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Teenage Pregnancy: Presentation of Group 8

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Teenage Pregnancy

Presentation of Group 8
Use of contraceptive,
birth control and

Lack of parental Teenage Lack of sexual

guidance education here in the
Pregnancy Philippines

Victims of Sexual

or Adolescent Pregnancy occurrence of
Pregnancy in females below the age the
of 20. It usually refers to teens between
the ages of 13-15.
What is the main
cause of teenage

Increased risk of these outcomes are

Almost all of them fall predominantly caused by inadequate sex
pregnant because of lack of education, lack of access of birth control,
parental guidance and has bad increasing cohabitation and
misconceptions led by religion or
influence around them stereotypes.
According to a
When did November 2020
teenage Social Weather
pregnancy Stations (SWS)
became a main survey found that
issue for Filipinos think
women in the teenage pregnancy is
Philippines? the “Most important
problem today” in the
Where in the Philippines has
the most cases of teenage

One in three births among Outside Luzon, the highest number

minors occurred in the three of minors who gave birth were in
regions of CALABARZON the Northern Mindanao with 4,747
with 8,000, National Capital cases, Davao Region with 4,551
Region with 7,546, and Central cases, and Central Visayas with
4,541 cases
Luzon with 7,523.
Why does the Philippines
has one of the highest
teenage pregnancy cases?

One of the reasons for the high

rate of teenage pregnancies are Second is the lack of
inadequate sex education, access to birth
some girls do not know that
having sex can result in control and other
pregnancy or fully consider contraceptives and
the possibility of having Condom.
How can we
prevent teenage First of all parents,
pregnancy? guardians, and
caregivers can talk with
their teens about
reproduction, because
the sexual education we
have here in the
Philippines is only limited
to the anatomy of the
reproductive system.
Second, teach
them the use
of effective
and condoms
Risk of Teenage

Many pregnant teens

When teen pregnancy occurs, the
Teens drop out of school, and
entire family will be affected which
some never complete
are at a higher risk for their education. That
lead to stress that will affect family
relationships. The first predicament
pregnancy-related high means a lot of mothers
faced by the teen and her family is
who get pregnant as
blood pressure and its teenagers live in
whether or not to continue with the
pregnancy and have the baby. The
complications than poverty
teenager usually feel that she is not
average age mothers. ready to take care of the baby and
Risks for the baby opted for abortion or may give it up
for adoption. The problems will get
include premature birth worse if it involve legal issue
and low birth weight. which may add to the pressure and
stress that the teen and the family
American Pregnancy Association define teenage pregnancy as pregnancy that occurs for a
woman under the age of 20. We all know that this is normal nowadays, it's getting worst. As
the day passes by, cases of teenage pregnancy increases as the risk of poverty increases too.

How can naive children live in a world of poverty? And the few who can’t see the world
because of abortion? They are not at fault but they will suffer the mistakes of their parents.
Due to being young and unprepared, they don't know how to raise a child. Many children
grow up in a broken family because their parents are not yet ready with their
responsibilities. All children have the right to have an education but if they are lack of
money, how it can be given to them? Is the government still to blame for everything people
do? The rush of having a family, the temptations, the early pregnancy?

Aside from that, the risk of the mother – it has many health effects. Protect yourself and be
responsible, if you are not ready then do not do it. Every life is important. Every action has
consequences. Every breath is meaningful. Enjoy your youth but don't destroy your future.

Eric Josh Bernabe

Milles Sullan
Jillian Gabrielle Marasigan
Jandrei Kenlee Tolentino
Jelly Kim Coso
Jelian Garcia Flores
Joseph Miguel Manigbas
Yvan Cruz

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