Supply Chain Management of Lays: Usman Aslam - 111 Fajar Akhtar - 57 Yusra Rahim - 33 Muntaha Imran - 10
Supply Chain Management of Lays: Usman Aslam - 111 Fajar Akhtar - 57 Yusra Rahim - 33 Muntaha Imran - 10
Supply Chain Management of Lays: Usman Aslam - 111 Fajar Akhtar - 57 Yusra Rahim - 33 Muntaha Imran - 10
Usman Aslam – 111
Fajar Akhtar – 57
Yusra Rahim – 33
Muntaha Imran -10
Lays have very strong supply chain network plus distributer and retailer network. Hence one
can find Lays chips in any corner of the country. Supplier, distributer and retails are the
backbone of Lays sales. There is no specific targeted area for Lays as this food is demanded and
favorite of everyone. Worldwide this snack food is highly demanded with high competition.
It aims to provide,
High availability
Sufficient variety
High quality
Reasonable Price
Frito Lay plans and schedules the production and delivery of its products. Its raw material includes tons of
potatoes, corn, cheese and many other ingredients, which it buy on a just in time basis from suppliers to
make the product (work in process and finish goods inventory) that are shipped to customers. There is
always less uncertainty about the demand. The operation process includes customer orders in the best
possible manner. Its offers just in time inventory to most of its customers as it restocks shelves frequently
so that many customers carry no inventory at all - it’s all on the shelves. During this Lays allocates
inventory or production orders, set a date (which is always according to the will of customers and they
don’t get disappointed) that an order is to be filled, generate a proper pick lists at a warehouse, allocate to
shipping and set delivery.
Level of Implied Demand Uncertainty
Lays has established a
dedicated, centralized and a
product-focused production
facility in order to respond
effectively to demand.
In alignment with the effective supply chain
strategy the facilities have been centralized
geographically to save the facility cost.
Relatively substantial finished
FL main business is dependent on goods inventory in the pipeline,
an inventory of raw materials that
01 are semi-perishable and that’s
why they need to keep very low
03 because as finished products leave
the factory to a warehouse, to
distribution channels, and to store
inventory. shelves.
The transportation network has been designed with a view to
ensure efficiency and boost the availability of the product. Lays
has a low inventory cost which ultimately increases its
transportation cost.
Company’s value-based prices are the
reflection of its position as a brand
with distinctive features like effortless
accessibility, easy affordability, great
taste and high quality.
Lays use differential pricing to attract
customers with varying needs and also to
increase its market share.
Frito-Lay uses hand-held computers to track
its products sold of shelves and from vending
machines. These notebook size computers
produce a vast quantity of data that flows
into the data center.
Overall Trade-Off
Using the latest information system
helps the lays to improve its efficiency.
01 02
Distributers X Y Z
(V Mart) (Al-Fatah) (C Mart) (Rahim Store)
(Fajar) (Yusra) (Usman)
Service Factor Performance
Response time Response time is minimal as customers are coming to the retail store and
getting the product on the spot.
Product variety Lower because of the limited space for a particular product available in the
Product availability It is quite expensive to carry all products in the stores. That’s why
sometimes the product may or may not be available in stores. Usually fast
moving products are available on the stores.
Customer experience Customer experience has been positive as they receive the product with
ease and on time. The retailers are the direct customers as they place an
order to the distributors. There has never been a shortage or a delay for
Lays. Sometimes it may be negative according the availability and services.
Time to market Highest because a proper inventory is needed. Also we need to arrange
distributors to distribute the product in the market.
Order visibility It is trivial for in-store orders because one can physically touch it.
Returnability This model has always been very strong in a sense that unsatisfactory
items can be returned and changed on the spot. This is true for both the
consumers and the retailers.
Retail Storage with Customer Pick up
Cost Factor Performance
Inventory Lower because of limited space available in stores.
Transportation Higher because distributors are included in this model.
Facilities and handling Higher because of the large shipments and increase in
handling cost at the pickup site for online orders
Information Frito-Lay has organized some of the world’s most
sophisticated information systems, and has incorporated
data-gathering processes and advanced technologies into its
daily practices.
Final Verdict
Lays have very strong supply chain network plus distributer and
retailer network. Supplier, distributer and retails are the
backbone of Lays sales. Its effective supply chain management
strategy has created value for both its customers and its
business. It has a complete control of its products’ journey from
conception to delivery, implementing systems to reduce errors
and increase inventory efficiency that’s why lays is still at the
highest rank in the world of potato chips.