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11 - Cash and Productive Waqf

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English for Zakat Vocabulary Pratice

Direct and Inderect Speech and Quoting Techniques

English for Zawa

1. Hudy Arofi (08020520021)

2. Mochammad Zaidan Fahmi (08020520025)

1 2 3
Definition of Waqf Cash Waqf Productive Waqf
01 Definition of Waqf
Scholars vary in provide a definition of waqf. Priest Al-Syaukani argues
that waqf is to hold things that are used for the sake of Allah, the poor,
and to help people who on the way out of stock, and the original thing
remains the property of the person the waqf. While Imam Al-Syarbini
said that waqf is holding something that remains in existence (survive)
old) and decide and the administrator and That thing is used for things
that permissible (permissible according to syara'). While Imam Al-
Shan'anI said: that waqf is holding property that is have benefits
without harm the object and used for the benefit (immune).
Jumhur Ulama are of the opinion that waqf is to hold onto the
treasures that may be obtained the benefits are taken, what
remains is the object (the substance), the goal is to get closer to
Allah. The property that is donated automatically regardless of the
wakif (people who waqf) and then becomes mlllk God. Wakif
must donate the results fit for purpose. Another scholar named
Abu Hanlfah states that the juridical waqf is that the person who is
waqf let go of immovable objects from ownership and donate
benefits for the public interest.
Get to know ha! Mallkiyah group waqf argues that wakif (people who
waqf) It's just giving the benefits of the property he has given to
people other eligible. Even the waqf can in the form of objects'
rented by pemlllknya, then the results are endowed.' Jumhur
Ulama are of the opinion that know the thing that is donated is an
object that remains in its substance (not exhausted) so you can
used continuously in long time but in opinion The Mallkiyah
cleric stated that the object.
02 Cash Waqf
In an etymological sense, waqf means to withhold or prevent
doing something. Waqf with the meaning of withholding is also
explained in Al-Munjid's dictionary as follows: Waqfuddaari ay
habsuhaa fii sabiilillah (waqf of a house, meaning to hold a house
for (the interests) of Allah's religion. Waqafahu anissyay'i ay
mana'ahu anhu. (He is waqf of something, meaning he prevents it
from something) (Louis Ma'luf, 1937:1014-1015). Meanwhile,
the scholars differ on the definition of waqf in terminology.
According to Faishal Haq, the different definitions of waqf by the
scholars of madhhab. This is because waqf has 25 meanings.
more, although what is commonly used is the meaning of
restraining and preventing. These many meanings influence the
mujtahids in determining the definition of waqf (Faishal Haq,
1993: 56).
Therefore, to clarify the definition of waqf in terms of this
terminology, the author describes it as follows. :

a. Waqf according to Abu Hanifah. Waqf according to Abu

Hanifah and some Hanafi scholars: "Retaining objects
whose status is fixed belongs to the waqif (people who
endow their wealth), and donate the benefits of objects for
the good way. (Zainuddin, 1970: 187)
b. Waqf according to the Maliki school of thought. "Making
the benefits of the object owned, either in the form of rent
or the proceeds, to be handed over to the person who is
entitled to it, with a timed delivery in accordance with the
will of the waqif. (Ali Fikri, 1938:304)
c. Waqf according to the Shafi'i madhhab. "Withholding assets that
can be taken advantage of is accompanied by the eternity of the
substance of the object, free from the control of waqif and used
for something that is allowed by religion. (Zakaria Al-Ansari,
1957: 85)
d. Waqf according to the Hambali school. "Retaining the freedom of
the owner of the property in spending his useful wealth
accompanied by the eternity of the substance of the object and
severing all rights of authority over the object, while the benefits
are used in terms of virtue to draw closer to Allah". (Ali Fikri,
1938: 12)
03 Productive Waqf
One of the spirit brought by Law no. 41 years old
2004 concerning Waqf is a productive waqf
(Article 43 paragraph (2)). However, it seems that
the law considers the term productive waqf It's
understandable, so there's no explanation it
means. But actually the facts on the ground show
that the public's understanding of the meaning of
productive waqf quite diverse. Here are some
explanations about waqf productive:
1. In productive language means being or capable of produce, bring
results, benefits and
profitable (Language Center, 2008: 1215).
2. Munzir Qahaf divides the use of waqf into two, namely: waqf used
directly and indirectly
(Qahaf, 2005: 162-163). The first type of waqf is waqf which principal
goods are used to achieve goals, such as mosque for prayer, school
for study, hospital to treat the sick. This first type of waqf is called
consumptive waqf. While the second type of waqf the goods are
not used directly, but managed to produce something. Then
something is generated this is donated. This second type of waqf
is called waqf productive.
3. Another expert, Jaih Mubarak, stated that waqf is productive is the
transformation from natural waqf management to professional
waqf management to improve or increase the benefits of waqf
(Mubarak, 2008: 15). With this definition productive does not
necessarily mean incrementally quantitative, but also qualitative.
If we trace the productive meaning required by the law, Waqf
seems to be more inclined to the meaning of productive waqf
according to Munzir Qahaf. However, the Waqf Law does not see
any categories of direct waqf and indirect waqf as Qahaf said. If
depicted in the form of a chart are as follows:
Wakif > Nazhir > Investment > Results > Maukuf alaih (recipient)
The more ideal situation is to let the waqf consumptive stay as it is, but
accompanied by waqf productive. Mosques, for example, are still
managed consumptively
but has a productive "bondho mosque" for support the function of the
mosque. Next up with the return on investment bondho mosque,
the mosque can act as the center
activities and services to the community.
To go towards productive waqf, there are at least three
1. Waqif does not limit its waqf only for the benefit of worship as
usual. For that it is necessary
sustainable socialization.
2. Nazhir the manager has an entrepreneurial spirit. No spirit
neterprener, Nazhir will only be burdened by waqf that managed.
3. Management transparency.
“Give the value of his efforts not from the results.
Only then can we judge life .”

“Albert Einsten”
That is All and
Thank You

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