the relationships built within these community groups can lead to job
opportunities—a crucial step for reentry to society and elimination of recidivism.
Activity 1: Skill-building Activities

1.Do you think facilities or centers

that provide rehabilitation programs
are effective? Yes or No. Why?
2.Why is rehabilitation so important?
Lesson 8: Bureau of Corrections Rehabilitation

Lesson Objectives:
At the end of this lesson, you should be able to:
1. Differentiate the different rehabilitation program in Bureau
of Corrections; and
2. Enumerate the reformation programs in the Philippines

Activity 1: Building questions

1. What are reformation programs in the Philippines?

2. Differentiate the different programs in the


3. What is a therapeutic community program?

• The Bureau offers a variety of inmate work programs, from
agricultural to industrial. The purpose of the inmate work program is
to keep the inmates busy, and to provide them money for their
personal expenses and their families as well as help them acquire
livelihood skills, in order that they may become productive citizens
once they are released and assimilated back into the mainstream of

• Different prison and penal farms provide institutional work

programs for inmates. At the Davao Penal Colony, inmates work on
the banana plantations of Tagum Development Company (TADECO)
which has a joint venture agreement with the Bureau. Similarly, the
vast tracts of land at the Iwahig Penal Colony are developed and
tilled by inmates to produce various agricultural products, thereby
generating income for the Bureau. The Sablayan Prison and Penal
farm also provides agriculture and aquaculture programs for inmates.

• Along this end, the Bureau under the present Director has
encouraged agricultural and industrial production by providing
farming implements, tractors, fertilizers and other inputs in order to
sustain this area of rehabilitation for inmates.
• The inmates enjoy sunrise by participating in daily
calisthenics. There are various indoor and outdoor sports
activities, programs, tournaments and leagues all year round,
to include basketball, volleyball, billiards, table tennis and
chess. These sports competitions promote camaraderie among
inmates, good sportsmanship and team-building. The latest
addition is the newly constructed indoor sports
center/gymnasium at the Maximum Security Compound which
boasts of competition-standard flooring, sound system, locker
rooms and bleachers.
• All prison and penal farms have adequate recreational
facilities for inmates, both for outdoor and indoor sports.
Mini-bodybuilding gyms are available in most prison facilities,
including the Muntinlupa Juvenile Training Center and the
Therapeutic Community Center for inmates with drug cases.
• For music lovers and musically-inclined inmates,
numerous "videoke" centers are available. Musical instruments
are available for practice or for use in variety shows..
• Upon his initial commitment to the Reception and Diagnostic Center
(RDC), the inmate’s medical history is recorded and properly
documented by the Medical Specialist. Medical information and mental
status examinations are given to ascertain his overall physical / mental
fitness and whether he would be fit for work. This forms part of the
diagnostic process which will eventually determine the most appropriate
rehabilitation program for the inmate.
• The principal medical care of inmates is provided through a 500-bed
capacity hospital at the New Bilibid Prisons and at six (6) other mini-
hospitals or clinics in the six (6) other prison and penal farms. All
correctional facilities have a full and competent staff of medical
practitioners in charge of clinics, infirmaries and hospitals. These centers
are capable of minor surgical operations, laboratory examinations,
radiology, psychiatric, rehabilitation and dental treatment.
• Other government and private hospitals are also tapped in the
implementation of standards pertaining to nutrition and protective
health services for the prison community. Medical services also include a
wide range of counseling techniques and therapy programs which address
the psychological problems of inmates, including suicidal thoughts and
feelings of rejection which may lead to disruption of peace and order
within the prison compounds. When an inmate’s ailment is beyond the
competence of the in-house medical doctors, the inmate is referred to a
government hospital in accordance with prison rules and under proper
security escorts.
•Rehabilitation can be facilitated by improving an inmate’s academic and job
skills. Records show that many prisoners are poorly educated. A majority are
elementary school drop outs or have not even finished primary school. Prison
education amounts to remedial schooling designed to prepare inmates to
obtain basic skills in reading, writing and mathematics.
• In most correctional facilities, vocational programs are incorporated into job
assignments and serve as on-the-job training. The goal is to provide inmates
with skills that will improve their eligibility for jobs upon release. Most prison
vocational training is geared toward traditional blue-collar employment in
areas such as electronics, auto mechanics and handicrafts. At the Reception
and Diagnostic Center, a basic computer literacy course with typing as a
support course is available for inmates who have finished at least high school
• Vocational training and social education focus on job readiness. The concern
in these areas is life skills. If inmates are to reenter society and abstain from
criminal activity, they must be employable and have the basic tools necessary
to function as responsible citizens.
• The National Penitentiary has a college degree program and a tertiary
degree correspondence course, in addition to the regular secondary and
compulsory basic literacy classes. Prisoners are strongly encouraged by the
BuCor authorities to enroll while serving their sentence and to advance their
academic skills.

Inmates enjoy freedom of religion. All inmates are

free to observe the rituals of their faith, with orderly
conduct supervised by prison authorities. A religious
guidance adviser or chaplain is assigned in every prison
and penal farm. The prison chaplain sets the stage for
every regular spiritual activity. He is an officer of the
institution who oversees the operation of the prison
chapel. He is not only the spiritual leader but also a
counselor and adviser. Prisoners may be baptized or
given other sacraments. Religious Volunteer Officers,
or RVOs belonging to different church groups provide
weekly religious activities ranging from bible studies,
devotions, prayer meetings or praise and worship. With
a predominantly Roman Catholic prison population, a
Catholic Mass is a regular feature in spiritual activities
of the prison communities. Restrictions, however, are
imposed if, in the course of religious activities,
security is compromised or a program is too expensive.
• The Therapeutic Community (TC) Program represents an
effective, highly structured environment with defined boundaries,
both moral and ethical. The primary goal is to foster personal
growth. This is accomplished by re-shaping an individual’s behavior
and attitudes through the inmates, community working together to
help themselves and each other, restoring self confidence, and
preparing them for their reintegration into their families and
friends as productive members of the community.
• Patterned after Daytop TC, New York which is the base of the
Therapeutic Community movement in the world, the BuCor TC
program was adopted as part of the Bureau's holistic approach
towards inmate rehabilitation. It is implemented primarily but not
limited to drug dependents.
• The TC approach has been continuously proven worldwide as an
effective treatment and rehabilitation modality among drug
dependents, and has been noted to be effective in many prisons.
By immersing a drug offender in the TC environment, he learns why
he had developed his destructive habits, which led him to
substance abuse. The program modifies negative behavior and or
attitudes while restoring self confidence, and prepares inmates for
their reintegration into their families and friends as productive
members of the community. This behavioral modification program
gradually re-shapes or re-structures the inmate within a family-like
environment, wherein every member acts as his brother’s keeper.
• As TC family members go on with their daily activities, a strong
sense of responsibility and concern for each other’s welfare are
developed. They are constantly being monitored for their progress
and are regularly being evaluated by the TC-trained staff. The TC
process allows for genuine introspection, cultivation of self-worth
and positive rationalization that move the individual towards
assuming a greater sense of personal and moral responsibility.
The efforts of the Bureau of Corrections to rehabilitate Drug
dependents under its care using the TC approach is in line with its
commitment to create a Drug-Free Prison. Worldwide
developments in the treatment and rehabilitation of drug offenders
using this therapeutic community approach have been noted to be
effective in many prisons.

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