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1 Pengantar Farmakognosi

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apt. Dewi Perwito Sari,M.Farm
Program Studi S-1 Farmasi
Tujuan Pembelajaran
Mahasiswa mengetahui latar belakang
ilmu farmakognosi hingga perkembangan
penemuan senyawa aktif
Berasal dari bahasa yunani :
pharmakon = obat
Gnosis = ilmu / pengetahuan

 adalah salah satu ilmu yang mempelajari

tentang bagian-bagian tanaman atau hewan
yang dapat digunakan sebagai obat alami.
The American Society of Pharmacognosy :

“the study of the physical, chemical, biochemical

and biological properties of drugs, drug
substances or potential drugs of natural origin as
well as the search for new drugs from natural
The study of drugs from plants includes the subjects
of botany, chemistry and pharmacology

 Botani  identifikasi (taksonomi), genetik, dan

 Karakteristik kimia  isolasi, identifikasi dan
jumlah senyawa dalam tanaman
 Farmakologi  efek biologi dari senyawa kimia
tumbuhan pada kultur sel, hewan coba dan
manusia (sukarelawan)
Farmakognosi juga meliputi: (praktisi)

• Quality control  identitas, kemurnian,

• Efficacy  indikasi terapi, studi klinik, penelitian
efek farmakologi
• Savety  efek samping, kontraindikasi,
Disiplin ilmu yang terlibat:
• Botani
• Ethnobotani
• Biologi laut
• Mikrobiologi
• Herbal medicine
• Fitokimia
• Farmakologi
• Teknologi farmasi
• Farmasi klinik

Termasuk juga: penanaman, proses panen dan penyiapan bahan

baku, identifikasi bahan baku (makroskopis, mikroskopis,
radiologi atau metode kimia), efek biologi dan klinik
• "active ingredient"  phytopharmaceuticals
constituent synergy for their activities.
• In phytopharmaceutical or herbal medicine the active
ingredient may be either unknown or may require
cofactors in order to achieve therapeutic goals.
• standardization to a marker compound.
ACTIVE • companies use different markers, or different
CONSTITUENTS levels of the same markers, or different methods of
testing for marker compounds.
• Many herbalists believe that the active ingredient in a
plant is the plant itself.
• Plant constituents have synergy and even active
constituent concentrations may be misleading
measures of potency if cofactors are not present.
• A minority of chemicals used as standardization
markers are known to be active constituents.

• Different compounds are chosen as "active

ingredients" for different herbs, there is a
chance that suppliers will get a substandard
batch (low on the chemical markers) and mix it
with a batch higher
• Quality in plant medicines depends upon a variety of factors:
 genetically strong seed
 correct species
 maturity of the plant at harvest
 good soils
 air quality
 Climate
 organoleptic factors (intensity of color, flavor and
 storage after collection is a factor worthy of study.
• In modern times certain constituents are identified and
measured with HPLC, GC, UV/VIS, AAS are used to identify
species, measure bacteriological contamination, assess
potency and eventually creating Certificates of Analysis for the
Strategi dalam penemuan senyawa bioaktif
dari tanaman
Pendekatan etnobotani
Etnobotani : studi pengunaan tanaman
obat tertentu secara empiris
oleh masyarakat disuatu


Misal : Aspirin, quinine, camphor, digitalis

Obat malaria artemisinin  telah digunakan
secara tradisional di Cina Artemisia annua L
• Herbs and drugs have been combined for centuries in
Asia and Europe
• Herbal safety show cases that may lack the appropriate
pharmacokinetics to produce the adverse results inferred.
• A study of herb drug interactions indicated that the vast
majority of drug interactions occurred in four classes of
drugs with narrow therapeutic windows, the chief class
HERB AND being blood thinners, but also including protease inhibitors,
DRUG cardiac glycosides and certain antibiotics like cyclosporin.
INTERACTION • Ginkgo biloba may have anti-platelet effects, although the
results are not clear as it also contains flavonoids that
improve blood function.
• Constituents of garlic and peppermint have been shown to
have effects on the CYP3A4 enzymes in vitro
• Many herbs that are listed as "potentiating" merely have an
additive effect, and including laxative herbs as antagonistic
to anti-diarrheal medications is tautological
Pentingnya Bahan Obat Alami
Secara umum, bahan obat alami menawarkan peran penting
dan cukup dasar dalam system pengobatan modern antara
• Berperan sbg obat alami yg sangat efektif
• Menyediakan senyawa-senyawa dasar yang menghasilkan
molekul obat dgn tosisitas rendah dan lebih efektif
• Modifikasi bahan alam inaktif dgn metode biologi/kimia
mjs obat poten

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